in hyperborean •  last year  (edited)


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"As Described in the Judo-Christian Bible, Demiurgo is the 'Alpha and the Omega', and the End Will Be Like the Beginning.
Remember: All I offer is truth.
Nothing Else. "

In Hyperborean Wisdom, there is much talk about the INTELLIGENCE of entities, that is, the evolution of each entity toward the highest degree of archetypal perfection. This evolution occurs under the magnetic fluid of demiurgic breath, that is, over time. Meanwhile, entities will never be able to reach absolute perfection, for this would mean their COMPLETE INDIVIDUALIZATION - now, if the whole universe is made up of monads that make up Demiurgo, their full spiritual development would result in TOTAL DESTRUCTION of Jehovah-Satan.

The sleeping that is committed by almost all men will cause the whole Universe to be fagocated and incorporated into Demiurgo. This will be the moment when Hindus call Brahma Night. The end shall be like the beginning: the solitary Creator, and NOTHING around it.

Only one who awakens to the Incarnated Spirit state will survive this phagocitation – for the hyperboreal initiate outsyncs with the flow of immortal time, acquiring OWN TIME, and thus AUTOCTONE SPACE – becoming into existence within itself and beyond any will or determination.

However, there is the promise that the Wildes Heer, the Furious Army of Navutan, will return at the end of times to prevent the fagocitation of the dormant spirits, and will strike the battle that will bring an end to the Cosmos and its imperfect Creator, bringing back the spirit of every man who turn to the loyal gods back to their Royal plane of existence: Hyperborea."

Ouroboros image credit:

Via fb Carlos Da Costa da Costa
Holy souls attic initiation order
Academy of the forgotten - 13
OISA - CasdeOGY - Cotia - SP
House of warrior ogum and yansan

Via fb Made in Egypt

It's a capacitor producing sound with magneto-electric field. The centre where Ganesha is, is where the new Beginnings radiate from as the truth. 8/



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Elohim are the children of El, El Elyon (Most High) Semitic Canaanite pantheon deity. They are the Luminaries, the shiny ones, aka the wondering stars, the seven planets: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Sun, Moon, and Mercury.

They are the archangels of Most High who control 12 zodiac houses and seven chakras of human body. As the pure scalar light of El and Asherah slows down into visible white light at its constant speed it then separates into a rainbow of seven colours, sounds, senses, principles etc, forming the Herzian waves of visible matter along with seven states of Consciousness, self awareness as I am that I am (light) is that of Saturn aka Lord God Jehovah of the OT bible, eldest of the Elohim and second only to Christ Consciousness which is awareness of the Absolute Source of the Creator Mother (of Peace/Chaos) and Father (of hidden/revealed truth, beginning & end).

This article is close to the truth but still far enough.

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