Moolya.Global - an ecosystem linking business and investors

in ico •  7 years ago 

On the basis of blockchain technologies, many interesting projects can be implemented that serves as a real impetus for business and production. One such is Moolya.Global. This is a unique start-up ecosystem, which is designed to help investors and developers find each other, effectively and safely interact after that.

Solved problems

With the modern development of information technology, when it is possible to connect with any person from every point of the globe, there is still no clear and structured ecosystem for entrepreneurs in need of financing and investors willing to help in the promotion of promising projects. The absence of a single field for effective interaction is the main problem that hampers the development of business, industry and interferes with the introduction of innovations.
The second difficulty of this sector is the minimum level of trust. The complexity of financing projects, especially in the small and medium-sized business sector, a large number of regulations and documents requiring manual processing, makes the field of investment attractive for the development of fraud. Knowing this, large players are forced to approach with particular severity the issue of choosing a funded project, to require a security deposit that not every startup can afford.
All this contributes to the fact that investors and entrepreneurs, developers of start-ups become practically isolated from each other. To solve this problem the ecosystem of Moolya.Global is called. Functioning on the basis of blocking and smart contracts, it ensures high transparency, security, reliability, and efficiency of interaction between investors and companies that implement innovations. The project is designed to create a common network in which the rights of each participant will be protected, and the interaction between them is digitized.

Suggested Features

By registering in the Moolya.Global system, the participant creates his own multi-profile, which can then be used as a criterion for assessing the possibility of investment. Actively interacting with other users can improve your account, earn a certain rating, which in the future will tell you about the reputation of each of the entrepreneurs or investors.
Further in the ecosystem of Moolya.Global is possible to post proposals for the financing of certain projects. By filling out the profile of its proposal and placing all the necessary documentation on the procedure and principles for its implementation, entrepreneurs provide all investors with the information they need to make a decision about the possibility of investment.

In case of active cooperation, the security of the transaction will be provided by analytical services from Moolya.Global. It should be noted that the applied technologies of blocking and smart contracts will not let an important element and a key indicator of the effectiveness of financed projects get lost in the general flow of information. All information and any changes in them are recorded as separate blocks that are stored in a decentralized network and are reliably protected from unauthorized editing and deletion. Smart contracts ensure the fulfillment of the terms of the transaction in an automatic mode.
For even more convenient interaction between the investor and the developer of the funded project, it is possible to use online calendars and synchronize them. These documents reflect all the milestones in the implementation of the project. In case of any changes and adjustments, all project participants will be aware of this at the same moment.
In order to ensure the productive work of each participant of the Moolya.Global ecosystem uses time-tested business tools, clustering principles. To ensure the security of interaction of all participants, only those who are on the whitelist will be able to enter into smart contracts. You can get into it by sending a copy of your passport or driving license to the Moolya.Global developers before the end of the ICO project.
Moolyacoin tokens
In the ecosystem of Moolya.Global, the preferred means for the calculations will be the own coins of the platform. Moolyacoin will be distributed among the participants of the system, and the proceeds from their sale will go to the development of the project. Assets based on Etherium are created and are equivalent to 6 cents for one digital coin.

More detailed information about the project you can get on the following links:

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