Physiology and artificial intelligence

in ia •  4 years ago 

Welcome to the project "Open mind" Welcome to the Open Mind Project. This is an open project that anyone can join. We are practically testing the Theory of Emotionally Conditioned Consciousness (TEСC) to see if it is suitable as a basis for a strong AI. The main tenets of TEСС are the following statements:

1)Emotional regulation is what unites all the processes of the human mind into a single adaptive mechanism capable of independently setting goals and searching for ways to achieve them. Without emotional regulation, any, however complex, self-learning program is only a weak AI capable only of solving specific tasks set by a human.

2)Emotional and cognitive activity of the psyche are inextricably linked. Our every thought, every action, and every event perceived from outside are accompanied by an emotional evaluation. These evaluations differ in magnitude and sign. That is, they are either pleasant or unpleasant. The totality of negative emotional assessments, occurring at a given moment in time, is the suffering that a person is experiencing here and now. And the totality of the positive assessments, is the pleasure that he is experiencing in this moment. Thus, a person's emotional state at any given moment of time can be represented as a point on a coordinate plane, where on one axis is the degree of suffering, and on the other axis is the degree of pleasure. The degree of suffering and the degree of pleasure are the two main parameters of the psyche. Together they define the Current Emotional State (СES).

3)Any complex psyche can be formed on the basis of a small set of rules prescribing emotional reward or punishment under very simple and easily formalizable conditions. For example, stimulation of the receptors that determine the level of carbon dioxide in the blood is followed by the torment we call suffocation. Stimulation of the pain receptors is followed by pain. A sharp, loud sound is followed by fear. There are similar examples for the innate rules of rewarding pleasure. A set of these simple rules, combined with the Hedonic Principle (HP), which prescribes the desire to increase the positive component of СES and decrease the negative component, allows the formation of a set of secondary rules that reward and punish for approaching the conditions of fulfilling the innate rules. For example, an experienced hunter feels joy when he discovers a fresh trail of prey, because this event brings him closer to the pleasure he will experience when he tastes meat. The joy of discovering a trail is not innate, but is the result of learning from previous experience. Making progress in creating a strong AI requires creating a set of primordial rules that will allow infinitely increasing the system of secondary derived rules, creating an increasingly complex mind capable of evaluating more and more parameters of the surrounding reality and performing more and more complex combinations of actions to improve its emotional state.You can read more about these and other TECC statements here

Rules for evaluating the material:

After reviewing the image, evaluate which component of emotionally conditioned consciousness predominates. Which is more, suffering or pleasure. After determining the predominant component, give it a quantitative rating on a five-point system. Then evaluate the one that is less predominant.

Your assessment will be subjective, of course, but if a large number of people's assessments largely coincide, this will allow you to speak of emotionally conditioned as an objective reality.

A benchmark for quantification:

+1 - Very weak state. Minimal that can only be recognized as positive.
+2 - A state that can be expressed by the word "good".
+3 - Very Good. It is winning the competition, sex, light drugs.
+4 - A state that a person is unable to break. From which he does not voluntarily come out.It is the best possible sex, light drugs, the happiness of the long-awaited victory...
+5 - Maximum possible pleasure. Corresponds to the peak of the best orgasm.
-1 - A very weak state that can only be recognized as negative.
-2 - Bad.
-3 - Very bad. Toothache. Headache. This is a state of intense suffering, but one that the person is able to overcome by an effort of will and engage in activities that are not directly related to getting rid of the suffering.
-4 - Pain from extensive burning, skin tearing, flesh tearing, horror during a panic attack. It is a condition in which the person cannot do anything except try to end the suffering immediately.
-5 - Maximal suffering corresponding to blinding pain at the moment of bone crushing.

In grading, we assume that any emotional states can be combined, except when the intensity of the emotion is rated at five. In these cases, all mental activity is subordinated to either suffering or pleasure.

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