in ico •  7 years ago 

Our ultimate dream is for every smartphone owner to be able to install the SOCIFI Engagement Solution (SES) and cover their mobile data expenses by interacting with the sponsored content. Our mission is to unlock the potential of free ad-sponsored data and to help to create an open, transparent and fair marketplace. Sponsored Data can have a significant positive influence on economic growth, education and communication in human lives in both developed and developing markets, for consumers, small companies and large and corporate companies alike.

SOCIFI has been experimenting with sponsored data on WiFi since late 2014. We have connected WiFi publishers in over 67 countries and successfully tested that data can be sponsored by big brands such as Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Fanta, Microsoft, Uber and others or by hyper local brands. More than 51 million end-users enjoyed free data thanks to our solution and our partners (WiFi operators and advertisers).


SOCIFI is able to provide people who are reaching the limits of what they can spend on mobile data the opportunity to connect to the internet with no additional costs. This is, for example, one of the key reasons why Facebook is making the project.

In terms of vision, the goal is the same, but the approach is different. Free internet sponsored by local, regional or global sponsors (advertisers) may have a positive influence on economic growth and human lives. It also helps any participating MNO or Virtual Mobile Network Operator (VMNO) to invest to the network infrastructure and it allows for more people to be connected to the internet.

People invest and exchange their time for engagement with sponsored content and in return earn our new cryptocurrency GIF, which can, among other, be used for buying mobile data (or, we will seek to create, other sponsored services in the future). The same GIF tokens can in the future be used for buying media space from advertisers (sponsors) on the other side.

This gives the new GIF tokens its value and helps to establish an economy around the sponsored data community.

If you want to use the ad-supported model as we do to provide end-users with sponsored data (or other services), you have to meet the following conditions:

Have a marketplace with a fair revenue split distribution between advertisers and publishers without a middle-man.

Have a strategy for staying competitive with major ad marketplaces such as Facebook, Google and similar mammoths.

How can we achieve this? To meet the first condition, we developed an online marketplace for advertisers (sponsors) to connect with publishers (MNOs or other players).

To meet the second condition, we developed an SDK that works on Android. An iOS version will be developed in the near future; however, our main focus is on the most-used devices in targeted locations, and these are Android-powered.

We call this SDK the SOCIFI engagement solution (SES). The SES was designed with a strong focus on UX/UI (user experience/user interface) with the goal to bring unique solution that is closer to communication on social networks than to traditional digital advertising.

It allows us to deliver more sponsored messages within one session. The result? The SES can deliver sponsored messages with competitive prices to major players (Google, Facebook).

The rewards system has implemented a gamification mechanism that encourages the subscribers to explore sponsored content every day and to build a stronger relationship with the marketplace. We think it is fair to issue coins stepwise depending on the everyday involvement of a user.

Each advertiser (sponsor) has an option to have one or multiple profiles (brands) with one or more sponsored messages under each profile. Sponsored content is targeted by the subscriber’s personal preference and by targeting options. Different users can obtain different content.

The solution is ready; what is next? As you may know, building a successful two-sided marketplace is not easy. For us, it means convincing people from the publisher’s (MNO’s) and advertiser’s (sponsor’s) side to solve the chicken and egg problem.

Although we received positive feedback from both sides, changing the mindset of MNOs is a challenge. To be sure we succeed, we have decided to solve the chicken and egg problem by transforming two-sided business into one-sided business and run the marketplace on our own.

How will we do it? Our intention is to pre-buy a sufficient amount of mobile data from MNOs/VMNOs. This will give us a quantity discount on mobile data, reduce the sponsorship costs and transform the two-sided business to being one-sided. It also gives us the power to manage the process and do it right. It places us in the position of virtual network operator.

Where we will start? We pre-selected several countries where we cooperate with local MNOs, media agencies (which buy the media space for large advertisers), brands (advertisers/sponsors) and partners to achieve this. We are already working in pre-selected countries to successfully launch our foundation.


Socifi token (GIF) will be released during the contribution period. Socifi will sells ERC-20 compatible Ethereum-based GIF token. The aim of the token sale is to provide a discounted participation for the early adopters of the decentralized platform. To provide a functional lending market to such extent, early adopters are required. By purchasing GIF, the early adopters receives a discounted price for using the decentralized lending platform. The ICO has been structured to give the best opportunities to anyone who would like to participate from the very beginning, providing maximum flexibility and control for the participants.

Socifi token (GIF) will be used to purchase products and service on the Socifi network such data. It will also be used to provide incentive for early adopters.


ICO starts January 24, 2018 and ends on February 13, 2018 or when the presale cap is reached


49% Bulk Mobile Data Purchases

17% Development

5% Legal

8% Operations

5% Security

5% Market

5% infrastructure

What are you waiting for?


The main parts of the solution are ready, and we must focus on the deployment in specific pre-selected countries. We have analyzed over 70 markets worldwide and can deploy our solution in any of the finally chosen market(s) within 12–18 months. SOCIFI will provide sponsored mobile data and other sponsored services to everyone who has a smartphone.

Our main goals are:

Provide access to sponsored data to everyone who has a smartphone

Open the Global marketplace with sponsored data in pre-selected country/countries

A fair and transparent revenue split distribution between advertisers and publishers

Create a new digital currency that is used for buying sponsored data (or other sponsored services) on one side and media space on the other

Establish the GIF Foundation for open governance

Release our SES as a fully open-sourced project. The SOCIFI Engagement SDK and example white labeled app will be released under an open source license on GitHub.

Over time the SES will be decentralized based on smart contract technology









Author: TheMichaelMatch

My BitcoinTalk Profile:;u=1326035

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