Stupid Questions 371

in humor •  3 months ago  (edited)

American actress Laura Marano, Black Friday, and “Oklahoma Jet Ski”, aren’t mentioned in this edition. Nothing here but stupid questions. Here they are, people!

(Note: Beware of NSFW humor.)


Ladies, is it true that a good man breaks your headboard, not your heart?

Is it true if a guy f@rts while a gal is fellating him and she keeps going as if nothing happened, then the guy is then obligated to buy her something shiny and expensive later?

If “money is the root of all evil,” why do they ask for it in church?

Did you know that I have a black belt in cunnilingus?
(Yeah, I’m a master of tongue fu.)

Is it true that the difference between “fetish” and “felony” is checking beforehand?

Men, is it true that if a woman cries out: “Don’t pull out!” while you’re raw-dogging her you absolutely should pull out?

Is it simply bad form to “Oops!” it in the backdoor?

“Ain't It Strange?”

What part of the word “illegal” do some people still not understand? (En Espanol: ¿Qué parte “illegal” no lo entiendes?)

Did any of you think I would forget to post something about lesbians?

Guys, did you ever meet a gal who dyed her pubic hair?

Does anyone miss the butt stuff when it’s not included here?

Is it true that one should never blow into the vagina?

Is it true that if you are using anal beads on your partner you shouldn’t pull them out and say: “And the winning Powerball numbers arrrrre. . .!”

Is it true that peeing after sex helps to prevent infections? (No, seriously, does it? And how do you avoid the usual post-coital split stream?)

Is it true that when switching from any position to doggy-style you should not yell: “Beast Mode!”?


Are any of you tired of these stupid questions yet?


(Images courtesy of original owners)

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