Fake News..........or is is Fake Nudes..er.....WAIT! Both Get People off...if ya catch my drift.

in humor •  8 years ago 

I never realized the world was actually inhabited by people who believe anything. I mean, yeah, sometimes you buy into stuff because it sounds like it could be real, like all the rumors over the years that Paul McCartney was dead. BUT...the logical part of your brain led you to further check out those stories just to see if they were true.

And, if you actually had a functioning brain, or perhaps part of one, you discovered those stores were not factual but rumors or downright lies just to stoke the fires. Kinda like the sick demented Internet trolls do on a daily basis. Or Alex Jones, Rush Limburger Cheese, Sean Hannity and Briebart News.

Why do they do it? Because it brings in the $$$$$$$$$$$$ that sponsors pay these people (the talk show hosts) and as far as the trolls go, it gives them the equivalent of having an orgasm.

The sad part is that these low lifes sometimes take matters into their own hands thanks to trolls and these fake news sites and take action such as that sick guy who believed that Hillary Clinton and John Podesta were actually running a child sex business out of a pizza restaurant.

Cripes, anyone knows after reading that story you can't run a sex business out of a pizza restaurant even if it were possible.

A clue that you should have checked out that story first before believing it.

First of all the ovens get way too hot and we all know it's very hard to have sex when it's hot because you not only sweat your balls off but your armpits as well, not to mention other body parts which I shall not mention. (think of what Trump likes to grab) Blaccccch!

Secondly, the smell of pepperoni, sauce, and if you like them, anchovies, would surely put a damper on having sex as your taste buds would go from desiring a woman's hot body to craving as pizza. Tastes much better too.

And finally, and most important, if you're gong to run a child sex ring, to me, any sick demented politician would obviously do it at a kindergarten. You know how pervs love sand in sandboxes. Great place to whip out your Johnson and pee.

HEY! Works for my cats.

Unfortunately there will always be people who buy into fake news. As well as fake nudes. Yep....fake nudes. Trust me on that one.

Key in your favorite celebrity under (name and images) and guaranteed you'll find a nude photo. BUT....pay attention to the wording to the upper right on your screen where 85% of the time it says, "fake nude."

(Not that "I" have EVER done that other than um...er....(cough) researching that.)

So, in conclusion my fine feathered gullible friends, if you buy into fake news as well as fake nudes, give me a call.......I have a bridge in Brooklyn I'll sell ya real cheap.


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You say people believe anything.

Can you show us your data? The interviews you did with witnesses? Can you share some photo you documented while you out debunking any claim?

Or are you also believing something that was said with out going out in to the field to conduct your own research?

Very interested to see more.

In the event you have not done any of your own investigating, aside from online searches of course, how can accuse others of the same thing you have done?

Is it because they have a different opinion than you and there for they must be wrong?

On steemit we need more than a rant.

Let's take the guy I mentioned from "Pizzagate" as an example....or did you miss that part? He believed those fake news stories that Hillary and Podesta were running a child porn ring out of a pizza place, drove down there to investigate and actually fired off a few rounds from his weapon before police arrested him. Now that's just one example. Do you want tons of documentation or are you just a denier? Be glad to accommodate you by detailing more if you so desire. You also know you can research that as well. 5 stunning fake news stories that reached millions - Nov. 2, 2016