Rubius Blockchain The innovation Of Our Time.
Rubius is a blockchain software startup dedicated to developing Aryl, a facile-to-use, iOS Ethereum wallet and payment platform. Aryl sanctions users to send, receive, or request payments in the currency of their cull.
This includes a decentralized Ethereum wallet, which fortifies thousands of .cryptocurrency. Can be utilized with Aryl Ethereum who can distribute and sanctions users to access centralized crypto called Rubiex, where they can buy, sell, and trade cryptocurrency currency culled. Aryl is fundamentally Venmo of cryptocurrency, because it additionally includes aspects of gregarious media, which sanctions users to connect with friends directly in the application. But, it withal gives liberation of privacy for those who prefer anonymity. To finance the development of the application of Aryl Rubiex and exchanges, we have the ICO (initial coin offering). They offer their own cryptocurrency called Rubius (ticker symbol: RUBY). RUBY is a scripting platform of keenly intellective inception cryptocurrency that operate at Ethereum (scripting). Aryl Its main goal is to make technology cryptocurrency Aryl and blockchain more accessible and facile to utilize. As with any incipient technology, it will take cryptocurrency and blockchain some time to hang out with the general public. they optate to facilitate the process of with Aryl, open source, iOS Ethereum wallet, and payment application. This makes cryptocurrency more facile to obtain, and additionally security stability in an unstable market utilizing its own SWITCHnya. To avail them achieve their goals, the application will exhibit an intuitive layout. Aryl shows wallet Ethereum decentralized, which fortifies thousands of cryptocurrency2. Users will withal have access to our centralized crypto, called Rubiex. By signing up to Rubiex, users can buy, sell, and trade cryptocurrency Aryl options directly from the application.
- Send, receive, and requests In the application of Aryl, users have the facility to send, receive, or request a token payment in the Aether, or Fiat, Ethereum, make it subsidiary for traditional transactions in currencies and cryptocurrency.
- Wallet Functionality Aryl provides users with many features, such as engendering a decentralized Ethereal wallet (a dyad of keys for this wallet is stored locally on Your iOS contrivance), the balance of the Aether and the Ethereum token, and can transmute the password wallet.
- The utilization of In-iMessage Users will be able to send and request payment directly from their conversation iMessage. If users send or request payment from a contact who does not have an Aryl, contacts will be asked to sign up to the Aryl to consummate the transaction.
- Connect with friends The habitation screen exhibits all current events (i.e., the request, payment, events, etc.) from the utilizer’s friends. These friends will accumulate directly from the contact person or convivial media accounts (i.e. Facebook).
- Replace Aryl’s Switches feature reduces the peril of utilizing a cryptocurrency with a utilizer preserve mazuma in a currency that is more secure, and then automatically MOVE them into cryptocurrency of their cull when they send the payment. For example, they can receive payment in the Ether and then linking repayment to U.s. dollars to preserve it. If they optate to send mazuma in the Ether, they can transfer dollars to the Aether to the transaction.
- Exchange Feature (Rubiex)
users will withal be able to redeem their token for the fiat currencies of their cull. To utilize the Exchange, they will ask the utilizer to register the remote application with the rubix provide supplemental information KYC (ken your customer) to avert mazuma laundering and fraud.
ICO (Initial Coin Offering) is an effort or event that is done to get the project development fund that is being built. By utilizing the ICO then funds will be obtained and the project will go smoothly. ICO will offer a token to the investors who invest their mazuma. The given token will be given the price of the initial sale price corresponds to the Token. The token can be sold on the market cryptocurrency like bitcoin.
To be able to ascertain information about the bitcoin, we certainly need a friend. on this occasion I will discuss advanced applications. In which the application was developed to sanction users to connect with friends directly is Rubius.
Token Info Name : Rubius Token : RUBY Platform : Ethereum Type : ERC20 Total Crowd-sales : 210,000,000 Total coin issued : 300,000,000
Price : 1 ETH = 7000 RUBY
The Allocation Of The Token
The total supply of RUBY tokens is three hundred million (300,000,000 RUBY), of which 80% will be allocated to ICO. With the remaining portion, the project has allocated 3% for its reward program, 10% for its founding team, 2% for its advisors, and 5% will be kept as reserve either for partnership offer or exchanging list.
For further information about Rubius, below Is the road map;
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