Everybody knows that investing is an activity that brings profit under special conditions and right actions. However, most people do not rush to invest their money in something unknown. Many people are stopped by the lack of necessary knowledge in this matter. Other people are stopped by the complexity of the process when simultaneously you need to decide what to invest in, for how long and how much money to allocate for this event. Also another barrier to the use of investment tools is the fact that users believe that they will need a fairly large amount of money to start. And at great risk people can lose their assets.
However, now developers are attracting new users thanks to the development of automated investment robots. They are designed to simplify the work with investment tools. As a result this will attract a wide mass of people into the sphere of investments which never thought of being investors until this time.
With the development of cryptographic currency there was the possibility of investing with it. Also tokens of digital projects can be an object of investment. But at the moment this segment of the market has an increased risk due to the large volatility of the cryptocurrency.
All the nuances of this process are difficult to understand for an ordinary user. It is necessary to have information from many sources and understand their essence. How to start investing in the sphere of cryptocurrency to an ordinary person?
For the average person Skraps project developers offer their product. This is a platform for micro-investing. The basic principle of its operation is based on investing in a certain crypto-asset with the remainder of each operation performed. The user chooses where to invest and the acceptable level of risk. The balance is determined by the difference between rounding off the transaction from the exact account to payment or transfer. High investment income is guaranteed by the fact that crypto-asset are regulated by professional managers.
Thus, both problems for a novice investor are solved simultaneously: simplification of actions with investment instruments and a minimum input amount. For example, after paying for morning coffee with a cryptocurrency the balance was written off which was sent to invest a certain asset. This did not affect the user's wallet. The balance is formed due to the rounding of transactions, for example, up to dozens. This operation occurs daily in an automatic mode. As a result, the user can accumulate a significant amount. Also traditional investment instruments can be used in the service to attract more users. They also accrue the balance on the account of the cryptographic portfolio.
The portfolio in the site consists of a certain set of options and a different level of risk. There are the following portfolios:
• conservative
• moderately conservative
• moderate
• moderately aggressive
• aggressive
These portfolios will be managed by special managers-specialists in the field of investment and cryptocurrencies.
he number of new users is growing due to the increased availability of tools for working with virtual tools. The increase in demand for digital products along with this. This gives only a positive effect for this investment market.
The Skraps platform is based on Ethereum blockchain. The function of smart-contracts is implemented which provides for the protection of the interests of both sides of the electronic agreement. Technologies of decentralization allow to achieve complete absence of intervention of third parties as well as the security of financial transactions. Virtual investment works 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The use of blockchain technology increases the usual opportunities for investors.
The main advantages of using Skraps:
• availability and ease of investment environment in the crypto-world for beginners.
• systematic investment of crypto-tokens.
• increase in efficiency from investment from the remainder with increasing use of cryptocurrency.
The use of tokens by the system is subject to the following conditions:
• tokens contribute to the growth of the platform;
• payment of tokens by portfolio managers;
• charging tokens fee for using the platform;
• a quick way to collect the necessary funds for the early development and operation of the platform.
To learn more about the details of this project as well as to participate in the purchase of platform tokens visit the official website http://skraps.io/ and read the whitepaper: https://ico.skraps.io/SKRAPS_White_Paper.pdf
Also you can find a lot of useful information on the bitcointalk forum (ANN thread): https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2520387