DAOX: Decentralized Investment Ecosystem

in ico •  6 years ago 


Daox is a speculation biological community and a blockchain-based raising money stage that gives an entire answer for ICOs, crowdfunding, and crowdinvesting utilizing digital forms of money and with the application of the idea of a decentralized self-ruling association.

Without precedent for crowdfunding and ventures sphere at expansive, Daox takes into account wide utilization of the idea of a decentralized independent association (DAO) as an instrument for collaboration between a startup and its financial specialists. The utilization of this idea makes it conceivable to achieve and adjust that the business has dependably been going for. It may turn into a defining moment ever of and in reality make a broker amongst thoughts and capital pointless.
In this way, the fundamental particular component of Daox biological system is that every startup and its financial specialists associate through an independently made decentralized self-governing association on the Ethereum blockchain (hereinafter alluded to as DAO).
Every association turns into a piece of the biological community that comprises of financial specialists, new businesses and outsider administrations.
All DAOs are totally autonomous, including from Daox engineers. All systems identified with DAO foundation, token discharge, exchange, and the return of assets are totally put away on the Ethereum blockchain.
One of the principle components of the biological system at its start is the daox.org stage. This is an interface for creation and collaboration with associations, which gives all the essential usefulness, for example, making of a venture; gathering and redistributing reserves; speaking with the task creators and financial specialists, and so forth.
Because of daox.org there is no requirement for specialized specialists to begin a DAO and bolster its full-scale work. All strategies, from token discharge for financial specialists to voting, are now worked in the code of keen contracts, and the stage gives a helpful interface to connection with these shrewd contracts.
Similarly critical to Daox is the mass appropriation of crowdfunding and the fascination of non-blockchain new companies into the new crypto economy. That is the reason, as of now at an early advancement arrange, the accompanying segments will be presented in the biological system: The Wallet application, Integrated Affiliate Network, Know Your Client benefit, and an AI-fueled legals generator.
These instruments are not just improving the way toward sorting out raising support crusades by methods for Daox, yet in addition pointing the course for the improvement of the whole biological community.

Each project in the Daox ecosystem is launched in the following steps:
A. Startup is launching a fundraising campaign on the daox.org platform or via any other interface.
B. The campaign forms as an independent decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) on the Ethereum blockchain.
C. The funds are raised and securely stored in that DAO. Members of the DAO receive its tokens.
D. The DAO is managed through a transparent voting by token-holders.

The client experiences enlistment and confirmation methodology to make a DAO through Daox Platform. It is conceivable to either utilize a current Ethereum account or make another one on the Daox stage (c. 4). After the DAO is made, the client gets an extraordinary site page address on the daox.org benefit, and in addition the address of the DAO on the Ethereum blockchain.
As an end-result of assets exchanged to that Ethereum address, the DAO transmits the recently made tokens of the venture. Those tokens meet the ERC20 standard and can be instantly exchanged to different locations or be recorded on cryptographic money trades.

Directly after Daox and DXC token keen contracts are distributed on the Ethereum blockchain, a totally independentand self-governing biological community is framed. The reason for the foundation of the Daox biological community is to give the most proficient method for contributing and pulling in stores for new companies.
The environment comprises of the components that could be gathered into the following 4 classes: clients, interfaces, DAOs, and outsider instruments and administrations. For example, the daox.org and Daox Wallet applications, and different apparatuses for connection with the Daox biological community are interfaces. These interfaces are simply connection devices and can't influence the working strategies of the biological system. Any designer can discharge his own interface.
The instruments spoke to on the stage (e.g. Coordinated Affiliate Network) are outsider administrations, that members of the biological community could alternatively resort to. Specialist organizations and engineers can coordinate their administrations and instruments by methods for the Daox Open API.

