in ico •  6 years ago 

Current trends and issues associated with cloud data storage
The 21st century is the age of information. More and more data are generated on the daily basis creating an ever-increasing demand for storage space. Not every home computer, let alone a mobile device, can store all its own generated data. The capacity of the built-in memory is growing along with requirements for data safety. The increased volume of generated data proportionally increases the number of potential threats to the storage of this data
With the growth in the number of devices, cloud storage services are becoming increasingly important. Many cloud storage providers promise fast, reliable and convenient services. However, the reality is a bit more complicated.

Pure statistics
The year 2013 was marked by a scandal involving the outdated SSL service certificate by Microsoft Azure, which provided criminals with an opportunity to hack the Xbox Live system;
The so-called Celebgate incident, which happened in 2015, when hackers stole intimate photos of celebrities from the iCloud (Apple) cloud storage;
The number of hacks inflicted on cloud services is growing every year at the rate around 50%;
Approximately 70% of companies have at least one application running in a cloud;
Lloyd's of London and Cyence believe that a massive attack on cloud storage can cause losses in excess of $ 5 billion, and only 15-17% of the total amount will be covered by insurance;
In 2017, the data storage of Equifax, the US leading consumer credit report agency, had been hacked resulting a personal data loss of 143 million customers. Consequently, the value of company's stocks has plummeted by 13%;
The absence of two-factor authentication resulted in a personal data theft of 80 million customers of Anthem, an American health insurance company.

Data loss in cloud storage
Despite the fact that this type of storage is called "cloud", the data is stored in physical terrestrial and underground locations, called data centres.
The actual storage devices are hard disks prone to various effects similar to those inherent in modern HDDs, such as an appearance of bad sectors, errors caused by voltage drops or physical damage to the disk surface, both due to improper operation or a design defect.
As a rule, all information is duplicated in backup copies according to a specific schedule. However, this method does not fully guarantee the safety of your data. Also we must consider the human factor.

Theft of data from cloud storage
Data is not always lost as a result of technical failures. Often there is a banal theft. The criminals may steal information just for fun or with the purpose of honing their hacking skills. Information can be stolen with a very specific purpose: to make money through blackmailing or selling valuable data to interested parties
Not long ago, the media was buzzing with the news regarding the theft of intimate photos of celebrities from the cloud storage belonging to one of the main players on the mobile market.
After the scandal, the company responsible for security of the storage, as a third-party contractor, left the market, but the pictures, however, went all over the world.

Network Attack
The storage where your data is located may be subjected to a targeted cyberattack. In that case, you could be just a casual victim, especially if the hackers aimed at the entire service with the purpose of stealing or damaging the personal data of a particular user, whether it be an individual or a company. DDoSAttack
No matter how safe cloud storage is a simple DDoS attack can cause huge losses to the service by slowing down or blocking its operations, with users not being able to retrieve their data or use the service.
Human Factor
Despite the abundance of cyberthreats, the so-called human factor remains the most dangerous element in the process of securing data. An attacker can be located within the data centre, for example, as a system administrator. This situation is quite common. Some employees are willing to commit crimes to enrich themselves. The stolen personal data or the access to that information can be sold to various criminal organizations that may inflict an enormous damage, both moral and material.

Advancements in technology and methods of data protection in cloud storages
According to experts from Gartner, the world's leading research and advisory company, more than 80% of data loss in cloud storages caused by a customer, rather than by the cloud storage service. As a rule, the losses are due to inefficient organization of work with data by the customer. According to statistics provided by Gartner:
64% of customers of all data services believe cloud storages to be safer than the conventional methods of storing and securing information on the customer's side;
Nevertheless, 75% of customers encrypt the data before uploading it into the cloud;
52% strictly regulate and conduct a rigorous control over granting access to company’s data;
Almost 50% of companies regularly analyze and verify their data management systems;
By mid-2018, 80% of all IT budgets will be allocated to cloud solutions;
49% of companies delay the deployment of cloud storage due to a lack of cybersecurity skills;
Today, only 23% of companies have full confidence in cloud storage services in terms of data protection.

According to experts in data protection, the main factors critically affecting the safe storage of information are:
Data encryption both by the customer and by the cloud storage;
Clear and strict rules for access to the customer's data;
Means and methods of restoring data damaged as a result of actions by third parties or by a malfunction of the equipment;

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