HIGH LEVEL INSIDER AMA from 4Chan transcripts ... easy to read, not in 4Chan form.... PART 2: 7/10/16 (2)

in hundredthmonkey •  8 years ago  (edited)

PART 2: I have High Level Insider AMA from 4Chan transcripts ... easy to read, not in 4Chan form

I'm transcribing these AMA sessions from HLI on 4chan.

This is not because I'm necessarily subscribing to every word or believing it without question, but it was more compelling than any AMA I've seen in a long time. It takes a long time to read them on 4chan so I thought this might be quicker for busy people to get at the content.

He says some pretty heavy shit along the ride. Obama = Osama, Clinton blackmail/pedo/cocaine dealing/9-11, he even says Hillary's campaign logo is symbolic of her pride behind closed doors over 9/11.

He wholly ignores the maelstrom of racist shitposters on 4chan - but if one of them does have an intelligent question underneath the epithets, he will skip over the offensive language and answer the question.

He starts later posts with mysterious photos - for example, the spooky Bank of America mural in Charlotte, NC and Plato's Allegory of the Cave, plus many more. I'm including those in the transcripts. He refers to his organization as Three and is completely non-racist on all fronts (unlike FBIanon). It's compelling stuff when you dig through it. I wanted to see if anyone is as fascinated as I am.

I'll stop cutting and pasting the above after a few more threads.

7.10.2016 (2)

HLI: High level insider here. Question session is open.

/pol/: How do I get put into the cycle? How could I prove worth?

HLI: You don't live in a hegemonic world.

The answer to your question depends on which side you want to support.

/pol/: [question deleted]

HLI: If you don't know who you are or where you stand, you're only useful as a pawn.

Is that the fate you want for yourself?

/pol/: I know where I stand, only. Plus, the fool gets the last laugh and he is frequently a pawn. Consider these messages a cry for help.

HLI: The fool that gets the last laugh is a jester who is playing a game at a higher level than others perceive.

The foolish, not so much.

/pol/: Question session where?

HLI: Go ahead, anon.

/pol/: Who would carry the torch if Hillary went down?

HLI: Thinking that Hillary is going down is by herself is fantastical nonsense.

Thinking that she is going down with all the people she has dirt on is even more fantastical.

/pol/: What would be the most productive course of action to reduce how fantastical either of these scenarios are?

HLI: You have to provide a serious alternative.

I'll help you out a little.

You are surely aware of the Clinton involvement in the CIA drug running. Do you also grasp that this is important to national security?

We control the value of the dollar by soaking up excess currency through the drug trade.

I am not telling you it has to be this way or that it is the best way. But if you want to do otherwise, you need a legitimate plan.

/pol/: Yes, but Hillary's health has been failing her lately. She might actually die from natural causes, so who carries the torch then?

HLI: The establishment has no qualms with Trump if the public turns on Hillary and/or her health fails.

/pol/: I thought Soros hates Trump and the wrench he's throwing into the globalist scheme?

HLI: Why on Earth would Soros hate Trump?

Strategies of tension don't work without opposing sides.

/pol/: It seems as if no politician counts as a "serious plan" since they're all bought and sold. So what, get serious about armed revolution against the rich? You're being too vague and philosophical anon, almost as if you are LARPing.

HLI: What are you going to do after the armed revolution anon?

That's not a serious plan. It's one (among many) pathway to implementing a serious plan.

/pol/: He's pumped more money into the DNC this year than ever in an attempt to stop him. And also the little thing about how Trump is push for nationalism. I'm starting to doubt your validity buddy.

HLI: Soros increases his spending every cycle. This is an artifact of growing personal wealth and influence as well as inflation. It is not a measure of opposition.

/pol/: This is not about armed revolution
It doesn't matter what happens after we figure out the truth
What matters is a truth is being kept from us

HLI: What truth would you like to know?

/pol/: Who is involved in the global pedophile network among the ultra rich and what do they get away with?

HLI: Pedophile network is a bit of a misnomer.

It's more like a blackmail network. Some people are not into it and you don't get forced into it.

We profile people from a young age and bait them with preexisting predilections. In this more general sense, you can check off just about any name you know as compromised seriously.

/pol/: All of them
If you have a purpose
State it

HLI: My purpose is to turn you into a more potent person. You express what you lack through your questions and I fill the gap.

