As soon as someone hears a "crypto" - people have an ambiguous reaction. Numerous aggressive advertising and masquerading under ICO scammers, only add a negative to this word. Recently, we decided to create a project Crypto Brothers, the main purpose of which is to teach and adapt new people in the world of crypto currency.
We have selected a few bitter questions from our friends about the current situation in this area and we will try to answer them.
The whole process of getting familiar with the crypto world is in the constant search for manuals, instructions and reviews. As a rule, this material is technically complicated and this is the first thing a novice encounters. So it was with us. In fact, the group in Telegram is for our friends who want to learn more about the crypto world. At the moment we understand that correctly formulated and presented information is more valuable than the instruction on 50 pages with cool words from coders. This is what we decided to do at this stage. Adaptation of new people in the world of cryptocurrency, with the preparation of the necessary articles for this.
Question: - Where to start? Teach me where to buy crypto currency?
Answer: -We do NOT recommend buying new currency for beginners. Such investments, without fundamental knowledge and skills, will inevitably lead to the collapse and drain of the entire deposit. On the contrary, we call for an understanding of the technical side of the issue, how Bitcoin differs from Ethereum, whether it is necessary to shuffle the blockchain everywhere or simply to try to haype on this topic.
Question: - If you do not recommend buying crypto currency for beginners, then how can they start working with the crypt?
Answer: - Crypto world is quite loyal in terms of money to any person. There are a lot of ways to earn your first money, for example, in our Telegram group, starting from August 2018, we begin to conduct the so-called Airdrop - we donate a small amount of ETH. In the process of obtaining it, beginners will need to apply basic knowledge in the cryptocurrency, and what to do with it further - to participate in some kind of ICO or to withdraw the fiat ( real money) each to decide for himself. There are other ways, we tell about them in our group.
Question: - For the most part, people have the opinion that the crypto currency and ICO are fraud, what do you think about this?
Answer: - It is normal for a person, without appropriate technical and economic knowledge, to really think so. In addition, through the crypto world currency and ICO, there are really a lot of fraudulent schemes - this is one of the reasons why we are against the fact that newcomers would enter the crypt from their daily money. Nevertheless, through the media, there is a frank substitution of concepts. ICO is only a method, an instrument, a collection of money and nothing more. Who is behind ICO, here already begins the investigation of the integrity of the company, which is worth studying. Crypto currency is a form of asset whose price reflects the relevance of the technology behind this crypto currency and its popularity.
Question: - The price on the stock exchanges, what are the reasons for such a jump?
Answer: - Today's volatility in the market follows exclusively the distribution of assets between participants, as well as the total filling of money (capitalization). Criptomarket at the moment manipulative, dominated by large players, funds. Large assets are in their possession, but inevitably diluted by new participants. While this is happening, we will see such jumps. The growth of bitcoin in December 2017 showed how strong the market movements could be, is it again? - most likely yes, the market capitalization of crypto-currency is scanty compared to the "classical" stock markets.
Question: - When to wait for bitcoin for $ 20,000?
Answer: - Price forecasts in classical markets do not always work, what can we say about the crypto currency. At the height of the 2008 crisis, huge capital poured into commodity assets, namely precious metals. Then there was no choice where to attach money. Now there is this choice. Not everything, but a part of the capital will inevitably come to cryptory, and strengthening of positions in the cryptomir of such companies as Nasdaq, Goldman sachs and CME confirm this version. However, in addition to speculation on the bitcoin and ether rate, there are a lot of ways to earn money, which we will discuss in our Telegram group.
Crypto currency is inevitably entering our life. Once, in the era of dot-com, we received such companies as Microsoft, Google, Apple and others. Who knows, maybe a new round of technological growth opens for us, where crypto-currencies play the main role? Whether this is true or not, time will tell.