ICO & Mafia Offer - The secret to sales!

in ico •  6 years ago  (edited)

„Everything flows and everything that tries to resist this law stiffens and turns into stone. Everything that tends to stand still is broken by continuously impinging waves of time“.
A. Crowley


Everything flows, everything changes same goes for blockchain a technology related to cryptocurrencies and their ICO offers. Just a year ago it was possible to drop 100k into the ICO marketing and receive plus minus 30 Mln contributions easily. Best part majority of funds would be from the community. Almost 0 hedge funds, venture capitalist and so on. Lithuania alone with 2.5 million people managed to collect half a milliard investments. Become top 3 most heavily populated with blockchain projects - a center of sorts.

However, the situation right now has radically changed - the market is consolidating, emotional investors received great teaching from great masters like scammers, cryptocurrency value fluctuations down and not so heavily back up, and also the most important a very large supply for of new currencies.

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Currently, there exist around 2000 cryptocurrencies. It would be possible to say that the market from fully chaotic is moving closer to more or less a more organized system. We should hope, that the further the market develops the further new players and offers will be influenced not by the emotions controlled mass, but investors and hedge funds that analyze to the detail the project viability and need. Also, it is important here that these funds would not be driven by the short-term gain on cryptocurrency flipping but the project success on itself.

Therefor it is probably the time to start thinking about a different marketing strategy. Starting from now marketing has to cover two sides. 1 is to continue “catching” social masses. Which will be the core drive of your product community during the ICO and especially after. Since they will be vested in the project success. But also a tremendous focus should be on network development and the preparation of presentations, which will be used in meetings with whale-sized investors or hedge funds.

People say, that if you want to catch a fat duck you need to hire an experienced hunter.


However, few know and understand that one missed shot will scare not one duck but the whole family of them. Therefore, the hunter is not the most important part of the equation. A more important aspect is to derive a feed for which ducks will fly to your hunting grounds on their own. It is much easier to shoot ducks that are engrossed in their feed. But, there is still the same problem. One missed shot will scare all the ducks. Experienced specialists understand that it is important not only to prepare a special feed but also spread aliquid, that when the duck lands it wouldn’t be able to rise up again since its feet gets stuck like super glue. In this case, you wouldn’t need to hire expensive professional hunter that scares other ducks with his laud shots. It will be enough to have a simple guy with a strong baseball bat.


Such offer is usually called - Mafia Offer. So good, that you cannot resist.

Now let's translate this association with ducks into the management people “serious” language.

Feed translates to a special technique created presentation, which has keys to defeat 5 level Scrooge McDuck resistance.

Merlin once asked King Arthur a question which was very simple, but very deep: What do you know about your people? In our case about investors.

The first step

You will find very few investors, who understand what you do. To analyze your whitepaper is not that easy and requires not only experience but also a lot of time. In addition, you need them not only to understand and be able to explain the idea but also to believe in it. Please, remember, you are not alone, today hundreds of hunters are looking for the BIG Duck. However, investors need to spend time to analyze hundreds of proposals!

Therefore first step in the presentation is to show “in human language” what problem exists and the potential (monetary) that is hidden in the current market, with the current conditions. It is essential to receive an agreement form the listener that he has understood your explanation and he agrees with described huge serious bold problem which are important for the big enough amount of businesses and people. A good example can be Ryanair. A lot of people want to travel, but prices by monopolies like British Airways or Lithuanian Airways or Macedonian Airways or.. are kept at a very high price. What if thousands of people would fly daily, not yearly? Probably everyone know how the story ends here.

If you want more examples- just ask us.

When you will receive from the listener a question “what do you offer” you should know that you have entered the next level of the Big Game. It is not easy and simple. Your presentation about the problem should be prepared in such way that even a girl or a guy from the street would be able to understand.

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Sometimes preparation for the first stage of presentation requires 2 or more weeks of teamwork. If you were not understood during the first meeting with a potential investor, you must know that not everything is lost, you will simply have to go back to your team, to explain what was not clear for the client and prepare a new one, better version.

Or simply ask the authors to help with the thinking process.

Reactions you will see, questions you will hear, this is fantastic material for the presentation improvement. This is the first resistance level out of five. This level is called “I do not see that the problem would be interesting for the wide market and that it would be possible to make money by solving it.”

The second step

However, if they ask you “what do you offer”, you should know that you have managed to pass to the second level! Keep in mind that if you do not get asked this question, do not continue the presentation. The biggest mistake is to rush. This question is secret key in your game to reach a higher level in a Big Game.

Once this question is asked it is important to show and explain your solutions direction. That is what are you are planning to create and how blockchain technology will help you! Just like Ryanair did. What solution was made to solve the problem? To use planes like commune buses. Cheap price and little service. “Dying, old” airports around popular destinations. The end of this story is well known to all. If you want to have more samples, just read “Blue Ocean Strategy”. The book is fantastic for examples, but not so great in providing explanations on how to repeat the path of the well-known examples.

The third step

When they will ask you what is the financial and social potential only then you will move to a third level of the game.

The third level is very high. Now you have more than 50% of chance to be chosen.

But this time you start to spread the glue - you must show the whole potential in the solution. However, you have to understand, that in your market you are not the only ones and the investors are the choosers. Therefore, the glue you are spreading should have such explanation that the investors would understand that your offered solution for him is the best direction. Simply his dream come true. But… this step “for deadly” glue is not enough. You have to move to the fourth level of the game, which gives you a 70% of choice to win a Big Game and...

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About the authors


Darius Radkevicius

„Solution For Sales“ B2B world expert. Average sale rating - 7 out of 10 meetings.

Simonas Radkevicius

ICO Marketing Expert
Successfuly launched ICO — Soft Cap reached in 1.5 days.
China, Europe, Brazil market Expert.

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