/pol/: Ok, so again every politician is compromised. What is a serious alternative to this being the case?

I have lots of anarchist and socialist friends who would tell me armed revolution and that you can't fix a broken system from within, so what are you talking about a serious plan?

I think the solution is a global shift in consciousness brought on by a pink laser from Sirius. Is that a serious alternative?

HLI: Anon, do you honestly believe these people are serious?

Think about what a joke it is to say let's stop having the CIA traffic drugs - if that is as far as you go. You've just put a serious kink in the monetary order without any ideas about how to compensate for that.

We let your politicians run drugs and have orgies with children because they have a functioning methodology of governance and you don’t.

/pol/: Sure, I have some time to larp, I've been productive today

“potent person”
wonderful alliteration

What's the overarching goal of this whole thing that we are investigating?

Huma is third? in charge, who is second?

What's the next move?

HLI: The watchers are interested in order, not chaos.

We don't seek chaos to create order, we create order out of chaos.

For the most part we are compensating for your flaws, not scheming against you. You are dangerous to yourself.

Do you think you could waltz into the white house and hold it together? No, you can't. So we don't let you.

/pol/: It doesn't matter what happens after we stop all the bad things
That's like asking who's going to pick the cotton after we stop slavery
T. Stephan

HLI: You are being childish. Stopping the bad things without a compensating methodology creates an even worse situation.

You don't want to live in a society like Somalia. You want order. You have to have a reasonable plan for implementing it or you won't be taken seriously by anyone that matters.

/pol/: How are we supposed to believe you have our best interests at heart, or are even capable of understanding what the comman man desires?

HLI: Do you not think your condition has improved over the last 100 years? Or 200 years? Or 300 years?

We give you the ability to communicate with anyone on the planet, unlimited educational tools, open libraries, and yet all you can do is point towards bad things instead of imagining a better future. Of course we provide the future as long as that is true.

/pol/: What is the end plan here? Is it a new World Order?

HLI: The world order already exists.

Do you really think there is any significance to the name of your municipalities or whether there are two hundred of them versus just one?

Doesn't matter. You're chasing ghosts.

/pol/: “We give you the ability to communicate with anyone on the planet, unlimited educational tools, open libraries”

You do not provide any of that shit. Free Markets and Businesses that are capable to innovate at a faster rate than the government provide those goods and services.

Fuck off. You have proved yourself to be nothing more than a hoax.

MODS ban the IP of this faggot.

HLI: I am certain that in another breath you have lamented the lack of free markets. In that instance, you would have been correct.

Yet now you believe in a ghost. Time to grow up.

/pol/: If you are who you say you are
I understand your reference to some degree
I am perhaps limited

Aren't you just supposed to watch?
What is the basis for your interference?
Isn't this beyond your orders?

You seem over dependent on knowing the future
You're just supposed to watch

Perhaps we are children.
But these are terrible parents

HLI: There would be no reason to watch for signs of danger if we did not do something upon spotting them.

/pol/: So your concern is the transition period?
4chan gold is in action i guess?
can't get derailed so long as we keep talking about it
he's bumping

HLI: We have nothing against a different way of doing things.

We laud the utopian goals of some of you, but we are also tempered by reality.

The world is too precious for ideological experimentation.

/pol/: Power isn't the problem, it's who has it. We don't like (((you)))

HLI: You can have it if you become capable of using it.

/pol/: so what the heck is the point of more of the same, a, so you say, compensating methodology, wouldn't that just mean more of the same? this is really vague and doesn't get into any actualy societal numbers, any thing with integers would help. your talking like a stoic philosopher. yet I'd rather work in the realm of measurable real world things. we all know what the plan is for the west and its a downwardly one that no majority of this board supports without many billions of layers of irony.

HLI: I'll give you a concrete example.

Many of you lament the deindustrialization of the west and the decline of middle class jobs.

But how many of you buy Chinese goods?

Not 1 in 100 even bothers to look at the store.

Did we do this to you or did you do it to yourself?

/pol/: I'd like to avoid the french revolution
I understand your concerns
What is it you require

HLI: If you had specific, actionable plans with a reasonable basis for outcome improvement you'd be well on your way to seeing them come to fruition.

