in ico •  7 years ago 

A platform for selling and bartering goods and services via cryptocurrency and the blockchain. Nimbus Token platform can be used for almost any business project. Stores can use the platform to raise money by selling their own branded tokens instead of struggling with venture

The Nimbus Token allows small business owners like a family pizza shop to expand their business by using cryptocurrencies. The Nimbus Token Platform allows for that. Owners of NIM tokens can open stores, sell stores, raise money, expand businesses, issue their own branded tokens (NIM.MikesPizzaShop) or use their NIM to run stores for others. That being said, the use of cryptocurrencies allows such stores to benefit from the privacy and security from cryptocurrencies and smart contracts. The Nimbus Token Platform allows for a system to sell products and also a rise in jobs. It allows for business owners to create an entire new career.

The advantage that Nimbus Token has over other cryptocurrency platform is that they have found a way to use Blockchain technology for any product or service. They enable blockchain technology to raise money for small business projects and crypto entrepreneurs. The buyers of NIM token have immense amount of flexibility which gives it a long term validity. If a user doesn’t like the product offered, they can barter for another product or get a refund based on the sales the store has logged. This flexibility coupled with smart contracts, NIM token is a more useful cryptocurrency than a traditional one.

The Nimbus Token Platform is flexible enough to be used for any business projects. Using this platform, stores can raise their own money instead of struggling with venture capitalists or banks. NIM are used to open stores and unlock the ability to buy branded product tokens.

NIM token holders can open stores, raise money, expand their business, issue their own branded tokens or use their NIM to run stores for others. This is not only a system to sell products, it is the rise of an entire job class where people can create entire new careers that are currently unavailable in the FinTech world.


The mission of Nimbus Token is to change the lives of small business and entrepreneurs so they can grow in a way that isn’t available through platforms like Kickstarter.

This is a real opportunity for entrepreneurs to help small businesses expand and grow while the entrepreneur has new tools and new ways to expand their token portfolio. This is life-changing for entrepreneurs with brick and mortar businesses by selling their goods and services via cryptocurrency and the blockchain.


  1. The Nimbus Token Platform can be used for almost any business project. Stores can use the platform to raise money by selling their own branded tokens instead of struggling with venture capitalists or suffering the humiliation of the typical banking experience.

  2. With product tokens, the customer can always exchange their token for a pro rata refund. The customer can opt to cash out the token or trade the token on the exchange. Instead of having yogurt tokens, they could swap those for a token that can be redeemed for a bicycle – a true digital bartering system on the blockchain.

Types of Nimbus Token

The platform uses two types of tokens, NIM and NIMx; each with its own specifications:

  1. NIM: These are utility tokens that are sold during the token crowdsale. The tokens leftover from the crowdsale will be available to be mined.

  2. NIMx: They are product tokens. NIMx are used to denote different product tokens in the whitepaper. Platform users can barter one type of NIMx token(say NIM.MillerAvcdos) with another one(say NIM.ArizonaSpa).

Nimbus Token Ecosystem

The Nimbus Token Platform has a disruptive ecosystem geared towards building businesses and selling their products. The platform allows for new businesses to start their businesses without having to go to banks and taking out those pesky loans. It does this by allowing a business to launch a token sale to raise funds for their business needs. By doing so the business can raise its own funds to purchase real estate, goods, hire workers, and start selling their products or services. Stores on the platform sell a new type of cryptocurrency called product tokens and their value is derived from the sales a specific store generates. Our working theory is, the more commerce that is transacted, the more value the product tokens will have. Not only do we believe this will increase the value of NIM over time, but we believe it will enrich the broader Ethereum ecosystem as well, especially in third worlds countries where the fiat currency is useless. The Nimbus Token Platform offers multiple use cases for anyone who purchases NIM tokens. For example, the Nimbus Token Platform can be used for almost any business project, from Bicycle Shop, Bakery, Phone Repair Shop and so on. Stores can use the platform to raise money by selling their own branded tokens instead of struggling with venture capitalists or suffering the humiliation of the typical banking experience.


October 21, 2017

4am Pacific Concept Created.

November 2017

White Paper Written, Rewritten, Re-rewritten.

December 2017

Smart Contract, Development.

December 27, 2017

Whitelist Sale Begins.

January 3, 2018

Pre-Sale Begins.

January 17, 2018

Public Crowdsale Begins.

Q3 2018


Q2 2019

Platform v2.0.


  1. Storm Bear Williams - CEO

  2. John McAfee (The Big Dog) - Senior Strategist & Advisor

  3. Steven Peterson - Blockchain Badass

  4. Keith Hall - Superstar Backend Developer

  5. Kevin Williams - Genius Frontend Developer

  6. Daniel Spyralatos - Miracle-working Director of Social Media & Digital Marketing

  7. Dean Williams - A+ Director Of Business Development / HR

  8. Ernest Chuang - Content Writer


The Nimbus Token has a very strong and experienced leadership. Their founder Storm Bear Williams has spent his career working for multiple silicon valley startups and Fortune 500s alike. He had crowdsourced a soldier support charity called which was featured on Oprah and People magazine.#sponsored


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