DML ICO- Token Usage and Mechanism

in ico •  7 years ago 

Utilize Untapped Data and idle processing power for Machine Learning
DML token is paid to the data owner to contribute their private data and idle processing power for running machine learning algorithm in the DML protocol.

Acquire Machine Learning Algorithms in Marketplace
Apart from building in-house machine learning algorithm, customers could acquire machine learning algorithm from the developers in our DML marketplace using DML tokens. Therefore, talented developers are incentivized to join the DML developers’ community to develop machine learning algorithms for real life applications.

Reward to Decentralized Nodes in the protocol
DML tokens are used to motivate the decentralized nodes with different functions such as distributing algorithms, aggregating and averaging local machine learning result by federated learning or producing aggregated machine learning report. Those functions are essential and serve as part of the decentralized processing power network in machine learning.

Reward to Algorithm Trainer for Fine-tuning Algorithms
Developers who wish to seek resources to train and fine-tune their models can pay DML tokens to the model trainers. DML tokens are used to motivate model trainers to contribute their effort and time to fine-tune the algorithms by correcting the label of the algorithm.

User Growth Pool to Incentivize Users
A user growth pool of 9% of DML tokens will be created to incentivize DML users to early participate in the DML protocol and ecosystem. Data owners to allow machine learning algorithms to be run on their untapped private data. Decentralized nodes which provide various essential functions in supporting different parts of decentralized machine learning.

Extra Reward to Contributors
In addition to DML tokens directly paid by customers, data owners may earn extra DML tokens randomly from the user growth pool as long as they are connected to the DML protocol. The data owners, therefore, will earn DML tokens from up to two sources i.e. customers and user growth pool.

User Growth Pool Generation Mechanism
A limited amount of the DML token will be generated according to the pre-defined decreasing-supply algorithm based on the preset mechanism across time. The mechanism is designed to encourage early participation to contribute to machine learning development. Therefore, the reward block is designed with a pre-defined algorithm that will decrease with time.

The DML Token Utility System
Data owners will be rewarded from up to two sources, which is driven by the market demand of using untapped private data for machine learning and from the user growth pool. To encourage simplicity and mass adoption of token and cryptocurrency, a ERC20-supported wallet will be built in DML App to keep the DML token or other supported tokens.

Future Upgrades with DML

Flexibility to Upgrade and Multi- Blockchain Compatibility
DML treasures the knowledge, expertise and innovation of every individual as they believe in collective wisdom and intelligence, their core value that motivates to unleash untapped data and link them together to create a co-intelligence system. Therefore, DML protocol is designed to encourage developers to participate in system upgrade or future technology compatibility advancement too.

Compatibility with existing and forthcoming blockchain and cryptographic technology together with the flexibility for protocol upgrades are the key for on-going development and sustainability. Therefore, DML protocol is designed with flexibility to be upgraded and compatible with new blockchain technology, of which it will not be confined to any single or existing ones.

Promote DML Protocol Upgrade

DML encourages any developers, who have ideas to improve the protocol by proposing enhancement to the existing one, through our protocol. They’ll reserve financial resources to motivate any developers to improve their protocol. This does not only incentivize developers across the globe to continuously contribute to the maintenance of the decentralized network, but also the forthcoming enhancement of the protocol.

Scalability and Off-chain Transactions

DML protocol is designed with scalability feature to cope with increasingly mass usage and heavy transactions load. For instance, DML may adopt off-chain method, such as state channels, by offloading non-core and generalized processes off-chain to increase its efficiency and reduce transaction costs.

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