The guideline destinations of Daox are to achieve a harmony amongst financial specialists and undertaking initiators, to make crowdfunding through digital forms of money standard and to fundamentally raise the effectiveness of putting and bringing reserves up in crypto economy.
Keeping in mind the end goal to achieve these objectives, as of now at an early improvement arrange Daox tackles various issues:
(a) Risks for financial specialists (visit disappointments, deceitful exercises, trick, reserves abuse, absence of inspiration in the group): interestingly, Daox made the DAO idea broadly accessible; the thought of DAO infers the creation of an autonomous association claimed by the task initiators and speculators. The guidelines of the association are made in a way with the goal that the more achievement the work on the task has,the all the more every member benefits.
(b) Multifaceted nature of tech: holding a raising support crusade that includes digital forms of money requires the commitment of an advancement group, buy of programming, production of a site, administrations for the communication with speculators, and so on.
Daox furnishes a free instant arrangement with all the fundamental highlights for anybody, with no extraordinary information or abilities, to have the capacity to set a raising support battle in an easy to use interface.
(c) Marketing: When it comes to crowdfunding efforts, not a solitary special instrument could manage without requiring either the information of internet promoting or contracting an expert. In this manner, an in-assembled member organize is presented in the Daox biological community with the goal that each undertaking put on the stage can partake in it.
The system capacities as takes after: the startup intentionally sets compensation for the assets added to the task (as a level of the sum that was contributed), while specialists and showcasing organizations advance such a crowdfunding effort through their sources.
Subsequently, little scale tasks should focus just on their idea and displaying their productat its best, whilea showcasing effort can be propelled with only a solitary snap.
(d) Low inclusion of non-blockchain new businesses: There are two principle reasons why crowdfunding that includes cryptographic forms of money isn't popularamong non-blockchain new companies. The principal reason is the mind boggling innovation and that issue is explained with the Daox stage. The second one is the absence of fame of digital forms of money among potential patrons of non-blockchain ventures.
This issue is settled by The Wallet application, which is a straightforward and advantageous device to communicate with the Daox-based crowdfunding efforts. The Wallet will concede the likelihood to buy DXC (hidden tokens of Daox environment) for fiat cash. Consequently, for the potential patrons, this method will be as natural as installment for items in an online-shop
(e) Expensive Legal Support: For little scale crowdfunding efforts legitimate administrations cost excessively. In spite of the fact that, much of the time standard understandings and standard structures can be adequate. To address that issue an AI-based administration, which empowers clients to produce the required archives and agreementsautomatically, is as of now being made and before long to end up a piece of the biological community.
(f) Excessive time input: The way toward drawing in speculations, should it be conventional funding ventures or ICOs, requires a colossal measure of work that does no useful for the item itself. It isn't beneficial either for speculators or venture creators. The daox.org stage and different administrations of the biological system make it conceivable to decrease the measure of such work to a base, so venture creators could do what is most critical for the improvement of their item.

Blockchain innovation finishes an assortment of undertakings that would either be finished with a critical loss of productivity or would not have the capacity to be executed at all.
Appeared beneath is a rundown of the principle Daox highlights that couldn't work without the utilization of blockchain:
(a) Use of digital forms of money: one of the chief objectives for Daox is to disentangle the way toward pulling in and circulating the assets in crowdfunding, when neither fringes nor purviews matter. This would be difficult to execute through customary money related foundations.
(b) Absolute autonomy: with a specific end goal to achieve the required level of validity towards the new biological system, the total disposal of a mediator amongst financial specialists and undertaking creators is required. This wound up conceivable just with the utilization of blockchain, which for this situation fills in as an unequivocal guarantee that the tenets portrayed in the source code will be agreed to and won't be altered.
(c) Transparent voting: with regards to halfway controlled frameworks, there is dependably a probability of authoritative mediations. Because of the considerable number of administrations and information of Daox being in a decentralized blockchain arrange, the potential impact of managerial assets is wiped out, which implies add up to validity can be gone after the procedure of voting.
(d) Unstoppable application: while setting reserves in any sort of a framework, clients anticipate that this framework will be exceedingly solid. Since Daox is altogether on the blockchain, there is no danger that its work will be ceased. This sort of an application is additionally called the "Relentless application".
(e) Hard-and-quick principles: keeping in mind the end goal to actualize the thoughts of crowdfunding that are being proposed by Daox, it is basic to take after the foreordained standards intently. That is the reason the source code for Daox shrewd contracts is open and portrayed in details,and since the code is set in the blockchain arrange, it ensures its constancy.

