HADA DBANK---Islamic Banking.

in ico •  7 years ago 

Provide Ethical and Responsible Banking Services to all people, especially the current "Unbanked" population.

Become The Leading Global Blockchain & Digital Bank that emphasizes Ethics and Responsibilities through Sharia Banking Principles and Services. At some point we have bad experiences when dealing with conventional banks due to high service costs or lack of empathy during transactions with their personnel.

HADA DBANK, developed a comprehensive digital blockchain bank that will make life easier for everyone, regardless of their status. They will be able to perform banking activities at a cost of 0% and enjoy the quality of service from us.

HADA DBANK will become a blockchain-based digital bank in the world by integrating Sharia banking model with blockchain technology, to create an ethical and responsible banking ecosystem. Hada DBank chose to win Islamic banking services and plan to use pre-ICO funds to apply for FinTech License from Swiss Financial Market. Hada DHBank is the first digital bank to combine sharia banking module with blockchain technology, to create an ethical and responsible banking ecosystem. Hada DBank is present as part of the current financial revolution through the creation of a caring and personal bank.
this is the core value of Hada DBank that forms and influences services, transactions, interactions and running a business. Hada DBank aspires to improve people's lives. Different customers have different needs, and require different service and attention. The principles of Sharia Banking require total transparency from customers and banks.

Conscientious decision making, backed by market insights, real digital analysis, AI analysis and blockchain technology will undoubtedly benefit future customers. Hana DBank aims to promote ethical and globally responsible banking. Syariah banking is not just for Muslims. It's for everyone.

But it does represent "Transparency and Risk Sharing".
supported by market insights, real digital analysis, AI analysis and blockchain technology will undoubtedly benefit future customers. Hana DBank aims to promote ethical and globally responsible banking. Syariah banking is not just for Muslims. It's for everyone.
But it does represent "Transparency and Risk Sharing". supported by market insights, real digital analysis, AI analysis and blockchain technology will undoubtedly benefit future customers. Hana DBank aims to promote ethical and globally responsible banking. Syariah banking is not just for Muslims. It's for everyone. But it does represent "Transparency and Risk Sharing".

Regardless of the Muslim population of 1.7 Billion and billions of people who prefer to subscribe to Islamic banking services, HADA DBANK will also focus on populations of 644.1 million people in Southeast Asia (ASEAN).

Interesting facts about ASEAN:

  1. Have a population that has no banking I about 438 million.

  2. More than half of the ASEAN population is under 30 years of age.

  3. Have a market penetration of 854 million smartphones or 133% compared to the population, but only 53% of ASEAN population online, leaving significant space for future market expansion in Indonesia. As an online specialty bank, this fact convinces us to focus on ASEAN as our secondary market. We schedule to offer our Syariah Banking Services gradually in the second quarter of 2018.

Encrypted free & e-Wallet account:

a.smartphone - The banking application.

b. Non-Smart Phone - SMS / USSD Code.

  1. Savings & Withdrawals.

a. Minimum 5% return on savings per year.

b. No withdrawal fees.

  1. Transfer, Remittance & Exchange.

a. free transfer and remittance fees (fiat and cryptocurrency) between personal storage account and e-wallet.

b. minimum 0% fee on exchange transactions via HADA Exchange (between crytocurrency). No charge on the primary FIAT currency during crypto currency-fiat exchanges.

c. Connect with partners or open the API to get better interest rates for other currencies.

4.Loan & Investasia.

a. 0% Loan Interest.

b. 10% minimum investment return.

  1. Real-Time Payments.

Real-Time Payments use HADACoin and Cryptocurrencies / Tokens through our Debit cards,

HADACoin is an ERC-20 coin made using Ethereum platform . A total of 500 million HADACoin will be created. HADACoin will have 6 decimal units . More information on HADACoin as stated below:

a. Conducting activities and financial services in our Banking Platform

b. Make a payment for service using your Debit Card

c. Receiving Monetary Gains such as Dividends, Refunds and equivalent to depositing them in your Savings Account or using our Investment Solution

d. Act as collateral when applying for our Unsecured Loans and Long Term Loans

e. Trade in Crypto-Exchange and earn more profit by increasing HADACoin value!

