how to use hypnosis to pick up a girl

in hypnosis •  8 years ago 
;Often we can walk up to people and make them do anything, even instantly strip off all their clothes and lick our faces! Problem is, most of the girls who hypnotists like me know they can hypnotize in advance of attempting, aren’t the pretty ones! So the question is why? Because if we know why the pretty girls don’t get hypnotized then we can potentially overcome it.OK, so a little bit of background. For decades hypnosis was thought to only work on a small percentage of people (Somnambulists; Usually not hot nymphs!?!) So a lot of subjects were dumped into a box ‘can’t be hypnotized’ the thing is, many hypnotists did then successfully manage to hypnotize everyone in this ‘can’t be hypnotized box?’ so the question emerges so why did the first hypnotist fail?Hypnosis has been shown in recent studies to not be a special state, or any state whatsoever, its just that a hypnotized person, listens to the ideas you present, and plays along with imagining them for a time being, typically then having the experience that those ideas appear to take on their own form, they go from ‘I’m choosing to experience’ to ‘I’m experiencing’.In light of this new research it gave us two failure scenarios i) someone never agreed to play along with what you have them imagine for a time being, and ii) you didn’t adequately define what they are to imagine.It shouldn’t be surprisingly that ‘hallucinating you as attractive’ and ‘imagining your attractive’ produce identical brain signatures, there is only one visual context, one way of representing spatial location, one way of representing colour etc. That why hypnosis and imagining show no difference in studies investigating hypnosis versus imagination. 

