LeadRex Pre-Sale completed!

in ico •  7 years ago 

Dear LeadRex Community!

We hasten to report excellent news!
We reached agreements with the investor as a result of lengthy negotiations and signed an agreement on conditions favorable for each side. After the completion of the ICO within 7 days, the LeadRex project receives an investment equal to the unsold quantity of tokens considering the bonuses for the purchase volume under the terms of the agreement. The investor receives an option in the form of tokens of unsold pre-sale stage within 3 days after signing the agreement.

We have envisaged additional conditions for the agreement to protect other holders of the LDX token:

  1. The investor doesn’t have the right to sell the tokens received as an option within 6 months.
  2. We assume that an investor can sell no more than 10% per month of the total number of tokens received after 6 months.
  3. All restrictions on the sale of tokens will be withdrawn after 12 months.
    The LeadRex team thanks all those who believe in our project. We are very excited about the situation and are determined to work with great zeal to launch the platform to meet your expectations.
    Tune in for the best with us and participate in the Pre-ICO. Each user will receive bonuses up to 25% of the investment amount!

👍 Alexander | LeadRex @rav4919
👍 Andrey | LeadRex @Andrey0856
👍 Konstantin | LeadRex @strike0095

🙋‍♂️ Anton Skripka |CEO | LeadRex @SkripkOFF
🙋‍♂️ Oleg | CCO | LeadRex @YbzCoin

Official Links BTT:
฿ Bitcointalk (RU) — https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3980113.msg37762784#msg37762784
฿ Bitcointalk (ENG) — https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3980476.msg37763777#msg37763777

📣 Telegram Bounty chat (RU) — https://t.me/leadrexbountyrus
📣 Telegram Bounty chat (ENG) — https://t.me/leadrexbountyeng

Official telegram chats:
🇷🇺 Russia — https://t.me/leadrexrus
🇬🇧 English — https://t.me/leadrexeng
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🇲🇨 Indonesia — https://t.me/LeadRexIndonesia
🇸🇽 Philippines — https://t.me/leadrexphilippines
🇹🇷 Turkey — https://t.me/leadrexturkey
🇿🇦 Africa — https://t.me/leadrexafrica
🇯🇵 Japan — https://t.me/leadrexjapan
🇪🇺 Europe — https://t.me/leadrexeurope
🇪🇬 Egypt — https://t.me/leadrexegypt
🇺🇸 USA — https://t.me/leadrexusa

❓ FAQ — support: [email protected]
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✅ Advertising proposal: [email protected]
✅ Sales proposal: [email protected]good-news.jpg

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