Stupid Questions 354

in humor •  last month 

Irish model Sophia Mitchell and “Pheromone Parties” aren’t really mentioned much in this edition of the series. Nothing here but stupid questions. Here they are, peeps!

“How Many Times?”

Do you like jalapenos?
(‘Cause I could be all jalapeno panties tonight!)

Dave asked: “Why didn’t God create Jesus the same way He created Adam?”

Do you know what the “Sniff Test” is?

Stupid TV Question: “Did you ever go swimming in ginger ale?”

A girl asked: “When men ejaculate, does the semen draw from both testicles, or does it alternate?”

Brian asked: “Do you think Anakin ever fisted Padme’s p*ssy and @ss with his robotic arm?”

Is it true that when it comes to dating some women, both the biggest pro and con is actually their mouths?

“How Many Times?”

What part of the word “illegal” do some people STILL not understand? (En Espanol: ¿Qué parte “illegal” no lo entiendes?)

Is it true that some people call testicles “wonkas” because they’re in between a Willy and a chocolate factory?

Is it true that vaginas are like the weather? When it’s wet it’s time to go inside?

Why don’t most of you readers not ever look up the quoted terms in the introduction?

Is there anything about the state of menstruation that compromises the efficacy of a condom?

Did any of you honestly think I would forget to post a gratuitous picture/video of lesbians?

You all do remember I do not personally write most of this material, right?

Does anyone miss the foot fetish stuff when it’s not included?

Mike asked: “Did you ever have a poop so big it feels kinda gay?”

Kirby asked: “If foot fetishes are a thing, are hand fetishes a thing as well?”

“How Many Times?”

Are any of you tired of these stupid questions yet?


(Images courtesy of original owners)

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