in ico •  6 years ago  (edited)

I welcome you my dear subscribers and readers. Today we will talk about a very technological and interesting platform, Curaizon, it is an organization that offers an entire healthcare service ecosystem that backings licenses by decreasing medication non-adherence. The ecosystem incorporate CuraServe™, CuraData™ and CuraView™ and brings down medicinal services expenses and advance restorative research.
Curaizon is a project I’ve been following for sometimes now, and this is what I can say about it:
it has a great team with a lot of relevant experiences, very attractive business model with a good dividend token use case, cap limits are within a reasonable range, professional content, good looking materials, secured, focus on the relevant networks and has a great road map.

Curaizon, if you haven’t heard of it already, it is a UK-based organization that has created CuraServe™, a solution to enhance drug adherence and convey game changing benefits to licenses and healthcare suppliers. Curaizon solution works with licenses, their families and medicinal services suppliers to guarantee that licenses take their medications as endorsed through a progression of effort apparatuses, upheld by predictive demonstrating devices and conduct examination, to build the rate of medication adherence. As CuraServe™ solution helps licenses, it's likewise generating a huge measure of patent information which is then anonymized and made accessible through the CuraData™ platform. Organizations, scholastics and non-profits can get to this information by acquiring CuraTokens™.

Medication Non-Adherence – A Global Problem
Pharmaceuticals are our most expense effective well being intervention and speak to the first line of barrier against incessant and long haul conditons. A huge number of individuals take them consistently. In any case, drugs are just effective whenever utilized accurately. Regardless of whether it's insulin to treat diabetes, a beta blocker to treat hypertension or levothyroxine to treat thyroid infection, drugs help enhance our personal satisfaction, set aside some cash, and as a rule, keep us alive.
Shockingly, unreasonably numerous individuals neglect to take their medications appropriately (likewise called medication non-adherence) and the resulting individual and financial costs are stunning. The World Health Organizaton expressed, "expanding the effectiveness of adherence interventions may have a far more noteworthy effect on the soundness of the population than any change in specific therapeutic medicines."

For what reason Cura Medical Data So Valuable?
The aggregate number of potential clients of our platform incorporate the majority of the licenses secured by national well being administrations over the world. This is a sum of 1.4 Billion licenses and developing.
Since we gather multiple information focuses on each patent each day, we quickly construct a general picture of a patent's adherence, as well as their conduct. By putting away the different information focuses, including: additional visits to a specialist, hospitalizations, bio metrics and other human services supplier interactions, we can demonstrate conduct utilizing the AI and machine learning frameworks. Curaizon™ additionally improve this information by enabling its accomplices to include their very own as a feature of our reward program, which will advance the utility and estimation of our information apparatuses. Curaizon offering permits healthcare services experts and relatives to know a patient's present prosperity, as well as a view into their probable future execution. With this information, healthcare service suppliers can utilize early interventions and proactive reactions to medicinal occasions that could end up risky or even destructive to the patent.

Ways Big Data Is Reducing Healthcare Costs Today

  1. Quicker time to treatment – With the present gigantic patent caseloads, treating licenses sooner saves the two lives and social insurance costs.
  2. Lessened hospitalizations and re admissions – One of the most ideal approaches to control social insurance costs is to shield licenses from entering the clinic framework in the first put. Curaizon's™ information analytics apparatuses send automatic alarms to social insurance suppliers when licenses are going to fall into a pre-fragility express (the state under which a patent is probably going to require additional intervention; normally hospitalization).
  3. Enhance specialist execution This information is having a noteworthy effect in optimizing patent results while lessening medicinal services costs.
  4. Risk stratifcaton – Curaizon information analytics apparatuses helps track and identify the most diseased and most in danger - and often the costliest - licenses in a proactive way.
  5. Enhanced medication treatment administration (MTM) – Fortunately, Curaizon's™ huge information analytics encourage clinicians and clinical drug specialists better co-oversee sedate treatments by identifying drug interactions, unfriendly side effects and additive toxicities, all in genuine time. While assuming a fundamental job in lessening patent passing, beter MTM diminishes social insurance costs through less specialist and crisis room visits, hospitalizations, and re-confirmations.
    Social Benefit
    Better Lives: Curaizon's™ essential spotlight is on sparing lives while lessening costs and enhancing patent results. CuraServe™ solution will result in a prompt and quantifiable change in patent lives.
    Better Research: The medicinal services analytics advertise is required to reach $24.55 billion by 2021 from $7.39 billion out of 2016, representing a yearly development rate of 27.1%8.

