Concierge Coin, the fly in the Monetary Sovereignty soup. Disruptive, clever and unstoppable.

in ico •  7 years ago  (edited)


Kermit the frog famously said, “It isn’t easy being green.” It also isn’t easy convincing people that traditional economics not only is hypothetically wrong, not only is factually wrong, but is wrong to such a degree it is extremely harmful to our economy. Following is emphasizing the USA monetary system and it’s, say flaws harming all other countries. We regard the rise of cryptocurrency as ‘the cure’ for this unfair system and the entire Concierge team derive our drive from this purpose!
Here are the facts, which you may choose to interpret for yourself.

  1. Fact: Money is the way modern economies are measured. By definition, a large economy has a larger money supply than does a small economy. Therefore, a growing economy requires a growing supply of money.

  2. Fact: All money is debt and all financial debt is money. In addition to being state-sponsored, legal tender, there are four criteria for modern money: Monetarily Sovereign money must be defined in a standard unit of currency. MS money has no, or limited, intrinsic value. The demand for money is determined by its risk (danger of default or devaluation, i.e., inflation) and its reward (interest rates). Money must be owned by an entity other than the entity that created it.
    The above criteria describe many forms of money including currency, bank accounts, T-securities, corporate bonds, and money markets. There is no form of money that is not debt. A growing economy requires a growing supply of debt/money.

2.a. Fact: Federal “deficit” is a statement of the net amount of money the federal government has created in one year.

  1. Fact: U.S. depressions tend to come on the heels of federal surpluses.
    1804-1812: U. S. Federal Debt reduced 48%. Depression began 1807.
    1817-1821: U. S. Federal Debt reduced 29%. Depression began 1819.
    1823-1836: U. S. Federal Debt reduced 99%. Depression began 1837.
    1852-1857: U. S. Federal Debt reduced 59%. Depression began 1857.
    1867-1873: U. S. Federal Debt reduced 27%. Depression began 1873.
    1880-1893: U. S. Federal Debt reduced 57%. Depression began 1893.
    1920-1930: U. S. Federal Debt reduced 36%. Depression began 1929.
    1997-2001: U. S. Federal Debt reduced 15%. Recession began 2001.

  2. Fact: Recessions tend to come on the heels of reductions in federal debt/money growth (See graph, below), while debt/money growth has increased when recessions were resolving. Taxes reduce debt/money growth. No government can tax itself into prosperity, but many government’s tax themselves into recession.


Recessions repeatedly come on the heels of deficit growth reductions, and are cured with deficit growth increases.

  1. Fact: The federal government gave itself the unlimited ability to create debt/money on August 15, 1971, when it went completely off the gold standard. This ability is called Monetary Sovereignty. Because the federal government now has the unlimited ability to create dollars, it neither taxes or borrows in order to obtain dollars. It simply creates them. Tax dollars are destroyed upon receipt.

  2. Fact: Federal “debt” merely is the total of outstanding Treasury Securities. Here is how the federal (not state or local) government “borrows.” If you “lend” to the federal government, first you must put dollars into your checking account. Then you tell the government to debit your checking account and credit your Treasury security account by the same amount. The process is similar to transferring money from your checking account to your savings account.
    Then, to “pay off” the “debt,” the government simply debits your T-security account and credits your checking account. Thus, the government could pay off all its debt tomorrow, simply by debiting all T-security accounts and crediting the “lenders'” checking accounts. The entire process neither adds nor subtracts money from the economy (but for interest paid), therefore is inflation-neutral (again, except for interest paid).
    Our Monetarily Sovereign government does not borrow the money it already has created, but rather exchanges one form of U.S. money (T-securities) for another (dollars). The entire “borrowing” process actually is nothing more than an asset exchange.
    Federal borrowing of the money it previously created, is a relic of the gold standard, when the federal government did not have the unlimited ability to create dollars. But does borrowing have any benefit? Yes, federal interest payments add to the money supply, a stimulative event. Federal control over interest levels adds to the government’s ability to control the value of the dollar.
    T-securities (debt) are not functionally related to the difference between taxes and spending (deficits). They are related only by a law requiring the Treasury to create T-securities in the amount of the deficit. The Treasury has the ability to create T-securities (debt) without there being any deficit, and the government can run a deficit without creating T-securities. Federal debt is not functionally the total of federal deficits.