The DAO way to deal with raising money gives off an impression of being the most transparentand reasonable strategy for utilizing the gathered assets. This approach had never been conceivable the blockchain and cryptographic forms of money wound up far reaching, because of an absence of specialized chance to set up straightforward voting and the safe stockpiling of assets.
The DAO idea fills in as an outright and fair-minded certification, promising that the interests of the two gatherings will be regarded, and in addition filling in as the delegate.
Notice that when planning rules for Daox associations, the premiums of the two gatherings were considered in break even with measure, financial specialists and venture creators alike. A portion of the fundamental positive parts of applying that approach are given beneath.

(a) Safety: all the returns raised and put away after the standards of Daox are shielded from abuse and unapproved withdrawal. The accounts are safely put away in Ethereum brilliant contractsand must be utilized on venture advancement. In this way, tricks and some other deceitful movement are totally killed.
(b) Value of Tokens: the assets raised by means of Daox standards are kept at financial specialists' aura; the way they are overseen facilitate on is dictated by voting. In this manner, even after exchanging assets to the venture, the financial specialist possesses an advantage as the advanced offer of a DAO (a token).
(c) Project group is propelled: when the startup group does not receiveall the assets immediately, yet rather gets tranchesas work continues, the level of inspiration rises altogether. This thus builds the odds of accomplishment of the startup. This is one reason why the fundsare being exchanged as tranches with regards to conventional types of investment,and it is to be sure should have been executed in crowdfunding and ICOs.
(d) Transparency: venture initiators may get subsidizes bit by bit by distributing proposition, whereby this technique can just happen when affirmed by the dominant part of speculators.
(e) Lowering the dangers: as indicated by Daox standards, each Daox-based association has a usefulness to return speculations, if the speculators choose that the establishing individuals neglect to accomplish the relegated objectives.

(a) Ready-made solution
(b) Investors’ heightened interest
(c) Engagement in the daox.org community
(d) Independence
(e) Safety
(f) Transparency for team members

In the year 2017, the volume of funding interest in Europe, Canada, China, India, Israel, Japan and the USA produced roughly to 161 billion US dollars. The crowdfunding market is evaluated at $50 billion (barring p2p loaning). Around $6.7 billion was raised by methods for ICOs

The daox.org stage is a product item that considers the connection with the Daox environment through a basic and easy to use interface. Subsequently, daox.org is a methods for access to every one of the highlights actualized in the Daox shrewd contracts (cf. 10.2).
Furthermore, daox.org isa stage for collaboration and correspondence between venture creators, financial specialists, engineers and specialist organizations. The daox.org stage offers an open API that makes it conceivable to coordinate administrations from outsider engineers and specialist co-ops.
The stage is good with any up and coming portable or work area program. Appeared underneath are the fundamental highlights actualized on the stage that are now accessible:.
Registration and user profile
Creation of a DAO
Settings and launch of a fundraising campaign
Creation and distribution of tokens
Review of a fundraising campaign and a DAO
Purchasing DAO tokens with Ether (ETH)
Purchasing DAO tokens with DXC tokens
Negotiation of requests and consideration of projects
Proposals (withdrawal requests, other types of proposals)
Review, discussion, and participation in a proposal
Integration of services and widgets via the Daox Open API
Interaction with features of the DXC token
Generation of Ethereum addresses for users
Storage of tokens and ether

The DXC token (Daox coin) will be discharged directly after people in general dispatch of the Daox stage, and it will be available to be purchased amid the Decentralized Token Generation Event (cf. 7.4). DXC will be the principle methods for installments inside the Daox biological system.

