in ico •  6 years ago  (edited)

Hello, all my friends. This time cryptocurrency market does not make you feel good right? I am feeling the same but, I think the market will be good not very more long time. I, my self still believe in it and 100% trust solution with the project that creates on the blockchain, because it is the next solution for the future so with the project or idea create something on blockchain platform that still attracts me.
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Now, I still keep looking for projects to invest and there are many on ico list but with me, one of that can see more potential and would like to share with you and in this post, I want to tell you some of special of the feature of the project that name is Orichalcos. Have you ever hear about this name?
Orichalcos is a blockchain platform with self-stabilizing property governance that can be used in areas that require asset management and incentive granting like games. Now a day, there are many many projects has created on the blockchain and get success because they work so hard for their project, they want to make their idea go to the real. With Orichalos, the team also working hard and now would like to share their project with all the people who love the blockchain technology.
In here I will share with you some of the special features of Orichalcos and will tell more in the next post.

Orichalcos Foundation is established to make decentralized gaming platform with blockchain technology in 2018. The main development team is located in Seoul, South Korea. And in their project, the token name call ORIC and the stone will contribute to the game vitalization by consumption in item trading and various in-game contents. In addition, in the external exchange, it can be made to an ORIC Token which is cryptocurrency. Game data will be archived and given to each user, which enables to preserve their game history and serves as a bridge between past and present

Orichalcos has two solutions for Consumer and Providers. Let's have look:

  • Provide profit based on service utilization results
  • Produce and supply photos, music, and posts to make money.
  • Provides additional profits by trading contents in asset auctions
  • Expand your network and receive incentives through the platform
    And for PROVIDERS:
  • Provide your project instantly with the Orichalcos solution.
  • Provide precise user intelligence
  • Provide an integrated environment with community, social and user targeting technology
  • And an additional technical support is available.

With fast look some of the things about Orichalcos we can see the way team doing now soon make the project to reality. And when you look at the team, they all profession of the field of technology and have 20 years experience. With that experience and devoted to the project I believe they will get successful. And Orichalcos solution will conquer the user who is hardest people.
Finally, if you like the project idea and like the way they going now you can check more at http://orichalcos.io/
and see their whitepaper here: http://orichalcos.io/wp-content/themes/oric/pdf/20180907-Orichalcos-Technical-Paper_v1.0.6_en.pdf

And that all in this post I would to share with you, I will be back with next post for more detail of Orichalcos.
Thanks for your spend time look at my article.
Bounty0x username: thanhduy61840

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