InvestBazar launches CryptoBazar - a new direction that allows entrepreneurs from anywhere in the world to display their projects using the blockchain on crypto-exchanges.
There has been open acceptance of applications for attracting investments in your projects through ICO since June 8, which allows you to attract tens of millions of dollars for several weeks to projects from anywhere in the world.
In order to participate in the project, you need:
- Submit your project application to attract investment to CryptoBazar until June 20.
- Follow announcements and clarify the rules and features of participation in CryptoBazar on pre-ICO-Day.
- Present the project to private investors and investors specializing in crypto-investment on CryptoBazar pre-ICO-Day in mid-July.
- Get investments in your project from private investors or our own fund and bring your project to the ICO.
To apply and find out the details, you can follow the link