Over the past few years eSports have shown a remarkable expansion. One and a half billion people on the planet are aware of it. The cryptocurrency market is the only one that can be compared with eSports and even excel it in some regards. ESports platform Eloplay is going to unite these two most powerful industries and will introduce cryptocurrency for eSports on October 16th.
Why do cyber athletes need cryptocurrency?
ESports is like another world. It’s the whole universe with its own laws and rules. Such industry requires a comprehensive tool to award players and create prize funds. Blockchain technology, on the other hand, allows one to create cryptocurrencies tailored for any specific purpose. Today there is an opportunity to create a unique solution which will be used by millions of players, sponsors, and brands that want to work in the eSports area.
The Eloplay token will become such cryptocurrency. It will be used in blockchain-powered tournaments also known as smart tournaments.
One can win Eloplay tokens in tournaments conducted on the platform, and then exchange them for other cryptocurrencies (such as Bitcoin or Ethereum) or for regular money.
This cryptocurrency won't be a privilege just for experts, it will be available to everyone at the minimal price of 30 dollars (0.1 Ethereum). First buyers will get bonus tokens.
However, it is worth mentioning that there will be a limited number of Eloplay tokens issued overall, so those who place their order on tokensale website earlier will get them first.
Smart tournaments
The essential component of Eloplay tokens are smart tournaments which enables users to win cryptocurrency. Tournaments will be conducted by the platform as well as by sponsors and organizations that want to interact with players directly.
Smart tournaments enable players to organize and hold tournaments independently. And, what is more important, — to collect large prize funds.
How does it work?
The organizers’ team creates a tournament and specifies an entrance fee. If they manage to organize a tournament for 500 teams, and each team chips in together and pays $10 (it’s just $2 per person), the overall prize pool will comprise $5,000. Eloplay tokens are the flesh and blood of the platform’s economy.
Players who organize smart tournaments will receive 8% of the prize pool for their organizational efforts. It is a perfect opportunity for bloggers and streamers to play together with their viewers and to get cryptocurrency.
The math is simple: if each person pays $10 (that’s $50 per team), the prize pool for the same 500 teams will comprise $25,000. The organizer in this case will get 8% which is $2000.
The platform offers such games as Counter -Strike, League of Legends, Dota2 or Hearthstone. Eloplay will keep on expanding the pool supported disciplines.
The Future is here
Many didn't believe in blockchain and cryptocurrencies. Some laughed at Bitcoin. Now they begin to understand they were wrong as cryptocurrency prices skyrocket, and banks and nation states embrace the blockchain technology. But it’s not too late to onboard this train to the future.