Unikoin - why you DON'T want to follow Mark Cuban and Ashton Kutcher into this ICO

in ico •  8 years ago 

Unikoin is getting some hype because Mark "now-I-like-blockchain" Cuban is an "investor" along with Ashton Kutcher and they are planning an ICO in September/October.

You'll find lots of people saying they want to get in on the ICO because Mark and Ashton are involved. What this means for you is THEY want to take YOUR money. That's what these early "investors" are there to do. If the actual Unikoin idea was so great, they would just run the business and reep all of the profits for themselves. But no... They want some ICO money to run off with.

Mark is cocky and shrewd... Not really as smart as he is opportunistic. He's the only "self-made" billionaire on the planet that can't point to anything of significant value that he's actually created. (Think Bill Gates - Microsoft, Elon Musk - PayPal, Tesla, SpaceX, Mark Cuban - hmm how did he actually "get" all of that money...? What is the big valuable thing he created? Stumped - - aren't you? I'll cover the real story about how he landed billions without creating anything of lasting value in another post at another time, but he's clearly the "luckiest" billionaire of all time.

So now how excited are you that Mark and Ashton are early investors? If they were actually investing DURING the ICO at the same rate you would pay for "coins" then it might be noteworthy...

Also take a look at how they "want" to use money from the poor humps that "invest" in the ICO: 60% to try to develop a product (hmm, you've been around since 2015. Why don't you actually have a product?) and 40% for marketing and administrative expenses.

Hey Mark, can you and your cronies take 20% and do some marketing? For example - how about taking $40 million and delivering $20 million in value - so you and your buddies make great salaries and a great a profit for your agency, right? And that leaves 20% for "administration." Yippee - hey Mark and Ashton can each of you please take 10% and do some administrative stuff?

Beyond these reasons you should NOT be excited that Mark and Ashton are already investors, there are also some fundamental flaws in that Unikoin's mission is very narrowly focused on eSports betting, and the community now has serious concerns about Ethereum being able to consistently process betting transactions at the necessary speed.

Compare Peerplays which already has a product and can process transactions at magnitudes of order faster than the Ethereum network.

Please share your thoughts here - no matter what your opinion.

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Lol you had me convinced at 'Ashton Kutcher'

Interesting. A bit too emotional, but informative)