/pol/: F off, rp'ing faggot. You sound like a 20yr old who who ran a failed mmo gaming clan once upon a time.

HLI: Your temper tantrums speak to your own need for me.

/pol/: so they, ( i like saying they )or you, have made a 1950's boom in china. what's next is a global china military with or without or future, and a possible 1950's boom this upcoming century in europe i am guessing after this one passes. everything that worked in the past using the same formula will work again. but what is ignored is the formula that works that most /pol/acks would agree we are missing so much of our lives in the west that our boomer parents took so much for granted was a functional livelyhood. we know your interested in us but any type of person can come here and ruse.

HLI: These consequences are the result of choices that the masses made, not choices made for them.

Again, how would you do better?

If you can't answer that, you can't say we're doing wrong by you.

/pol/: This biggest mistake that ever happened was when the Israelites asked for a king
Now we're caught up in this convoluted mess
Probably go with a similar governmental structure as now, just with significantly less corruption after everyone gets booted out
Probably 50-60 year of unrest, even russia is involved with this

HLI: A lot of your hearts are in the right place but your faculties of reason are failing.

Corruption is an essential element of the existing system. As I mentioned earlier, CIA drug running as an example.

This has consequences that no one likes, yes, but how would you do better?

/pol/: We'd start by avoiding corruption
kind of a prioir bad

HLI: Here you are driven by emotion rather than reason.

Where does the corruption come from?

Pools of dark money.

Why do we have these?

You can't avoid economic collapse on your own. You demanded order and it was given to you.

/pol/: Actionable plan: revamp the public education to something other then a disaster its proven to be, something that is comforting like a home or a meuseum or a library type of enviornment with exercise facilities for healthy exertion. media to something that isn't as misleading as its been for the last 40 odd years, sorry i can't explain further. banking has had a lot of interesting things datamined i would wager and im sure theres something fromthat pile u would find, i just can't think of it right now. sorry I'm not in my peak condition to engange in more detailed discourse then this.

HLI: These are goals, not policies.

We don't differ much from you on goals. We differ in means.

/pol/: Eliminate a need for corruption. We have supposed patriots working for the state. Why do they even have a need to act out with corruption in the first place? Why go against what they wanted to protect.
Hell, it makes no sense to me, unless it was all emotional garbage nonsense in the first place.

HLI: Let me give you an insanely brief history lesson.

You demanded anti-monopoly laws about 125 years ago and they were given to you.

One of the consequences of removing monopoly power from the market is systemic bankruptcy. In other words, there is no effective market clearing mechanism because we don't ever get to the point of having a monopoly left that can't raise prices to generate profit to clear bankruptcy events.

As a consequence, we must allow another mechanism to clear systemic bankruptcy. This is your CIA drug running or government sloshing money around to big banks or increased welfare or whatever. We're bailing out bankruptcies.

But you did all this to yourself. And you brought the corruption on yourself by demanding anti-monopoly laws without thinking through the consequences.

We won't allow the world to collapse, so we allow people to do things to mitigate that. If you have a better plan, put it on the table.

/pol/: Can you explain how Soros and Trump are on the same side? One is for globalism wants to flood refugees into Europe, while the other is against that.

HLI: Both of these people are simply working to create a plausible facade of legitimacy from which to govern you and they both benefit in this goal from the other's efforts.

You have the power to neuter either of them with your day-to-day choices, but the followers of either will not utilize this ability and both of them know it.

/pol/: I don't really want order though?
It's hard to explain
People have to find their own way.

You're trying to set us up to have some sort of ruler
But the most successful empire in the world was based on the idea of "first among equals”

HLI: Enlightenment has a prerequisite of your basic needs being met. You can't find your own way if your society isn't sufficiently ordered.

/pol/: That doesn't make any sense though. There's no need to "clear bankruptcies." The lenders/vendors simply don't get paid and that's the end of it.

HLI: That's cute. The mass poverty and starvation that results from these processes are not tolerable outcomes however.

/pol/: Like I said, the greatest mistake was when the jews asked for a king
You're a fun larper
If you are what you're larping, you should trust in us
You've been told what we're capable of

HLI: I have not seen even the slightest hint of how to change things for the better from anyone in this thread.