  3. Fact: Federal taxes, as a money-raising tool, are unnecessary, harmful and futile — unnecessary because since 1971 (when the U.S. government became Monetarily Sovereign) the government has had the unlimited ability to create money without taxes, harmful because taxes reduce the money supply, which reduction leads to recessions and depressions, and futile because tax money sent to the government is destroyed as a balance sheet credit.
    Our Monetarily Sovereign government does not store dollars for future use. It creates dollars, ad hoc, by paying bills.
    The so called “debt” merely is an accounting of the total outstanding T-securities created out of thin air, by the federal government. The government is legally required to create T-securities in an amount equal to the deficit, but this requirement became obsolete when we went off the gold standard and became Monetarily Sovereign, in 1971. Today, the federal government creates money by spending, i.e. it credits checking accounts to pay its bills. This crediting of checking accounts adds dollars to the economy.
    The federal “deficit” is the net money created in one year and the federal “surplus” is the net money destroyed in one year. In short, deficit spending creates money and taxing destroys money. If borrowing and taxes fell to $0 or rose to $100 trillion, neither event would affect by even one dollar, the federal government’s ability to spend.

  4. Fact: Contrary to popular myth, there is no post-gold standard relationship between federal debt and inflation. (See graph, below)
    There also has been no relationship between inflation and the overall money supply, best indicated by “Total Debt Outstanding Domestic Non-financial Sectors.”

  5. Fact: There is no post-gold standard relationship between federal debt and tax rates, which have remained level through massive deficits. (See graph, below)

9.a. Fact: Federal deficit spending does not use “taxpayers’ money.” Federal spending creates money ad hoc. When the government spends it credits bank accounts. No taxes involved. By definition, deficit spending means taxes do not equal this year’s spending let alone previous year’s spending. Only surpluses use taxpayers’ money, by causing recessions. For the above reasons, our children and grandchildren will not pay for today’s money creation, but they will benefit from today’s deficit spending — better infrastructure, army, education, R&D, safety, security, health and retirement.


  1. Fact: There is no post-gold standard relationship between low interest rates and high GDP growth.

  2. Fact: The Federal debt/GDP ratio is a meaningless fraction, because it measures two, mathematically incompatible pieces of data. It’s an apples/oranges comparison. GDP is a one-year measure of output; federal debt is the net outstanding T-securities created since the nation’s birth. The T-securities created years ago affect this year’s debt in the debt/GDP ratio, while even last year’s GDP does not affect this ratio. See: Debt/GDP
    Because federal debt is the total of T-securities, and the federal government has the functional ability to stop creating T-securities at any time, the Debt/GDP ratio easily could fall to 0, depending on federal law.

11.a. Fact: The debt/GDP ratio does not measure the federal government’s ability to pay its bills. The government does not pay bills with GDP; it creates the money ad hoc to pay its bills. Were GDP to be $0, the government still could pay bills of any size, simply by crediting the bank accounts of its creditors.

  1. Facts: In 1979, gross federal debt was $800 billion. In 2009 it reached $12 trillion, a 1400% increase in 30 years. During that period, GPD rose 440% (annual rate of 5.5%>) with acceptable inflation. The same 1400% increase would put the debt at $180 trillion in 2039, a mean annual deficit of $5+ trillion.
    Facts: In summary, large deficits have coincided with GDP growth, while not causing unacceptable levels of inflation.

