Globally, there are lots of digital currencies exchange and trading platform in which majority of the crypto-currency exchange only allow trading of crypto-crypto pairs. Only few of these exchanges in existence allow trading of crypto-fiat. The most known and common method of exchanging crypto to FIAT is through the use of the well known crypto-currency called BITCOIN and sometimes ETHEREUM and after this the traders need to go through lots of stress exchanging the BTC and ETH to FIAT on black market. This approach has really weighed down traders of crypto-currency and it has made DEXAGE resolve to launch of crypto-currency exchange that allow direct exchange and conversion of crypto-currency to FIAT and vice versa.
It is observed that those exchanges that have introduced CRYPTO-FIAT exchange are not really working to its full capacity. As much as crypto traders enjoy trading on the exchange platform, the issue and difficulties facing the crypto-exchange platforms has really make majority of the traders quit trading.
DEXAGE is a decentralized exchange platform which will help solving the trading issue facing the current crypto-currency exchange. I personally experienced some dissatisfaction at the hands of some crypto-currency exchange as a result of slow deposit and withdrawal and bad user interface. Some other traders have lost huge funds at the hands of the crypto-exchange as a result of insecurity and glitches in the platform. Another issue observed with the current crypto-currency exchange is lack of trust and transparency. Centralized exchange platform always experience this issue most time. These issues mentioned above have really make some traders quit crypto-currency trading because some traders can’t even count their losses at the hands of crypto-exchange.
DEXAGE decentralized exchange platform will restore the lost hope in the traders through the launch of its decentralized exchange platform. One of the good sides of decentralized exchange platform is that traders have more access and control over their account than the centralized platform. Some users and traders even find it difficult to pass through KYC successfully in the centralized platform. DEXAGE exchange is designed in such a way that traders won’t have any issue using the exchange platform.
Another issue facing crypto-trading is the issue of security and reliability. Majority of the crypto exchange platform have one time or the other suffers from glitches and security breach in which traders assets and funds was lost. With DEXAGE decentralized exchange traders fund can never be lost even in the cases of security breach simply because traders have more control of their account in the platform.
DEXAGE platform is designed with a low fee structure in which traders will be charge little-nothing fees in the platform. Another good feature of DEXAGE is the area of its user interface. DEXAGE is designed with best interface traders can always think of. DEXAGE features include SCALABILITY, HIGHER LIQUIDITY, LESSER FLUCTUATION, GREATER CAPITAL PROTECTION, SOCIAL WEB DRIVEN, and DECENTRALIZATION.
Token Symbol => DXG
Token Supply => 5,000,000,000 DXG
Token Type => ERC20
Soft-cap => $5,000,000
Hard-cap => $24,000,000
2,250,000,000 Allocated to Crowd-sale Program
500,000,000 Allocated to Bounties and Airdrop
750,000,000 Allocated to Team and Founders
750,000,000 Allocated to Reserved
500,000,000 Allocated to Pre-Sale
250,000,000 Allocated to Core Investors
40% Allocated to Platform Development
40% Allocated to Marketing, Branding and Education
20% Allocated to Contingency Plan
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Bitcointalk User Profile =>;u=1996602
Bitcointalk Username => Bellokudi