/pol/: Just drop it all. What I truly want is total reformation. This system is flawed with human logicality, because that's what put into it. A system can exist outside, not made by our "human" logicality, but by the universe's logicality, but I call for Utopia.

The truth of it is the world is descending into anxietal ruin. Money is not becoming a care to the everyday man at a larger rate. That's a big deal. That's a much bigger deal then should be considered. The quest of money is the only thing holding people back from doing what their emotions tell them because these people view themselves as worthless so they act as if their life is throwaway, so with wanton emotion. I'm not an economist by any means, by free market should work when the wealth redistribute the money fairly which was not performed in any fashion and the money that was was given to the wrong people and completely turned the system into a joke. I cannot live in a single place working 2 jobs and own a car. I need to get a girlfriend to do that. It's not as simple as offering a plan. There's a lot of shit.

HLI: Since you're American, is it not possible for you and your fellow Americans to stop buying foreign goods? Do you not have the resources to be a self-sufficient nation? Could you not go back to the set of behaviors that allowed general increasing prosperity in the past?

In theory, yes. In practice, you do not govern yourselves and act against your own self-interest.

This is why you need us.

/pol/: Thank you for answering our questions.

  1. Will the BLS/Fed fake statistics in order to prop up the economy/markets for November, in order to help Clinton be elected?

  2. Did 26 children die at Sandy Hook at the hand of Adam Lanza's AR-15?

HLI: Propaganda will continue as long as it is needed.

/pol/: We haven't been doing this for thousands of years like you. Still have a lot of books to read. Any recommendations?

HLI: I suggest that you become technically proficient.

Magic is nothing more than sufficiently advanced technology.

What you really want is magic - a leap forward in possibilities. You do this with technological sophistication.

Read science journals. Think about how to improve the world with innovation and organization.

/pol/: End globalized trade with poor countries and bring back the American School of Economics by keeping Hillary Clinton out of office.


We have work to do, exposing CF and distributing the findings.

HLI: Don't you have the power to do this yourself?

Stop buying foreign goods.

Oh, wait, you want us to impose that on you. You want a parent after all, right?

/pol/: Why is it you say chaos and french style revolution isn't your goal when every single post you're making only makes the case for a global reset and the systematic and total removal of (((YOU))) more convincing? I recommend you stop before you activate something you don't want to.

HLI: You are not capable of your fantasy.

If you were a potent actor, you wouldn't need us.

/pol/: I have moved towards self-sufficiency all my life. Now that I think about it, it's not even conscious. Efficiency in this time-driven world plays a large part now that we are self-sufficient, but there is still a whole world of skill I should know under the pretense of potential what-if scenarios. So, with that being said, it already is in practice in my head, which mean in theory it works and I know it does. So, the real question would be why doesn't it work in America currently? It used to. Wild West is a prime example of true Anarcho-capitalism working or collectivism or whatever you want to make it.

HLI: The masses do not see beyond their nose, so we do it for them.

/pol/: Not possible as an individual, the state must implement tariffs. The state doing what's required to do what's best for the people rather than some stateless merchants. The state is US, asshole, when it's not being run by traitors.

Lolbertarian globalist emergent bullshit can go to hell. We want our governments back.

HLI: We thank you for your support.

/pol/: why are we so stupid? why when the massive amounts of actual correct answers are out there on the interenet and computing sectors are we lagging in the real world? Example: governments such as california are building "high speed rail" when there are projects such as the "well known" hyperloop transport. and the lesser known ET3 transport. we drive in dangerous vehicles and old fashioned buses when we could leave an apartment using JPOD's that would link up to the hyperloop. there are many areas of arguement similar to this one. the smallest bit of argument could be made as to why cereal bags aren't zip lock yet.

HLI: Have you tried organizing something like this?

You're not wrong - there are projects along these lines that would pay for themselves.

Why not go do them? We have given you a sufficiently ordered society to make these things possible.

/pol/: The masses need drugs is the most efficient solution I can find. I think a nationwide trip on like 1/4 dose of acid would do great things. They need stress, happiness, and purpose/understanding to see more past their perspective. This can usually only done by select people usually chosen at birth, but on drugs anyone can do it and it can be instilled by others, because it's obtainable by anyone.

HLI: You're turning towards the correct effect, although I suspect it is unlikely that your means are viable.


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