in ico •  7 years ago  (edited)


Project overview

Today the Cryptocurrency market is growing and expanding more than ever. The main feature of the cryptocurrency is, it is a decentralized product. But the capabilities of decentralized cryptocurrencies are currently used by few people and all the exchanges are centralized and being centralized the people cannot take the full advantages of the decentralized products. Today there are lots of crypto currency exchanges. Some of them are quite popular and the people all over the world are using those. Most of them are centralized exchanges. The idea of Qurrex Hybrid platform is to combine the features of both Decentralized and Centralized platforms in to one single reliable, secure, professional and sustainable crypto exchange.


  • Centralized Crypto Exchanges (CCE)

Those are trading platforms that function like traditional markets. A Centralized Crypto Exchanges (CCE) is owned and operated by a private company and they have the total control over all transactions. The users who use CCE do not have access to the private keys of their exchange account’s wallets. This puts all of the user’s trust in the hands of the exchange operators, as all the transactions should be made through an approved mechanism provided by a central authority.

  • Decentralized Cryptocurrency Exchanges (DEX)

Like the idea of cryptocurrency, there are no any companies operate Decentralized Cryptocurrency Exchanges as they are using blockchain technology. Using this way a DEX ( Decentralized Cryptocurrency Exchange) does not hold customers' funds or details and only serves as a matching and routing layer for trade orders.

What is QURREX?

By taking all the advantages and cutting down the disadvantages of above two types of exchanges, a team developed a secure, institutional and professional platform to serve the people in a better way and named it as " QURREX". This is the world first Hybrid crypto currency exchange with tons of new features. The Central server of the exchange will coordinate financial flows and the user's money will remain on the user's accounts until the transaction is completed as a result of being a decentralized solution. Users don't need to transfer anything to the exchanges' accounts. multi-currency wallets and smart contracts are used to achieve this. The exchange ecosystem is gradually growing and when a competitor comes to the industry Qurrex will have already secured a certain market share and the project team is continuously developing solutions that will be relevant for many years to come.

Below chart will show you that the QURREX is much faster than any existing crypto exchange.


The advantage of Qurrex is that most of the project team members have extensive experience in developing mass financial instruments. They include financial experts, Data analyst, Developers and the people with good marketing ability.

Team members
mem 1.jpg


Token and ICO details

Symbol : QRX
Token type : ERC20
Total token issue : Max 70M
Total Token for sale : 50M
Sale fixed rate : 500QRX=1ETH or BTC or LTC equivalent.

Below chart shows how they have planned to distribute tokens and the crowd sale funds


Community and media

Nowadays It is crucial to have a wide open supporting community for being successful for any project. When considering QURREX there are nearly 5K members in their telegram channel and nearly 5K followers in official twitter page. They update their twitter and facebook pages regularly. That's a positive sign. At the end of this article you will able to find all the links to their related websites and media pages and channels.



This is an interesting project that every investor worth to pay their attention. The developers of this project have understood that decentralization is the future. When the time comes QURREX will be able to easily transform and remove the Central server from the scheme of work and will be fully high speed decentralized exchange. At the moment Qurrex is the most Secure, Institutional and Professional First Hybrid Crypto Exchange in the world.

Some details about Qurrex's hybrid architecture

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Worth reading article about Qurrex platform. I'm pretty sure Qurrex will become one of the top crypto exchanges with their features.

Yes, it will. because Qurrex has very rich features.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Really Worth article thanks for the sharing details