We intend to raise capital for the development of DBANK HADA through its HADACoin. Buyers use HADACoin to conduct banking transactions or daily activities. Customers are given a debit card, which enables them to trade with HADACoin in other HADA banking platforms or merchants globally.
As many as 500 million HadaCoins will be issued. 295 million coins will be offered for sale. Of the 295 million coins, 20 million will be allocated to private investors and institutional buyers, 50 million coins will be released during PRA-ICO training and the remaining 225 million coins will be released in our ICO practice in the near future. 10 million coins will be allocated to the bontiHADACoin campaign is an ERC-20 coin made using the Ethereum platform. A total of 500 million HadaCoins were created. HADACoin has no intrinsic value and also security, there is no guaranteed Monetary profit like Dividend, Return or anything related when buying our coins like that. You may use your Coins to perform activities and financial services on our Banking Platform, Pay for our Debit Card service, Receive Monetary Gains such as Dividends, Refunds and anything equivalent to depositing them in our Savings Account or utilizing our Investment Solutions Act as collateral when applying for our Unsecured Loans and Term, Marketing in Crypto-Exchanges and generating more profit by increasing HADACoin value. 35% of capital gained through PRE-ICO exercises is allocated for research & development of banking platform and system as well as future product development. The last 15% will be saved as RESERVE.
This reserve will not be used unless it is needed and strict rules will be established. The decision to utilize this reserve will be determined by top management collectively and unanimously, to ensure there is no mismanagement and excess reserve use.
We will increase DBADK's HADA Reserves to 30% of total capital, in the nearest future in accordance with Islamic Finance Law. to ensure there is no mismanagement and overuse of Backup. We will increase DBADK's HADA Reserves to 30% of total capital, in the nearest future in accordance with Islamic Finance Law. to ensure there is no mismanagement and overuse of Backup. We will increase DBADK's HADA Reserves to 30% of total capital, in the nearest future in accordance with Islamic Finance Law.

HADA DBANK uses private blockchain stored in every node in the network controlled by DBANK HADA. Some nodes only store a blockchain copy and can act as a gateway node or server backup node that acts as a validator on a secure network. The main database is essentially implemented in a blockchain structure, where each block is a set of transactions. Each new block defines the new core state according to the previous block state. The core database integrity is provided by blockchain. Each block is connected cryptographically to the previous block. This feature ensures the ability to validate database and transaction history anytime in the future.

The primary database stores all the data that passes its core. In addition to the main database, there are other databases that store only the final state of the core. This database is optimized for fast read and write account data during new transaction validation. Thus, each node in the network stores and processes the core state using two databases simultaneously for rapid transaction retrieval and reading. Decentralized dedicated computer networks validate and confirm transactions are under the control of DBADK HADA.

HADA DBANK intends to make it easier for everyone to do banking activities regardless of their social status. HADA DBANK will issue a prepaid debit card that allows unbanked cashless transactions. They are not required to have a bank account or e-Wallet with us to enjoy this service. Customers can also withdraw and cashback through ATMs and merchants globally.

Bonus Referral or Bounty when your referrals register with us through your Referral Code.
HADA DBANK uses private blockchain that is stored on every node in the network. By default, all nodes are controlled by DBANK HADA. Some nodes only store copies of blockchain and do not take part in the transacton confirmation process (consensus protocol). The node can act as a gateway node or backup server.

A node that acts as a validator can be found on a secure network segment of the bank and available through the gateway node.
The core core database is implemented in a blockchain structure, where each block is a set of transactons. Each new block defines the new core state according to the previous block state. The core database integrity is provided by blockchain and consensus on it.

Each block is connected cryptographically to the previous block. This feature ensures the ability to validate the database and history of transactons on each tme in the future. The primary database stores all the data that passes its core.

We intend to raise capital for the development of DBANK HADA through its HADACoin. Buyers will be able to use HADACoin to conduct banking transactions or daily activities.
Our customers will be issued with a Debit Card, which enables them to transact with our HADACoin, within the banking platinum or other merchants around the world.

HADACoin Distribution

Price HADACoins during Pre-ICO

A total of 500 million HADACoins will be issued. 295 million coins will be offered for sale. Of the 295 million coins, 20 million will be allocated to private investors and insttutonal buyers.
50 Million coins 275 Million will be released during the PRA-ICO exercise and the remaining 225 million coins will be released in our ICO practice in the near future. 10 million coins will be allocated to the gift campaign.

Pre-ICO Funding Target

Soft Cap = 5,000 ETH

Hard Cap = 20,000 ETH


35%: Capital raised by PRA-ICO will be allocated for research and development.

30%: For Operational Expenses.

20%: For Capital Shopping.

30%: For DBANK HADA Reserves.


Participate In Bounty HADA DBANK


10.000.000 HADA DBank Token for bounty program.

Twitter Bounty
15% of total Bounty is provided for Twitter bounties to be distributed among participants according to their number of followers as follows:

1500-3000 Followers: 3 Bets per week.

3000-5000 Followers: 4 Bets per week.

5000 and above Followers: 6 Bets per week.

Rules for Twitter Bounty:

You must follow the official twitter account of Hada Bank https://twitter.com/HadaDBank and https://twitter.com/Hada_ico

You have to retweet and like all tweets by @Hada_ico
You must tweet at least 2 of your original tweet about HadaDBank and use hash #HadaDBank #ico #Hadaico hash tag in it.

