The Most Frustrating Thing On Steemit?

in humor •  8 years ago  (edited)

That's a great post! I think I'll up-vote it.

Oh, wait. It's only been up for 1 minute. I'll come back to it in 15 minutes.
Stop Sign

2 hours later: Oops. 200 votes and $45 and I forgot to upvote.

[All images from, licensed under CC0, Public Domain.]

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Ooops! now instead of getting a pityful curatio nreward, I'm getting a fraction of pityful rewards.

There's not a huge difference, if you like it. vote it.

I think if you vote in the first 15 minutes you get nothing (it all goes to the author), from 15 to 30 minutes you get to split the curation reward between the two with the closer to the 30 min. mark you get the higher the ratio in favour of the curator, and after 30 minutes it's all for the curators distributed according to their power and to the order in which they voted.

I read something like that on Steemit but I don't remember where. This would need to be verified but I think the text I saw also mentionned something to the effect that the formula wasn't exposed on purpose or that it was too complicated (too many factors?) to make it into a simple answer.

No, this description is not correct.
Here's an easy to read guide about curation

Thank you, I was hoping someone would come up with something.

It effectivelly is like that, as you state it. What I mean is: The difference between 0.0002 and 0.001 is not worthy of making a big deal about it.
I guess that as VP goes up on the average users that % difference can be considerable. But with less than 10m vests... Meh, just vote

You're right for any one post, but over days, weeks, and months, those little errors accumulate. I am almost always browsing the "new" feed, so if I don't try to delay at least a little, I'd be giving away almost all of my curation rewards.

It's not that bad, but yeah, you don't get 100% of your curation reward until 30 minutes. You lose almost all of it at 0:01 , you keep almost all of it at 29:59, and the curator's portion increases slowly during that entire half-hour, but I don't know exactly what the curve looks like. I read a post a couple months ago by someone who actually went in and read the code, but I couldn't find it again last time I looked for it.

Hah! This has happened to me a few times before... I'm going to preemptively upvote this post right away before I forget about it. ;-)

LOL yup I have done it countless times but it stops the bots causing trouble.