Welcome to the review that I present to you all in searching for information and knowing the VITECOIN project that is currently being run by the team if there are deficiencies in explaining this article, don't worry, I have prepared a link for you to get accurate information. and of course you will be able to speak directly with the founder or our project team.
Many companies have and continue to promote and improve taxi services throughout the world to make taxi travel cheap, comfortable and safe.
The world's leading countries such as the United States, Britain, Europe and other countries have boasted of achievements in services. But the prospects for market growth still remain.
Conceived by the vast development of mobile adaptations and web networks above the developing markets in the world, the Ratcharing economy is forecast to create eight times in 2030 to $ 285 billion. In 2017 alone, more than five billion vehicles have been completed.
About Vitecoin
Vitecoin is a digital currency that will be used as a layer of direct settlement between the driver and the driver through the transfer of the wallet immediately after the trip has been successfully completed. Currency can be purchased with fat or other cryptocurrency. Vitecon is automatically transferred from the driver's VT wallet to the driver's VT wallet. In the button press, the driver has the option to save their income or transfer it to an exchange that is compatible with Vite to withdraw it.
How does it work?

Raiders will be able to buy Vitecoin tokens with fiat or credit cards. Drivers can cash in on exchanges or at the nearest Vite office. Once the platform becomes very popular, credit cards will be dissolved and Vitecoin will be the only media received which in turn increases the demand for the Ethereum token payment gateway and the integration exchange will drive payment features.
Competitive advantage
Unlimited Payment
The single currency received by all Vite drivers and drivers globally, allows for fast growth in developing cities.Freedom of comfort
Vitecoin eliminates complexity
carry most of the cash for payment, as well as credit card limits and fees.Freedom in data control
Users do not give up their personal data using Vitecoin. There is no third party data manipulation that is different from a credit card.
Vine MVP application
The Vite application, available on Android and iOS is a mobile application that facilitates peer to peer ridesharing by connecting passengers who need a ride with the driver who has a car on the tap of a button.
MVP has successfully tested beta with selected customers on the savanna island that is rich in technology in the Indian Ocean. Our revolutionary inbuilt Vitecoin payments will be accessible to both drivers and driver applications before our launch.
- Open the application (taken automatically)
- Enter the drop off for estimated rates
- Tap to request
- The nearest driver receives and arrives for pickup
- arrived. Pay with vitecoin or fiat. Driver level
We intend to create a win-win situation by spreading appreciation among drivers, drivers and urban areas. First of its kind, our comprehensive and generally profitable model will bring other changes in perspective in the ridesharing economy and illuminate a sizable size of the striking issues that arise from the soldiers who board the rising flight.
Personal Sales & Values:
August 20, 2018Number of tokens sold
10,000,000 VT (5%)end
September 29, 2018Token exchange rate
1 ETH = 10000 VTAcceptable currency
ETHMinimum contribution

With the help of our team, contributors and investors, this is a milestone that we hope to achieve.

We are a diverse team of enthusiastic builders - developers, designers and entrepreneurs - who like what we do.
For information about the VITECOIN program, visit the link below:
Website: http://viteapp.co/
Whitepaper: http://viteapp.co/assets/docs/Vite_Whitepaper_Draft.pdf
Twitter: https://twitter.com/vite_app
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/viteapp.co/
Telegram: https://t.me/vitetoken
Media: https://medium.com/@Vitecoin
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0-P3Sgj17PFOyMdXIjP9XQ
Bitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1752412
Eth address: 0x282e1B443eB97CA37FcB0413ec33F021fc6b4f5D