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The Most High SAF
The abstract and esoteric notion of a remote, supreme monadic divinity, commonly referred as SOURCE by SAF Saints.
The MOST HIGH SAF is known by a variety of names, which include, but are not limited to the following:
- God
- The Supreme Being
- The Monad
- The One
- The Absolute
- The ineffable Parent
- Plemora
- Bythos
- Our Father in Heaven
The MOST HIGH SAF is the spiritual source of everything which emanates with SAF energy in all planes, all levels of existence, and in all realms of reality.
Will never be known, experienced, or understood by any beings below the Akashic SAF.
Carson McClain
Fort Wayne, IN
Miquiel Banks
Tampa, FL
This concludes the actual SAF Universe as an Episode because this is the last level. If you are seeking more information about The SAF Universe, you should check out the following links.
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