The primary use of the DXC token is that it empowers connection between the components of the Daox environment (point a). Be that as it may, in the meantime, the DXC token is utilized as a part of various different exercises.
(a) Reciprocal payments in the Daox ecosystem
(b) Payment for project promotion on daox.org
(c) Payment for daox.org commission
(d) Establishment of organizations

The token is ERC20 compatible and has a number of additional features:
(a) Features that enables for the interaction between users, third-party services and service providers (Daox Open API). For this, the code of the DXC implements functions that allow to automate the exchange of the DXC tokens for access to services.
(b) Features that enables for the use of DXCs as a tool to participate in DAOs that are created within Daox smart-contracts.

DXC Token Strengths
During the planning of the DXC token, our primary goal was to make this instrument as productive as possible. Shown below are the main benefits of the DXC’s ownership.
(a) Limited release: during the TGE a total amount of 300 million DXC tokens will be released, which will constitute the primary way for the interaction between members of crowdfunding. The token’s source code excludes the ability of increasing the DXCs count.
(b) Backed by the economy of startups: DXC is used to launch and hold fundraising campaigns for innovative projects and promising startups; consequently, in this case it is backed by an actual economy.
(c) Application: when new service providers and tools are connected to the platform and with each new project, the frequency of use of the DXC token increases. Thus, the opportunities for its application are constantly expanding.
(d) Innovative product: the DXC token is the main tool for interaction in the ecosystem that was established while working on innovations in the investment sphere. It is one of the principal spheres that is about to see explosive growth thanks to the development of the cryptoeconomy.
(e) The Wallet App: the DXC token is imbedded to the Daox Walletapp that serves as a tool to make the concept of crowdfunding widely spread. This app will also providean opportunity to buy DXCsatafair market price. (f) ERC20 Compatible: the token meets the ERC20 standard, which means that right after its launch it can be transmitted among Ethereum users.

MAY 2017 – Research and planning of Daox
JUNE 2017- The Daox Proof of Concept
SEPTEMBER 2017- Start of the development of the Daox platform
OCTOBER 2017- Alpha version of the Daox Platform
DECEMBER 2017- Better version of Daox DAppon the Ethereum blockchain
MARCH 2018- Release of the Daox Platform
APRIL 2018- Opening the Private Token sale
MAY 2018- Release of the Daox DApp
MAY 2018- The first crowdfunding campaign is launched on the platform
JUNE 2018- opening the DXC token presale
SEPTEMBER 2018- Launch of the know your Client service on the platform
OCTOBER 2018- Launch of the Daox open API
FEBRUARY 2018- Launch of the Automated Legal Services
MARCH 2019- Better launch of the Daox Wallet app
APRIL 2019- Start of the yearly hackathon series
SEPTEMBBER 2019- Launch of the Daox Accelerator for startups

OLEG GAIDUL Chief Executive Officer
ALEX KUVAYTSEV Head of Business Development
JORDAN POOL Media Director
JIANG XUYAN (蒋旭燕) China Communications Specialist
KIRILL BULGAKOV Smart Contracts Developer
OLEG ADAMOV Mobile Developer
KEVIN KIMICK Marketing Strategist
NINA MIKHAILENKO Community Manager
ELENA NOVOZHILOVA Key Partnership Manager


Telegram: https://t.me/daoxchat
Twitter: https://twitter.com/daoxorg
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/daox.org/
Whitepaper: https://tokensale.daox.org/daox-whitepaper-eng.pdf
Website: https://daox.org/

USERNAME: Hero2spin
BITCOINTALK PROFILE LINK: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1840207;sa=summary
ETHEREUM ADDRESS: 0x57256Fd23E45aF50d429880742D844C142AbB9Fa

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