Curaizon’s instruments and services provide unique solutions on the basis of blockchain, which has no extant analogues in the world and offers revolutionary solutions regarding the consolidation of the world of cryptocurrencies and classical finance systems. Blockchain technology is widely used in Curaizon business processes which makes it impossible to substitute or lose financial data. The security system of Curaizon is unparalleled. It takes into account potential threats of all kinds which could compromise the data or lead to theft of funds. Through blockchain technology the whole platform will be fully transparent to the users. Using Smart contracts makes Curaizon a reliable and impartial guarantor of fulfilling obligations to the investors of the project.
Blockchain innovation will be utilized to store the patent permissions and guarantee straightforwardness and namelessness.

Benefits Of Blockchain
Unchanging nature
Since multiple duplicates of a blockchain are kept and overseen by agreement over a distributed system, no one associate can adjust past exchanges.
It is an essential cryptological law that it is generally simple to set an issue that is, exceptionally difficult to tackle. What is relatvely simple for a system of PCs to do is, in practice, unthinkable notwithstanding for substantially bigger systems to fix.
The combination of straightforwardness and changelessness additionally permits fulfillment of full open verifiability: anybody on the planet can check for themselves that the tenets of the framework - on account of computerized monetary forms, that coins ought to be spent just once - are being pursued. While data can't be controlled, it very well may be effectively confirmed on account of the size and intensity of the system.
The appropriated idea of the record makes it versatile. Regardless of whether numerous associates go disconnected, the information is still open.
The way that all transactions are communicated to all associates additionally makes the record straightforward. Be that as it may, the scrambled idea of the exchanges implies that security is additionally guaranteed.
Authorization based controls enable licenses to settle on choices and control their information. We go about as an information escrow organization in this specific situation.

I personally have done a lot of digging on Curaizon and I am yet to find any major red flag that would make me give up on investing in their ICO. The team is absolutely amazing and they have been working on Curaizon as a whole for sometimes now. I have tracked the records of various members of the team and I can say that they are incredibly professional.
Curaizon’s reputation speaks for itself and is strongly supported by various facts and by real business model that works every day. By investing (cryptocurrency) in the project you can be 100% sure of the reliability of your investment, as you invest into business with real assets and real people.

CTKN Tokens:
CTKN Tokens is a valuable digital asset, Curaizon platform’s token, which will be used/tradeable at/on the biggest crypto currency markets. With the help of ICO Curaizon plans to attract the investment resources at a wide range. As suppose, the token sale will be interesting for the owners of digital assets, who would like to transfer them into the more secured investment tool and not to tremble anytime they hear the news about the possible Bitcoin rate falling.
In other to participate in the ICO, follow these steps below:
• Purchase the tokens: Curaizon will issue a number of tokens during the ICO.
• Receive dividend payments: As a token holder, you have the right to receive payments equivalent to shareholder dividends.
• Convert your tokens into shares: As a token holder, you also have the right to convert your tokens into Ordinary Shares.
CuraToken™ ("CTKN") is an EIP-20 Ethereum-based utility token which can be utilized to get to medicinal adherence information by means of Curaizon's™ CuraData™ platform. This information is important to look into institutions, national wellbeing administrations and biotech organizations.

oin types: Erc20
• Ticker: CTKN
• Hard Cap: 25,000,000 $
• Bounty budget: 5,000,000 CTKN
• Bounty distribution: After ICO
In conclusion, if Curaizon ICO piques your interest then it’s meant for you. The ICO still ongoing and will come to an end soon. The good news is that it’s not too late to take part in this one of a kind investment opportunity.
Please, never make your final decision based only on what you’ve read here. I advise you to do your own due diligence on the project and have personal conviction before making the final call.
Bitcointalk Ann:
Author: Cryptocraz
Bitcointalk Address:;u=1698372

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