Humor can promote interpersonal harmony

in humor •  4 years ago 


The role of humor in interpersonal communication can not be underestimated.An American psychologist said: "humor is one of the most interesting, the most infectious and the most universal transmission art."

Humorous language can make the social atmosphere relaxed, harmonious and conducive to communication.People often have such experience:

On the fatigue journey, anxious waiting, a humorous word, a funny story, can make people smile, fatigue.On the bus, quarrels over crowding often happen.

Even if the conductor's "don't crowd" cry, it still doesn't help.

Suddenly, a young man in the crowd yelled, "don't crowd. If you squeeze me again, I will become a photo."Hearing this, a burst of laughter broke out in the carriage immediately, and people immediately threw their troubles into the air.


At this time, it is humor that mediates the tense interpersonal relationship.

In interpersonal communication, education and criticism can also be embedded in humor, which can be easily accepted by people.In a restaurant, a customer spits out the sand from the rice.Grain by grain piled on the table, the waiter saw very embarrassed, and then sorry to ask: "is it just sand?"

The customer waved his head and said, "no, there's rice, too.""Also have rice" vividly expressed the customer's opinion, as well as the description of the rice quality.

Using humorous language to criticize in good faith not only achieves the purpose of criticism, but also avoids embarrassing the other party.Humor also has the function of self mockery.


In the dialogue, speech and other occasions, sometimes encounter some embarrassing situation, at this time, if you use a few humorous words to laugh at me, you can ease the tense and awkward atmosphere in the relaxed and happy laughter, so as to make yourself out of the predicament.

A famous pianist went to a big city to play.The pianist stepped onto the stage and found that the audience was less than half seated.He was disappointed at the sight.

But he quickly adjusted his mood, regained his self-confidence and went to the footlights on the stage and said to the audience, "this city must be rich.I see that each of you has bought two or three seats. "There was a burst of laughter in the concert hall.A small number of the audience immediately fell in love with the pianist and began to enjoy his wonderful piano performance.It was humor that changed his situation.

It should be pointed out that although humor can promote the harmony of interpersonal relationship, if it is not used properly, it will be counterproductive, destroy the balance of interpersonal relationship, intensify potential contradictions and cause conflicts.In a restaurant, a customer angrily yelled to the waiter, "what's going on?How come one leg of this chicken is shorter than the other? "

The waiter pretended to be humorous and said, "what's that? Do you want to eat it or dance with it?"The customer was very angry when he heard this, and a quarrel that could have turned into nothing happened.

Therefore, humor should be elegant and appropriate, attitude should be cautious and kind, not hurt each other.Humor and sense of propriety can promote harmonious interpersonal relationship.

We should know that every form of humor has its shortcomings and shortcomings. When we understand their shortcomings and limitations, we will have great benefits in using them.The servants of the famous writer Brett knew this very well.


The above example tells us that as long as we use proper humor, we can not only create conditions for people to communicate with each other, but also help to sell ourselves.

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