 There are only two flaws to this as a method for getting people to imagine that we are attractive, and we will cover them now i) resistance and ii) economics(I – Resistance) Our aim in seduction is to place the idea in a girls head that ‘I really fancy him” then we know a method for achieving this i.e. ‘having her imagine all the reasons why she fancies me’. The only reason she won’t do this is because she will resist your attempt based on the very fact that she has no commitment to you, and has other opportunities in her life to consider and thus has never given you her full attention. Also if she did agree to imagine that, she’d probably be playing along and might resist by imagining all the ways in which you’re not attractive, in order to give herself a less biased perspective. But never fear, we will come back to a covert way to plant the idea without getting caught, and thus overcome this potential problem.(ii – economics) This is all a very well and good theory, ‘that you can someone covertly place the idea into a girls head that she fancies you’ however there is the problem, that’s this: Welcome to life. You’re the tiniest little grain of sand on an endless beach of grains. When we attempt to speak to a hot girl in a competitive environment (where lots of guys are fighting for her attention) then without any way of getting out of this perfect market failure then we are not going to close her.In fact, it goes one step further, her preconceptions about what her life should be like, her mobile phone, Facebook, preconceptions about what makes a guy attractive, are all opportunities begging for her attention that she has placed more value on than you Mr Grain Of Sand. (source: Wikipedia ‘perfect competition’)Without a method, (target selection) just approaching a girl in a nightclub will result in a cold blank refusal, if not a slap. There won’t be an opportunity to have her imagine she fancies you, you won’t even get a moment to utter a word. Its for this reason that we need some kind of process of selecting who we speak to.  Clearly those girls who have a lot of guys hitting on them, or seem preoccupied in their minds cannot be used for our little hypnotic experiment.  If you spend all night hitting on girls who are competed for your going to go home very frustrated at your inability to pull girls.However, all is not lost, there is a way of getting everyone around you to watch you and spotting which girls have some interest in your presence – peacock theory and social proof.  From this, we can create a frame where these girls, hold their attention on us, long enough for us to present them with sexual ideas. A state where Facebook notifications, interruptions by friends, preconceptions about what a physically attractive man looks like, don’t exist.When your peacocking, talking to everyone or knowing everyone gets attention – which is the aim of these tools, then you should visually see that people are looking at you. You should feel them actively move towards you or away from you as you go towards them, this indicates that they are aware of you – This is great because now you can do something with that energy, you have something to work with.(Find a shared moment)Typically what happens here, is suddenly you discover someone is mimicking you, they are smiling in the same manner or dancing in the same rhythm or just seem to have a presence about themselves that you can feel within yourself. Perhaps they are standing in the same way, or talking in the same beat, and tone.  – sure you might say I’m talking about rapport, I don’t think you can fake rapport, you really need to feel the emotions that someone else feels, and lose yourself within them before you can connect to them. Often on dance floors, the music might progress to a peak, or it might be a moment where everyone begins singing where suddenly its acceptable (as it’s a shared moment) to hold the girl and sing or dance with her.(Inner game for you and for her)In this state, she is isolated, alone and formally or informally agreed to spend a portion of time with you, without distractions. I see this Zen like moment an opportunity to progress, to escalate her attraction and commitment to you. It’s worth mentioning that girls clearly  mimic a lot of your behaviours when they are alone with you, so if you’re a relaxed sexual person who is ready to go back to bed and rest with company, then she’ll feel like that too.At this stage of influencing her we come back to the already covered problem that by simply stating that “Imagine you fancy me” naturally creates the resistance “but I can see all the reasons why I don’t fancy you” i.e. she has purposely opened all the pathways that frame you as not attractive in order to have an unbiased view of your attractiveness.Therefore, the way we have someone ‘imagine they fancy is’ is portrayed more covertly is through the activities that you both engage in, that you convince her to go through without arousing her suspicion that either you fancy her, or that you are having her see all the reasons why she fancies you.The way we do this is through, (Indirect compliance escalation) Isolating the target, Kino escalation – touching her upper arm, touching her lower back, hugging, eye contact, smiling, letting them watch you while you do something else (so they have time to decide why they like you – the same way you would have in the past stared at a girl to decide whether you like her).  Making sexual jokes, references, which triggers sexual ideas. The whole time we are indirect, we have plausible deniability for why we are touching their hair, or leading them to the bar by touching their bum – that is to say when you touch their hair its because your questioning the colour, when you touch her neck its because your neck is tense and you want to show her how it feels, there is always an excuse whether its verbal or implied. This allows us to escalate her commitment without getting caught, the moment you portray interest in her she will have to eject you from the set, as she doesn’t feel anything for you yet – girls need to feel the connection, guys decide a lot faster whether they fancy a girl.(Closing)You need to be careful, it’s often easy to talk passed the attraction. If you talk about career, education etc. a lot of the times it can bring up her ambitions and preconceptions about what she wants, this might make her bring up her preconceptions about the type of guy she thinks she should be with. I really don’t recommend spending time in this area. Its better just to focus on her compliance, whether she’s going with your touch, eye contact, presence, proximity to you. These things are much more malleable and you can visually check that she is warming to you, whereas in conversation you can end up in topic areas that are not good, if you are going to chat tend to talk about irrelevant silly jokes; as these have no risk while at the same time progressing the duration of relationship you two share. Sometimes its best just to focus on what she wants and going with the moment.A guy I know called me up the other day, he’s great with the girls but seemed to be losing them on the close. I didn’t know the full story, but he suddenly said the other day “when I start talking about sex, and how much I want to f**k them, then suddenly they get back with their ex’s or another guy”I said to him, “Why get consent, when it’s clearly already on, Talking about sex, talking about attraction, when your going to meet up, go round each others houses, turns it into a business contract rather than an amazing something that just happened! It takes the energy out of it, it makes it cold, formal.You don’t need to have her explicit consent about sex or attraction or her even liking you if you know you’re the bomb, why would you care anyway?! Read her signals use that as the tell tale signs that its on.Kissing is a ideomotor yearning – that means its something she did without thinking about it, so the more you can get close to someone, make full eye contact with and occasionally brush across each other, the more likely the kiss is to occur, how can you tell someone wants to kiss you, because when you move closer to them they move closer to you, a kiss should never be thought about or preplanned its just your coping each other so much that you just come together in a moment, its another shared moment where attention is met with compliance and mimicking.And sex is just a location; the moment you’re in bed together, because of the way of the body is wired up you and her naturally become turned on, hence morning glory – the secret is having a reason why you could be isolated together, perhaps to share food, share a cab or watch a movie. 

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