Twitter account must be criptocurrency related, real and must have a 90% twitter audit.
Participants are required to retweet and share post daily and not all retweets or sharing in just 1 day.
You must post all your retweet and tweet links in the following format Every week on Friday here your bet will not be appreciated:

The first week:
Retweet Link 1
Retweet Link 2
Retweet Link 3
Retweet Link 4
Retweet Link 5
Tweet Link

Twitter Registration Form: [ Click Here ]
Spreadsheet: [ Click Here ]

Facebook Bounty
15% of total Bounty pool is provided for the gift of Facebook. Bounty Facebook bets will be distributed as follows:
1500-5000 Followers / Friends: 3 Bets per week.
5000 Plus Followers / Friends: 4 Stakes per week.
Rules for Facebook Bounty:
Participants must like and share the official HadaDBank Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/hadadbank.official/
Must like and share any posts published by hadadbank.official
The profile of the participants must be public.
You must submit a constructive comment of at least 2 hadadbank.official posts per week.
You must post all Shared Posts / Likes and your comments in the following format Every week on Friday your bet will not be appreciated:
The first week:

Shared Posts / Likes Link 1
Shared Posts / Likes Link 2
Shared Posts / Likes Link 3
Shared Posts / Likes Link 4
Shared Posts / Likes Link 5

Link comments
Facebook Enrollment Form: [ Click Here ]
Spreadsheet: [ Click Here ]

Translation Bounty:
10% of the total bounty pool is reserved for translation of our ANN threads, Whitepaper and Hada Bank Website into your language. Google translation will not be accepted.
Distribution of Stakes:
Translation of ANN thread: 100 Bets.
Translation of whitepaper: 500 Bets.
Site Translation: 300 bets. Only the following languages ​​are required in Arabic, Indonesian, Turkish, French, Mandarin, Russian and Korean.

Local thread moderation: 1 bet per post.
Rules for Translation and Moderation Bounty:
You Must Join Our Telegram Group https://t.me/HADADBank .
You must update the ANN you translate and keep it updated with all updates in our main ANN thread.
Use Google to translate ANN or whitepaper will not be accepted.
You should check if your language is not booked yet.
You must be allowed by the gift manager to translate. Please post here to order or pm user wapinter to order your language.

Translation Registration Form: [ Click Here ]
Spreadsheet: [ Click Here ]
Blog and Article Bounty:
10% of total Bounty is reserved for Blog / Post article.
Website owners with reasonable number of visits to their site may apply for this promotion. This would be an added advantage if the website is linked to crypto.
Must be 500 words without spaces and symbols.
Must be unique.
Must contain some positive comments about HadaBank .
Must Include links to the Hada Bank website https://www.hada-dbank.com/ and ANN ANT Thread Bitcointalk .
Must bear your bitcointalk forum username.
You will be rewarded for your efforts as follows
500, 300 and 100 bets for an article / blog / Video , depending on the quality, uniqueness and distribution of blogs / articles.

Article / Blog Registration Form: [ Click Here ]
Spreadsheet: [ Click Here ]
YouTube Bounty
10% of total bounty pool is provided for YouTube Bounty. Depending on quality, reach and uniqueness, the video will be categorized under Best, Good and medium category and earn the following bet:
Best Videos: 500 stakes
Good Video: 300 bets
Medium Video: 100 bets
Video must be 2 minutes long.
The video must include a link to the official site in the description.
Must have your bitcointalk username in the description.
Videos must be published on a crypto related youtube channel with at least 20 subscribers.
YouTube Registration Form: [ Click Here ]
Spreadsheet: [ Click Here ]

Signature Bounty:
20% of total bounty pool is provided for signature gift campaign.
Jr.Member: 1 bet per post (Maximum 30 posts per week).
Member: 2 bets per post (Maximum 30 posts per week).
Full Member: 3 bets per post (Maximum 30 posts per week).
Sr.Members: 4 bets per post (Maximum 30 posts per week).
Hero / Legendary Member: 6 bets per post (Maximum 30 posts per week).

Terms and Conditions for signature campaigns:
Participants must be active Bitcointalk forum users with no negative trust.
You must create at least 1 post per week to be eligible for weekly betting for that week.
The minimum post is 50 for the entire campaign period.
Posts with less than 50 characters will not be counted.
If you gain negative trust or are not allowed to enter the forum for any reason, you will be disqualified and no payment will be honored to you.

Multiple accounts are not allowed and users found using more than one account will be disqualified.
You may not remove our signature during the entire campaign period and be permitted to do so by the campaign manager.

Posting in the Off-topic, Beginners and Help, Politics and Society, Local and Gambling sections, posts in this thread and other signature, gift or giveaway campaigns will not be counted.
Spam and Trolling are not allowed.
Article / Blog Registration Form: [ Click Here ]
To Install Signature and Avatar: [ Click Here ]
Spreadsheet: [ Click Here ]

For more information about our project you can see the link below:

WEBSITE: https://www.hada-dbank.com/

TELEGRAM: https://twitter.com/HadaDBank

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/HadaDBank

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/hadadbank.official/

WHITEPAPER: https://t.me/HADADBank

BOUNTY: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2611797.0

MEDIUM: https://medium.com/@hadadbank

ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2607739.0

INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/hadadbank/

My Bitcointalk Profile : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1118487


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