Stupid Questions 384

in humor •  9 days ago 

American actress Ali Larter, and “Adonitology” aren’t mentioned much in this edition. Nothing here but more stupid questions. Here they are, folks!

“Who Goes There?”

Is it true that “every exit is an entrance to new experiences” except when it comes to butt stuff?

Is it true that when your lady says: “I shaved my p*ssy, do you know what that means?” you should never answer: “Yeah, the drain’s clogged again”?

Know what I call oral sex in the morning?
(A good head start on the day.)

Did you hear about the steer who was descended from royalty?
(His dad was Sir Loin.)

Did you know my girlfriend used to smoke after sex and that’s why we started using lube?

Do I still have to ask: which part of the word “illegal” do some of you still fail to comprehend?

Did you hear I took a job with Schwinn?
(I’m their new spokesperson.)

“Who Could Win a Rabbit?”

Do really crowded elevators smell differently to little people?

Would you miss it if I forgot to include lesbians?

Guys, is it true that you should “make her cum off foreplay then wreck her sh*t”? (I’ve always thought so although I’ve never expressed it in such a way.)

Does anyone miss the butt stuff when it’s not included here?

Guys, is it true that “if she look good and she single, she’s the problem”?

Doesn’t anyone who reads this column research the quoted terms included in the introduction?

Guys, when you find a floaty in the toilet, do you use it for target practice?

Do you know what’s ironic about fellatio?
(Even though the man has the woman on her knees, she still has him by the b@lls.)

“Who's Laughing Now?”


Are any of you tired of these stupid questions yet?

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