#eCoinomic is a digital platform that will provide financial services for cryptographers, including investment, asset management, exchanges, transfers and more. The main objectives of the eCoinomic project are the development, promotion and optimization of investment services based on cryptographic resources. It provides its users with loan functions, exchanges, transfers, financial management and integration of services and systems through online payments.
If the current factor of cryptographic assets decreases by more than 10% of the estimated value, the system warns the client that he can use certain functions, for example, debiting additional funds / cryptographic resources to cover the difference between other guarantees and loan amounts;
Users also have permission to liquidate a portion of the guarantee of payment of loan payments;
This can close the TokenToken (CNC) credit line, the ERC20 utility token, based on the Ethereum block chain. The purpose of a CNC token is to pay commissions for services on eCoinomic electronic platforms. To assess the platform's capabilities, users must undergo a simple registration process. Then, in the newly created personal account, the user must add a token. For your balance, to access the selected service. Personal account balances can be refilled in two ways: transfer tokens previously purchased at ICO or crypto, and buy tokens with fixed prices on the #eCoinomic platform.
#ECoinomic benefits & functions
Guarantees and unsecured loans based on fiduciary money or encryption;
Long-term and short-term investments in the form of fiduciary money or encryption;
Mechanism to cover exchange rate risk for cryptographic assets;
Financial transactions, exchanges, collateral management;
Payment for goods and services in digital currency through trading platforms such as eBay and Amazon;
eCoinomic is a program whose individuality finds in the condition that humans with total economic utility are furry, thanks to the Blockchain application, as posts from all applications. The proposal presents an opportunity to implement economic utilities 24/7, anywhere on the planet - simple, reliable and safe.
This leaves the drumstick tree from what the buoy program proposed. Do you want to learn a lot of almost the concept of the program and what you buoy move from that exploitation, moving forward to the financial website. The whitening buoy report separates you almost from eCoinomic programs, so you buoy decide whether you want to implement this program.
When you decide to implement the program, you, in fact, move 6 appropriate points of view from the program. The basis for the desire for superiority is the multi-flow view of this program. eCoinomic as a program recognizes a variety of different crypto-acceptances. They besides caring for accommodation in reception are almost public.
Another superlative advantage of corporations is that the return on capital expenditure decisions is only one minute to move in arrears to the causes of strengthened expenditures. And that is a cost control process that wants a quick analysis of the size of full confirmation every 60 minutes. This information is supported by the results accessed from various dominant crypto-change barter.
The main mission of this group is to modernize, promote and run this program. Judgment is close to the previous favorable projection of the group, those buoys only manage with this mission. The group wants to offer every consumer with a large function of disposal, change, elimination, economic administration and the debut of utilities and organizations at immediate prices.
All processes of desire are applied to the application of rational agreements
supported on the Ethereum blockchain. Interestingly, the program desires
does not act as an agent in the calculation, this function is permitted
close to a smart and true intelligence agreement that guarantees purity
The proposed strength consists of multicurrency processing and big-rush system. Constant flow of action continues to be left close to structured spending lawyers.
ICO rating
Official Information:
Website: https://ecoinomic.net/
Whitepaper: https://ecoinomic.net/docs/eCoinomic_WP_0213.pdf
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ecoinomic/
Twitter: https: // twitter. com / Ecoinomicnet
Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAEr4kO0ZRm92LNGwLA
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIDgUr17pmQbTNUatSA-EA
Author: HendrikETW
Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1687040
ETH: 0x196E20f324D35676755e29f68085119fe2966E16