What is Huobi Global Elites Program?

The Huobi Global Elites program is created to expand the global business of Huobi and establish itself as the world’s largest digital asset trading platform. In this program we would enlist blockchain professionals from targeted regions to achieve this together with us.
On September 19, the third phase of the Huobi Global Elites program has been officially launched. Since its launch in March this year, its members have covered more than 20 countries in 5 continents, including Hong Kong, Taiwan, Russia, South Korea, the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Nigeria, Brazil, etc.
The Huobi Global Elites program is aimed at boosting the development of Huobi partners in key business and regions. Meanwhile, it also serves Huobi’s global strategic layout by promoting Huobi’s local expansion as a “vanguard” of Huobi’s local business.
Huobi’s vision is to grow together with Huobi Global Elites through sharing of knowledge and resources. The Global Elites who are successful in the building a large market would have the opportunity to take part in creating an independent exchange for that region. (for example like the Huobi’s Korean exchange).
Duties of Huobi Global Elites:
Maintain the brand image of Huobi, achieve the business objectives, platform construction and growing of new businesses in the region.
Responsible for online and offline community operations to grow new users and service existing users.
Jointly establish Huobi’s regional exchange, including website development, marketing, operations and community building.
Expand and maintain local customer resources, and accomplish the goal of maintaining new customers for segmenting clients.
Jointly improve the related products of Huobi, feedback on the regional customer’s suggestions.
To promote the development of regional blockchain industry, and identify users’ risks.
Iinvolved in providing brand, marketing operations support, and also influence business growth in the region.
Act as advocate of Huobi, and is responsible for customization of the regional and head quarters’ market plan
HT Global Point incentive for the designated region. (Huobi Tokens will be given to Global Elites who surpass their annual KPI subject to Huobi’s discretion).
Continuous training and development opportunities .
Invitations to Huobi’s Global Exchanges events and Summit.
Opportunity to participate in project discussions and investment opportunities seminars.
Enjoy benefits that are consistent with executives.
Global Elites are entitled to higher rebate tiers.
How To Join Huobi Global Elites?
Complete the registration in 3 minutes and connect to top blockchain resources.
Fill the form: https://huobipro.jinshuju.com/f/t2fvsH
In field “Referee” type this UID: 35495212 Constantin_BTC
About Huobi
Huobi Group is a world-leading cryptocurrency financial services provider. In 2013, the founding team foresaw the great potential of the blockchain industry to revolutionize the future of the global financial system. Huobi Group has planted offices in Singapore, the United States, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, and is prevalent in over 130 countries across the globe.
Huobi have high-quality members from over 20 countries and regions and the number of our members are growing.

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Huobi-Communication skills of super rebate group: https://t.me/SuperrebateEN
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HBUS (Huobi’s U.S. Partner): https://twitter.com/HBUSofficial