  2. Facts: Any health insurance proposal that covers more people will cost more money. Extracting that money from doctors, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, by necessity, would reduce the availability of health care. Increasing taxes on any individuals (even the wealthy) or on businesses, will depress the economy by removing money from the economy. Only the federal government can supply additional money while stimulating the economy.

  3. Fact: Social Security is supported neither by FICA nor by a trust fund. Were FICA eliminated, and benefits doubled, Social Security still would not go bankrupt unless Congress decided to make this happen.

  4. Fact: The finances of the federal government are different from yours and mine and businesses’ and state, county and city government finances. Unlike the federal government, which is Monetarily Sovereign, we cannot create unlimited amounts of money to pay our bills. We first need to acquire money, either by borrowing or by saving, to spend.
    The federal government does not acquire money. It creates money by spending. As an accounting principle, the tax money you send to the government is destroyed upon receipt. Then the federal government creates new money to pay its bills. The government has no fund from which it pays bills.
    Fact: Were taxes to decrease to zero, this would not change by even one penny, the federal government’s ability to spend.

  5. Fact: The federal government has the unlimited ability to create the dollars to pay any bill of any size. It never can run short of dollars; it never can go broke.

  6. To understand economics you must understand Monetary Sovereignty
    Fact: In 1971, the U.S. went off the gold standard, thereby becoming a Monetarily Sovereign nation, and at that moment, all economics textbooks became obsolete. Sadly, mainstream economists, the politicians and the media have not yet caught up.



Cryptocurrency has seen growth since the launch of Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the most valued and know crypto available on the market and is seen as the ‘Gold standard’ in cryptocurrency. In more recent times coins like Ethereum have evolved the way a crypto coin can operate, ETH specifically allowing the use of smart contracts adding even more value to the blockchain and the ability of what can be done. There are many other such as Dash, Menero or Litecoin which all have different features.

What is cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency is a means of digital currency exchange utilizing cryptography and the blockchain (shared public ledgers). The decentralized system allows the free movement of payments whilst keeping it secure, traceable and anonymous with the highest level of security. Blockchain and cryptography act as the foundations for the creation, mining and harvesting of all crypto coins. And due to the fundamental decentralized system there is no central point of concentration, giving the system popularity amongst security-alert users. Being decentralized means that cryptocurrencies isn’t backed by any governments or other financial institutions such as central banks. Central banks control the ins and outflows of finance within geographical regions and act individually within global financial ecosystems. A decentralized platform operates as one, powered by all involved, with users collectively controlling the flow of the finances or data. Value is determined by partly by economic factors and also perception of the markets value including the potential for exponential growth. It’s important to remember blockchain is still very young and is still in the early adaptor stage of the adaptation life cycle.


Advantages of Cryptocurrencies

  1. Fact: Decentralized
    As previously noted, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are intended to be decentralized currencies that work on peer to peer transfers. This means the currency isn’t regulated by any central group, government or party. The only monetary “policies” it abides to are those in its protocol and encryption algorithms (Nakamoto, 2008).
    A decentralized system is advantageous for a number of reasons. One advantage of a decentralized currency is that they aren’t controlled by monetary policies that could lead to economic disaster. For example, it is suggested that the monetary policies of a centralized system caused the 2007/8 economic crisis.

  2. Fact: Lower costs
    Apart from being a decentralized alternative to traditional monetary systems, cryptocurrencies also allow for lower costs when performing transactions. This is achieved by removing the need for a third party to process and verify transactions (as, for example with Bitcoins, it is done by the community to earn Bitcoins through mining) (Nakamoto, 2008). This allows for goods to be sold at lower prices, as prices don’t need to account for third party fees incurred. These fees are further reduced by the fact that goods and services offered are tax free, as the currency isn’t aligned/under any legal jurisdiction.
    The decentralized nature of cryptocurrencies allows for international trade to take place using the same cryptocurrency. There is no need to convert from one currency to another, which reduces costs even further as there are not currency conversion fees between transactions. Additionally, there is no need for the parties involved to meet up, produce a physical form of the currency or coordinate transfer times. By not being bound by these requirements, the cost is even further reduced.
    Additionally, with the costs incurred by just the US central bank for handling currency processing, transportation, security and accounting for storage estimated to $60 billion annually, cryptocurrencies could offer a massive decrease in costs by removing the need for this.

