in ico •  7 years ago  (edited)

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EOT https://eontoken.io/
EON Protocol is a protocol for decentralized games (or blockchain games). It is being developed by EON Foundation (renamed to EOT recently), which is registered in Singapore with offices in Beijing and Palo Alto.
EOT vision is to bring cryptocurrency to more people through dgames, as game is the best way to educate people about new technologies.
EOT team came up with the idea and vision of protocol while creating their own game based on Ethereum blockchain - CryptoAlpaca. There are more than 200K registered users of CryptoAlpaca nowadays and its concept is very similar to CryptoKitties - gamers can breed their own Alpacas, feed and shear them to be rewarded.

There are two main components of EOT
The dGame framework - is a 2-layer solution with off-chain/on-chain architecture. It can perform payments or transfer of digital assets with high speed and low cost. The technology is similar to the Lightning and Raiden payment channels of Bitcoin and Ethereum blockchains respectively, though has some features to be a less cost, low latency, high throughput, secure, cross-chain and privacy concerned solutions. Protocol will use on-chain layer for payments and digital asset trading required in games, while off-chain layer will be used for gamers interactions to make the games run smoothly as all blockchains are very slow.

In-game wallet SDK. It will support two main functions: payment of multiple cryptocurrencies, and exchange of digital assets.The most popular cryptocurrencies as a rule have its own blockchain and wallets. To support the payment of various cryptocurrencies, developers must learn the technology of each blockchain and synchronize the data of different blockchains (usually it takes a lot of time and space to store). For example, Ethereum requires about 1 TB of disk space to store all the data, and the required space grows by about 1 GB per month. If the developers need to integrate with several blockchains, the costs also multiply. In EOT there will be a dedicated server for data synchronization. Developers will only need to access the data synchronization API. SDK in the game wallet will save a lot of time and space, as well as provide high-level security and speed for each transaction.

There will be only Ethereum support in Alpha version of EOT. The support of EOS, NEO and Quarkchain will be provided in the official version. Partnership agreements have already signed with NEO and Quarkchain as well as with several EOS block-producers. Negotiations with ICON and Thunder Token are in process.

The project will have its own token - EOT. It is a utility token for gamers and developers using EON Protocol and a tool for community building. EOT tokens use cases:

  • Payments for all digital assets within games using EON protocol
  • Developers should stake tokens to use EON protocol.
  • EOT will purchase back specific amount of tokens at milestones (e.g. EON Protocol reaches 100K users), and burn those tokens
  • EOT will also be used in decentralized governance of the Protocol. The more EOT tokens the more voting power
    Total token supply: 2.1 Billion. 30% of tokens are for sale.

Hardcap - 30K ETH, Softcap - 10K ETH, Token price: 1 ЕТН = 21000 ЕОТ. EON Foundation and Team tokens (30% in total) are locked up for 4 years.
Presale is ongoing. Public sale date is not announced ATM. KYC is required for sale participants. EOT has already raised $5mln, which means softcap is reached. There are a list of institutional investors including Fission Capital, BCH Angel Fund, QuarkChain and Bgogo

Whitepaper is quite short and undetailed, 22 pages of common data, no formulas, no code examples, few specifics.
EOT has GitHub repository but it is almost empty. Looks like the team has decided not to unveil its code until product release.

MVP - EOT token is integrated with CryptoAlpaca game. Alpha version of EON protocol will be released on website in August, and there will be 3 games integrated with EON protocol later. Official version of Protocol with support of ETH and EOS should be released in Q1 2019. NEO and QKC support will be added in Q2 2019.

Aron Lyu, Co-Founder. LinkedIn
One year in Bytedance (Alibaba subsidiary) as a Lead Developer. Early BTC/ETH adopter and miner. Aron has an experience of of user growth of innovative products such as Pebble (wearable technology), Toutiao (AI, Chinese startup, $70B valuation)
Tao Hu, Co-Founder. LinkedIn
5 years of working experience in building products/businesses using VR/AR/Blockchain technologies. One of the early members of Bitium (acquired by Google), OculusVR (acquired by Facebook)
Sunny Sun, Co-Founder. LinkedIn
2 years of working experience in Facebook as a Software Engineer
Will Lee, Community Lead. LinkedIn
Used to work in TikTok (iPhone app, #1 downloads in 2018)

Mike Zida, LinkedIn
Director at USC GamePipe Laboratory since 2005. USCG - #1 worldwide gaming development
Anshul Dhawan LinkedIn
Former Product Lead at Zynga (USA company, online-game development)
Feng Li, LinkedIn
Early Investor of Coinbase & Ripple. Founding Partner of FreeS Fund Ex-IDG Partner

CryptoAlpaca can be mentioned as team achievement. There is one TOP Advisor - Director at USCG. His huge experience in gaming industry will be very usefull. Also in a positive way, we can note a list of partnerships, which includes already mentioned USCG, Quarkchain, Bgogo, as well as SegmentFault (support of the project in the hiring of engineers for dApps developing), Merculet

Telegram channel has almost 39K. The subscribers activity revolves mainly around airdrop/bounty topics. Twitter channel has 12,7K readers and is quite active. Also EOT has Steemit account which gets updated regularly with latest project news.
In general, it is necessary to note the good EOT promotion in social networks, starting from mid-June


  • Cryptokitties case showed that dGames projects can be very successful. However gaming on blockchain is still a niche sector with high potential and not so much success stories. Results of the project will depend on the crypto integration in gaming and on the products that will be using protocol.
  • There is a room to grow in regards to real investors interest and product, development discussions in Telegram group. We evaluate community activity/interest by the number of questions/answers related to 4 major blocks: token metric, product roadmap and development, presale and private sale interest and of course crowdsale interest.


  • Using payment channel model to conduct majority of the transactions off-chain is an excellent solution. It will definitely have positive effect on transactions latency and cost.
  • MVP is ready. EON Protocol alpha version should be released till the end of August
  • Softcap is reached
  • Institutional investors and Strategic partners including Quarkchain, Bgogo, Merculet, USCG, Fission Capital, BCH Angel Fund

The high activity of subscribers in Telegram is caused by airdrop/bounty program. Despite relatively large number of subscribers, we haven’t noticed active investment, token metric or product development discussions. Gaming on blockchain is still a niche sector. This facts, as well as bearish market will not allow us to rate project high as a short term investment. Even despite advantages of the project noted above.

Telegram - https://t.me/ico_analytic
Twitter - https://twitter.com/ICO_Analytics
YouTube - https://goo.gl/ovxRxP
Google Speadsheet - https://goo.gl/847M9b

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