DataBrokerDAO ICO

in ico •  6 years ago  (edited)

DataBrokerDAO: The house can work for you

Probably about which we will speak about the majority of things today you heard only within science fiction. But nevertheless it is already objectively existing reality that can't but please. We begin the review about DataBrokerDAO – the platform which will help to earn from functioning of your household appliances.

Things have united in the Internet

Whether you know what is the Internet of things or IoT as this phenomenon is called in abbreviated form? Most likely yes in this direction the equipment which surrounds us develops. IoT is the system of interactions of technical devices through network for increase in overall performance of each element and system in general. To put it briefly one of the most striking examples of the Internet of things is the "clever house" system.

In IoT objects constantly analyze information around themselves transfer her to processing to the central computer which makes actions on the discretion or offers options to the owner – the person. However recently the person becomes less and less necessary link for ensuring stable and correct work of the Internet of things.

And if during our small story you having examined the place in which you live still you think that such technologies wait for us at least in several years that at us for you the small research which you can conduct independently is prepared. If you the owner of phone of brand of Apple or one of new smartphones of other trademark that attentively thumb through the list of the standard applications – one of them will be just for management of home IoT.

Moreover if you open app store with request of smart house that number of software products which perform function of management of home IoT will impress even more. Developers of software already know that mass use of similar technology will begin soon in spite of the fact that it still has the list of defects concerning safety and other.

Moreover in the developed countries, the layer of societies which is called by wealthy households has made clever systems in the house something like a trend. Became fashionable to brag of hi-tech of novelties which they place on the house.

But the Internet of things is not only the switch of light which reacts to a voice of the owner or the refrigerator which distributes air streams concerning density of products which are stored in him. In which in that understanding tells DataBrokerDAO about it - it is set of sensors which collect information on your house and on everything day and night that occurs in him and a little outside.

One of often met examples is the smart system of providing with air in the house. On all room sensors which measure are placed:

  • Temperature outside and inside
  • Pressure
  • Humidity level
  • Oxygenation
  • Room space
  • The average number of people who usually are in the room

… and many other things. You understand that the perfection doesn't have a limit and every day all new and new systems which adding the measured parameters are issued do conditioning in the room to even more perfect.

Removing all this information such systems can maintain the ideal temperature which will provide comfort to all who is in the room. Nevertheless for such task ordinary at first sight it is required to measure a great lot of various indicators and after to determine even more consistent patterns which one way or another influence the end result – the atmosphere in the room.

Goods which you own

Having called so the section we have solved will address those who has already installed at himself in the house similar systems and the truth owns that what we speak now about. When you installed the similar equipment in the house that did it for the sake of a certain benefit – to have more comfort at home. But you for certain didn't think that you can cut expenses on service of such equipment if they make for you a certain profit.

Around there are a lot of people who want to know what data sensors of your house about your activity and especially about that collect as you use various devices:

  • The research organizations it is their bread. Receiving similar metadata they analyze them generalize and sell ready researches to the commercial organizations.
  • Businessmen and where without them. Sometimes it isn't obligatory for producers and different distributors of the equipment to resort behind council to scientists about that how exactly to use the obtained information. At the same time they need to know as often you prepare you wash hands you turn on the light and other to create the most suitable products.
  • Thieves burglars. The joke a blockchain won't allow them to obtain such data on your house and later we will tell why.
  • State and private builders. They want that that housing which they have built made for them profit. Therefore the arrangement temperature natural lighting has to be such which satisfies the client's whims. Therefore they not against to obtain information from IoT sensors for the requirements.

And if you think that it is the complete list that very you are mistaken. Businessmen sometimes think out very interesting solutions of various tasks using data which are made by you and your home equipment. Therefore buyers for your goods, will be much more than you can imagine. Having established conditionally small dachshund that some company will obtain data on your ventilating system. However here the person interested will face a vital issue: the market of trade in such information doesn't exist however there are monopolists – the companies producers of the equipment which collects information.

As a result they knowing about the primary situation don't hesitate in the choice of the prices for the services. Thus the usual companies which aren't provided with the capital for such grandiose purchases are left without necessary data, for production of qualitative and competitive production.

Moreover the majority of data which collect the companies conglomerates have nothing in common with a qualitative information product. As though instead of the book have sold you a set of pages and you would be still forced to put them to understand contents.

With these problems can DataBrokerDAO will cope. Their decision using a blockchain can create the market relations of absolutely new level and present to the outdated system of one more participant of process – provider of data of the user who owns the equipment and is ready will share results of his work with the world.

About that as all this will occur you learn in the following part of the review where we completely will open interaction the party benefit which they will receive and also we will a little dream up on the future. To be continued!



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