This video is Part 1 in our series, Las Vegas: Real or Contrived? Ask a Psychic.
The topic of this video is "Did a Shooting Take Place?"
In this video we will look at the readings from the I Ching as it relates to whether or not there was actually a shooting. Did it take place? Was this event the result of one shooter or multiple shooters?
To be honest, I have no real experience with a firearm, nor have I ever been shot at or in close proximity to anyone who was shot. However, I am aware of folks who have been shot by guns with less fire power than was reported in this event, and to this day they are still in recovery. But again, I have no clue what an open battle field looks like and for sure, with all the Hollyweird goings on and filtering of reports from the real live battlefields that are happening right now, I am left with little knowledge about what that would even look like.
However, judging from the audio.. It appears that something was going on that was not being explained clearly and succinctly to even a novice like myself.
So, Like I always say, I prefer to ask the Oracle and see what I receive from them. The Oracle can help me look behind the veil of illusion, mine and what the MSM's narrative is.
So let's look at what the I Ching is telling us as it relates to whether or not a shooting took place and if so, was there only one shooter or multiple shooters.
As I mentioned in my previous video, I will also sight the readings I received when consulting about the energetic forces. The idea here is to correlated and see if there are connections between the energetic forces and the topic of each part in the series. I have found that these connections help us to better understand how the Oracle attributes the influences between the different actors and/or situations.
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