We prepared step-by-step instruction on how to credit BTR on the example of MyEtherWallet.
You have to send ETH to the address of Boosteriod smart contract to take part in preorder and check that your transaction is successful with Etherscan. After that the information about reserved tokens will appear at your peersonal account on Boosteroid website. It will be possible to credit tokens to MyEtherWallet from October 23, 2017 .
For this you have to do the following:
Log into MyEtherWallet
- Find Transaction History and click the link Tokens.
Check if BTR tokens have been credited successfully (from October 23, 2017)
Click Boosteroid to see the address of smart contract.
- Go back to MyEtherWallet and click Add Custom Token
- Fill in the form
Address: 0x0C0Ed9A68C9cA0eCed8612E2f80a519867F36869
token symbol: BTR
fractionality (number of characters after comma):
Now you will see your BTR tokens ballance.
How to take part in BTR tokens preorder
BTR tokens preorder will take place from October 16 till October 20, 2017 on Boosteroid website.
You will be able to place BTR tokens preorder from 9.00 (СЕТ), October 16 to 21.00 (СЕТ), Octrober 20, 2017. 1 BTR token price is $0.48. Total number of BTR tokens: 20 000 000 BTR. It will be possible to pay with ETH.