  3. Fact: Anonymity
    It has been calculated that in the year 2000, the deep web was close to 500 times larger than the surface web. More recent estimates from 2008 put it at roughly the same number (Wright, 2008). The deep web refers to websites not accessible through standard search engines, such as illegal classifieds, hidden networks and servers, digital libraries and databases and content intended to be concealed. Some deep web servers require anonymous browsers for access, such as The Onion Router, more commonly known as Tor. With its vast size, it is of no surprise that the deep web is a meeting zone for various illegal (and legal) activities.

  4. Fact: Black Market
    Black market trade has an estimated annual value of 1.8 trillion US dollars according to (2014). The deep web operates as one of the platforms for the black market, through networks such as Tor- allowing users to offer goods and services anonymously. Cryptocurrencies allow users to purchases these goods and services anonymously.
    Despite the seemingly grim uses of the anonymity of Bitcoin, everyday people can make use of it they wish to keep their purchase/transactions hidden from the public. For these reasons, anonymity remains an important advantage of cryptocurrencies over other electronic payment methods.

  5. Fact: Secure
    As previously mentioned, cryptocurrencies are decentralized and maintained by the community in a general ledger (called the block chain) in a process called mining. Apart from the listed direct advantages of being decentralized, security/stability of the system is an indirect advantage of decentralization. The reason for this is that the Bitcoin system itself can’t be hacked. The strength of the system security is an advantage, as users wouldn’t have to worry about the cryptocurrency being taken down by hackers, as it is a difficult task.

  6. Fact: Community and ease of access
    The community is one of the more important components of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, as cryptocurrencies were created to exist in an environment that relies on the users. The dependence on the community is part of the reason why it is very easy to join a cryptocurrency community. Another advantage of an active community means faster transactions, as users can add the transactions to the public block chain sooner. This allows users to perform transactions sooner and the transparent nature of the block chain allows users to see when payments have gone through.


Concierge Coin

The world is rapidly evolving; constant technological developments are pushing the average user further away from the ability to be involved. Within the crypto world it is essential to bring the fundamentals of blockchain to the mass audience. Allowing the blockchain technology to be accessed easily by all. Many blockchain offerings only propose individual or complimentary services but rarely an entire package. Which they also ask for multiple fees upon registrations increasing the costs and efficiency for the users and business involved.

The standard that governs how new cryptographic tokens can be launched on top of the ethereum blockchain has been finalized.
Our solution at Concierge Coin is to provide an open sourced, decentralized Ethereum based platform operating over ERC20. The decentralized application offers a blockchain wallet, ease of transaction with both our token and fiat currency, digital transparency, a record of all chats between parties involved in a transaction, genuine reviews from past customers, high speed payment with no advertisement costs for providers. From marginalized to mainstream, giving everyone in the world access too decentralized blockchain technology at their fingertips. Concierge Coin is specifically designed for the travel & tourism sector with blockchain allowing use to fundamentally change the process of the booking system in place. Our goal to reduce costs for all products and services, bringing prices down for customers and providers. We understand that both customer and providers are being overcharged by intermediates (from online advertisement platforms to central banks). And by implementing blockchain technology it allows us to change the current process of booking hotels, resort, trips or tours. We have a passion for travel and many links within the sector allowing us momentum moving forward in the up most ethical, moral and legal ways, while combining two surging markets into one.

