Review and analysis of ICO Open Collectors Network (Create your own token!)

in ico •  7 years ago 

Investments in ICO Open Collectors Network

Official page

  • On the platform, Open Collectors
  • Challenges and benefits
  • Project development plan
  • Team of developers
  • We are in media
  • Conditions of participation in ICO

Friends, this is something incredible and this platform, which will now be discussed is very attractive. Let's first understand what is an open collector Network? This, as you may have guessed, is a decentralized platform for creating unique tokens, and absolutely everyone will be able to do this, while observing certain rules and certification

You can collect and create whatever you want, because the platform allows and provides the opportunity to trade your own tokens. If we talk about the technical component, all your developments are carried out according to the new standard ERC 721, which also comes from the Ethereum network. This approach can identify any of your tokens within the ecosystem.

The Open Collectors Network platform is absolutely transparent and can in no way claim your tokens, since private keys are only held by their creators and users. While interacting with the platform, there is no need to even provide any personal information about you, all that is required is only the creation of an account backed up by your Ethereum wallet.

Since the ecosystem is embedded in the blockchain, the user will have a guarantee of proof of ownership of a particular token. All transactions or any operations with your tokens are fixed in the blockchain and it will be absolutely transparent plot for everyone else who is in the network.

Tasks and advantages of the platform!

The developers have created a platform for absolutely everyone and it does not matter at what level of income one or another character, because the Open Collectors project is a plus and a platform for the acquisition of valuable experience. You can easily start with this platform in order to develop your unique token and it doesn't matter whether you have experience in blockchain technologies or not.. All operations inside the Open Collectors Network will be carried out using Ethereum and Metamask wallets, which will make all your operations significantly simplified.

What advantages do you want to highlight?

1) Users are dealing with a rare and unique tokens.

2) the Platform allows you to create your own individual token

3) Technical support promotes assistance during interaction with the elements

4) there is a certain remuneration scheme implemented on the basis of participants ' activity

5) the Site is fully decentralized

After all, judge for yourself, now more and more groups of people are creating their tokens and currencies, so why not you create something valuable that can cause demand in the market!

Open Collectors Network will be very relevant for various entrepreneurs and businessmen who can easily create a certain digital asset for further sale..

What are the following features?

1) Transparency and openness. The platform is based on open standards and has open source code.

2) User-friendly interface. Since the blockchain technology is quite raw innovative, it is extremely difficult for users to understand it, so the developers have paid enough attention to creating a simple interface at the same time.

3) Paradise for trading. As some of the tokens will increase in price over time, users have access to the asset trading feature on the exchange itself.

Project development plan

October 2017 - creation of the concept. Marketing. Implementation Of Smart Contracts.

December 2017 - Implementation development ERC721. Create a smart contract for a single token ECTO, and that smart trading

January 2018 - Writing A White Paper. Integration into Meta Mask platform

March 2018-conclusion of numerous partnership agreements with different media, pre-sale of tokens

April 2018 - implementation of the trading platform

Q2 2018-Logistics. The increase in the team. Development of ERC821

Q3 2018-launch of the beta version of the platform. The creation of the incubator ECTO

Q4 2018-platform Implementation with version v.1

Team of leading developers and advisors:

You can get acquainted with the Open Collectors Network team here..

We are in media:

Conditions of participation in ICO

about the ECTO token

Tokens can be sold or exchanged at a fixed price.

Development on the basis of ERC 721 (Progressive version of the standard in Ethereum network)

The issue: 150 000 000 ECTO

For sale allocated: 97 500 000 ECTO

Minimum investment: 0.1 ETH

Hardcap: 15,000 ETHERNET

ICO end date: April 15, 2018

More information about the platform can be found here..

Website / Twitter / Telegram / WhitePaper / BitcoinTalk


BitcoinTalk / Telegram / VK community / YouTube

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ETHadress: 0x02cED5D22386D09bA73B04Ac2209250a47df7388

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I take part in the bounty program !!

Very strange project, I will take note, thank you author!

Good job! thank you

Отличная идея! Спасибо за отличное оформление обзора!

nice review

yes, that's a good one
thank you for the review

Its a very interesting opportunity to be part of this

great project

Thank you for your opinion about this ICO!

Интеллектуальный проект, возможно буду инвестировать.Классно написанно!

Good review. Very interesting idea of the Collectors Network. will see how it turns.

It is the actual project because all of us want to take profit, but most of us can't trade on exchanges

Thank you for the project. look very good
I'm sure that the coin has a good potential.

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I found out more information from your review. Thank you for the ability to notice the main thing!