AdChain project (ico start 26.06.17 end 15.07.17). Investment recommendation DO NOT RECOMMEND
• It is assumed that when purchasing tokens the investor obtains a share in the AdChain project by using the distributed data registry technology. Today it is impossible to do it legally.
• Certain payments in the form of dividends are not provided.
• After the project launch, the owners of tokens will earn revenue from the verification of advertising services.
• It is planned to fully launch the functionality only in February 2019.
• The code of the main functionality has not been disclosed for the community audit, beta testers have not been named, and the technology revealed vulnerabilities.
- After the project launch, the cost of the AdChain tokens will depend only on its implementation success. The more companies connect to the system, the greater the demand for tokens will be. To a great degree it will be influenced by the fact whether the digital advertising market moves to Blockchain technologies, as a whole.
- There is a too long period before the project launch: during this period we do not see the internal potential for speculative growth in the tokens price.
Based on our analysis, we DO NOT RECOMMEND to buy the AdChain tokens.
Review ishere