in ico •  7 years ago 

Hello viewers! Now do you know that with the speed at which new technology’s are being created we’ll be confident to say that the 21st century has made a lot of accomplishments through all others. It has also helped with the innovation of creativity and hard work, and with the success of all these few tech’s we’ve come across I don’t believe the world has seen nothing cause it is only the tip of the iceberg. And how can I forget the internet which also and a partner to the future and has helped lots of potential and also driven the crazy.

But that is not my a reason for my article today rather just a run through to make you see reason that the world is evolving to greater level of ops. My sole aim of this article will be mainly concentrated on crypto currency/blockchain which has been one of the innovation creating a pathway to decentralize system. In this article I’ll be talking about on of crypto currency outstanding project called the CYBIT . Truth is there are speculations on these and how’s about the blockchain/crypto platforms, if you follow my other articles you’ll really understand the blockchain system and also the crypto, also what to invest and what not to invest in. but as they say Crypto currency is an extremely complex process that is still being refined. Because it is a potential source of huge returns it is being undertaken by many individuals and groups with little or no experience in technology or finance. Cryptocurrency in the crowdfunding environment is even more prone to failure because of the lack of professional experience by those who want to take advantage of the opportunities. Truth is most great startup ideas never come to realization because of lack of funds. Now in the crowfunding arena you also need great planning ,marketing and social enthusiasm. Now CyBit gives a professionally planned stage where business visionaries from any piece of the world can show their plans to groups of onlookers, which incorporate Venture Capitalists and other high total assets financial specialists searching for speculation openings.

Cybit is an Open Source Ecosystem to facilitate Crowdfunding! Our platform is built on the ERC-23 protocol with smart contracts for validation and protection of highly secure transactions from malicious attacks. It adopts a methodology that supports the flexibility of the infrastructure and ensures system security & stability. Cybit supports three types of fundraising campaigns; Initial Coin Offering, Crowd Investing, and Crowd Funding. CyBit offers a unique vehicle for Investors to finance the project through CBT as the underlying value token! Also We provide comprehensive contract intelligence capabilities for smooth project implementation with full transparency and liquidity. We can also say CyBit is a Blockchain-based crowdfunding stage that helps individuals who want to set up a new business (Start-ups) or attempt an advantageous venture. It empowers people to make utilization of crowdfunding systems to raise the required assets. In the meantime, CyBit causes speculators to assess potential business recommendations to subsidize. CyBit is the developing stage that illuminates financial specialists and builds up an association with speculators and those new companies or people looking for financing. All these collaborations will be conceivable using a Cryptocurrency token called "CBT".

CyBit Tokens - or CBT - has numerous focal points over significant monetary standards. CBT Token uses a protected ERC-23 stage to give Token Track through Smart Contracts. It bolsters the adaptability of the foundation to guarantee framework security and steadiness.

CyBit centers around building foundation for new businesses, business visionaries and potential Investors. A Blockchaindriven biological system changes how individuals interface with each other in business exchanges by authorizing information honesty, responsibility, straightforwardness and trust. Alaso Our solution is an Ethereum platform ready for business, which means it's scalable, immutable, and has all the provisions to execute smart contracts, token integration and data visibility

The vision for the CyBit project is to introduce an incipient Ecumenical Emporium that utilizes a credible BlockchainbaseThe vision for the CyBit project is to introduce an incipient Ecumenical Emporium that utilizes a credible Blockchain based token as a payment system through forex transactions and crowd-funding sources. It utilizes methodologies that will enhearten and support infrastructure exibility. We intend to provide a comprehensive perspicacious-contract capability for seamless execution of projects with full transparency. The CyBit team is fixated on availing clients to handle incremented customer demands without incurring incremented costs. CyBit fortifies three kinds of fundraising campaigns token as a payment system through forex transactions and crowd-funding sources. It utilizes methodologies that will enhearten and support infrastructure exibility. We intend to provide a comprehensive perspicacious-contract capability for seamless execution of projects with full transparency. The CyBit team is fixated on availing clients to handle incremented customer demands without incurring incremented costs. CyBit fortifies three kinds of fundraising campaigns

The CyBit administration group and our Subject Matter Experts are ready to build up a stage for financial specialists to nance extends through "CBT" as the basic esteem token. Through an Initial Coin Offering (ICO), we will issue our utility based "CyBit" (CBT) tokens close by the CyBit stage. CBT acquires the properties of an utility token and empowers the client to use it for nancial exchanges over the CyBit stage. CyBit
coordinates the most abnormal amount of innovation for nancial exchange security in presence today. CyBit is upheld by protected innovation that depends on the Blockchain demonstrate.

Cybit solution empowers ICO developers to visit platforms, submit their funding requirements and use Cybit channels to be evaluated by prospective Investors. After a successful evaluation, Investors will invest in their project using Token CyBit. The whole process is guaranteed to use smart contract. This platform protects the rights of each stakeholder.



Be a part of this great project and enjoy cryptocurrency at it’s prime . this was [AUTHORD BY] avoxosuccesful

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