Advertising that is based on human emotions – The Zerostate Project:

in ico •  6 years ago 

Advertising has changed over the years. Consider these two advertisement scenarios: The first one is a suited corporate guy asking you to buy a jar of Nutella. In the second scenario, a child tip toes into the kitchen, climbs up the chair to reach out for a jar of Nutella kept on the top shelf. The child then sits at a corner and enjoys the jar of Nutella until it's empty.

Which of these two scenarios will make you go out and actually buy a jar of Nutella ? Of course it is the child's version! The corporate guy's version was too boring and nobody even cares. The child's version touches our emotions and as is evident, we human beings are creatures of emotion. Emotional intelligence is the new buzz word. The era of mundane advertisements is dead.

The Problem:

Companies spend millions of dollars to advertise their product on the print or television media. The goal of these corporations is to get maximum exposure worldwide which will aid in increasing the sell of their product.

The model works up to a certain extent. This is a tried and tested traditional method whose only aim is to get maximum possible reach. However, in today's competitive marketplace what matters more is reaching the right audience and making an impact rather than reaching a vast audience.

The Zerostate Solution:

Zerostate Project is set to revolutionize how companies or organizations advertise their product. Based on the state of the art blockchain technology, the project promises to use 'Emotional Intelligence' factor of registered users to curate the best suited advertisement for each user, and in a way that they will love it. This will instantly create an impact on the probable customers and will increase the probability of them buying the same product.

This is indeed a revolutionary strategy. Not only the company is slated to benefit from this, but the customers as well. The Zerostate Project has decided to dedicate a portion of the revenue to be distributed among the brand loyalists, or the probable buyers. The customers can even leave valuable feedback for the available products.

The ICO and the team:

The Zerostate Project has already deployed an application on the Android play store. To scale further it is aiming to raise funds through an Initial Coin Offering (ICO). Investors can buy the ZSCoin by participating in the ICO. The coin will be used for performing all transactions across the ecosystem. Investors can later change the coin for other cryptocurrencies using exchanges.

Coming to the most important part of a blockchain based project -- the team behind the product. The Zerostate Project boasts of a versatile team with multiple years of experience across various domains. The board of advisers are top executives of multinational companies.


I feel that the Zerostate Project will bring forth the much awaited change in the advertisement sector. This is the age of targeted advertisements and Zerostate Project will take the game a level up. With curated content and advertisement targeting the emotional quotient of the consumer, it is definitely going to be a game changer. The team and the strategy is just the icing on the cake!

If the team can deliver its promises, the ICO will be one of the top ones of 2018!

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Published by smithjones

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Advertisement sector was long overdue for a change. I believe this is the change that the industry has been waiting for!

I checked your ico reviews.. Thanks for sharing good icos