Final Token Sale round DPLAY ICO
DPLAY.GG ICO is about to end in few weeks.
20 %BONUS DPX and chance to participate at “Future of eSports ERA” is still available on
We are happy to announce our LAST Token Sale Round!
DPX distributed: 14,102,800 DPX of 20,800,000 DPX
Thank you to 1618 contributors
Next Steps:
Launching eSports platform v2
Develop DPX Wallet
Weekly bonus Tokens for buyers
List DPX on Exchange
Launching eSports platform v2
The statistics of each player according to the games played
The matchmaking algorithm (a level 2 player shall never meet a 5 level one)
eSports championship for the disciplines in our platform
The option to transfer players from one team to another with a payment option in DPX
Develop DPX Wallet
All DPX holders will have option to hold all DPX Tokens in MyThereWallet or DPX WALLET will be available on Android and iOS as app.
Weekly bonus Tokens for users
All registered accounts on DPLAY.GG will receive weekly bonuses in DPX.
List DPX on Exchange
DPX need to be available on the exchange markets for monetize profits and earnings from eSports Torunaments. We are in discussion now with 5 exchanges platforms for introduce DPX on their exchange markets.
Will be 4 medium exchanges and one big exchange platform. Once the partnerships are established, their names will be announced on our blog.
We want to thank you to all contributors and players who support our project!
If you are ready to get on board of DPLAY.GG ICO participants, click here:
Don’t forget about our 100.000 DPX GIVEAWAY