The economic chain is only as strong as the weakest link. As inequality builds among nations and within nations you approach unrest, revolt, disaffection, and destruction of consumer markets.
If the disparity between the wealthy and poor begins to expand, you eventually won't have enough consumers to buy products of corporations that maintain the wealth and investments of the haves. The wealthy only buy one or two cars, one or two toothbrushes, a few bars of soap, a smartphone or two, some new clothes and that's it.
There are not enough people in the top 1% ofvweakth owners to sustain industry sectors and factories or to fund the government with their tax revenues. You need the broad populace to sustain the capitalist economic system.
Absent this there would be a global economic collapse and all assets of the wealthy including gold, real estate, bonds, equities, currencies would diminish in value and cause chaos and mayhem.
The progressives who have tried to address this issue sometimes struggle to find solutions within the capitalist framework. The conservatives do not even consider addressing inequality as an ends. They have pandered to the wealthy and corporate lobbyists without dealing with consequences.
Intellectual conservatives like William F. Buckley or Jack Kemp may have realized the faults and attempted to tweak supply side and laissez-faire economics as well as limited government and developed a necessary hybrid form of economics. Adam Smith did not foresee many of the modern developments in capitalism and technology.
Not everyone has the interest, talent, greed, or time, opportunity, and capital to try to accumulate huge sums of wealth and yet they must still survive in society and be able to act as consumers as part of the hybrid capitalist system.