Concierge is a marketplace and an ecosystem specifically designed for the travel industry. With a goal to bring transparency initially targeting hotel and tour bookings. The marketplace operates on a mobile application and a web platform easily accessible to all users. The platform utilises cryptocurrency as payment ensuring no fees from the transactions, as well as fiat currency to enable the non-crypto users access.

The concierge platform brings together both the consumer and vendor allowing direct communication. Our focus here is to bring transparency to travel and allow vendors to be honest and liable if standards aren’t as described.

Concierge will be the facilitators within the process, we will bring together the consumer and vendor enabling them to discuss their deal, create the agreement through our smart contracts and then process the payment all within a minimal number of clicks.

We will always emphasis that the users need to keep the agreement on the concierge platform to benefit from the smart contacts in case of any disputes or discrepancies during or after the booking. We will allow and encourage any external developers to build using the Concierge ledger joining our ecosystem. Our goal with is it to create a shared economy within the travel and tourism sectors giving all active platforms within the ecosystem benefits from each other.

How does the project create value to the ecosystem and differs from competing projects

We are the first blockchain based platform designed specifically for hotel and tour bookings. Utilising the blockchain for this give full transparency within bookings and reviews that cannot be edited. Our system will give external developers ability to create new platforms utilising our ecosystem. Our team has collectively combined experience of over 75 years in travel and 20 years in tech and blockchain. As well as being in the best technical offices in asia with kyber Network as our neighbors, plus a wealth of other young talent at our disposal. We are by far the most experienced team for travel to operate over the blockchain.

Value Proposition

Concierge Coin tackles the wide spread issues of intermediaries’ high costs across services provided within travel. Having a middle man involved increases costs and decreases responsibility. These two aspects are what Concierge Coin addresses head on directing responsibility to the vendors allowing them to become more transparent and efficient. It enables a quantum leap by eliminating the middleman from the transaction process by improving the way consumers book and vendors advertise and display availability. Whilst simultaneously using the blockchain to constantly improve levels of service provided.
The platform allows vendors to move away from the high advertisement costs associated with intermediaries. Bringing the costs down for both vendors and consumers by an average of 30%. We will be directly connecting the consumer with the vendor over our blockchain based travel booking platform which utilizes CGE token along with at currency to make the payment process faster, safer and more efficient for all involved.
We will focus the Concierge platform at vendors within south east Asia with consumers traveling to this region. This will form the foundation of the future developments into the global market for Concierge.

Investor Benefits

• All early adaptors who invest into the project will receive a percentage of the company profits at the end of each business year depending on the amount they have contributed in the token distribution events. These will be distributed accordingly as coins into the designated token holders accounts.
• Once the releases of the coin on the exchanges, token holders will also receive a % of each transaction fee. This will be given monthly and we encourage owners of the tokens to hold these and receive this benefit.

Pre-Sale Start = 6 January 2018
Pre-Sale End = 6 February 2018
Main-Sale Start = 6 May 2018
Main-Sale End = 6 June 2018

Sale Discounts
Pre-Sale – 24 million tokens (total)
0 – 7,500,000 CGE 1 ETH = 1875 CGE 1 CGE = €0.111
7,500,001 – 14,000,000 CGE 1ETH = 1625 CGE 1 CGE = €0.125
14.000,001 – 20,000,000 CGE 1ETH = 1500 GCE 1 CGE = €0.142

Main-Sale – 45 Million Tokens
0 – 18,000,000 CGE 1 ETH = 1080 CGE 1CGE = €0.277
18.000,001 – 33,000,000 CGE 1ETH = 900 CGE 1CGE = €0.312
33.000,001 – 45,000,000 CGE 1ETH = 720 CGE 1CGE = €0.357



Whitepaper link
Company Structure - For Profit Company
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Youtube intro video
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Concierge Global Limited
130 Old Street,
England, United Kingdom
Company No. 11023186

Concierge Global Vietnam
Số Nhà 64.Tổ 7,
Phường Long Biên,
Hanoi, Vietnam
Company No. 0107993008

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