PAVO - A blockchain revolution for agriculture

in ico •  6 years ago 

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The population of Earth grows steadily, and shows no signs of stopping. With our numbers bolstering each year, the concern for sufficient food and water supplies becomes stronger and stronger in the minds of scientists and agricultural specialists. There will be no easy solution, so the first step toward global sustenance is in improving the systems we already have in place.

Blockchain has become synonymous with revolution in financial and technological industries, but few realize its potential to better the infrastructure and solve age-old problems that other industries face. One of the most important industries, that humanity relies on to survive, is agriculture. That is why Pavo, a development team whose track record includes many proven software solutions for monitoring agricultural undertakings both in Europe and the United States, decided to widen their goals and create the Pavo platform.


Starting with the tree nut industry that they already have experience in, Pavo aims to branch out into other fields, like indoor farming, until they cover the whole of agriculture industries. They are combining their Internet of Things technologies with blockchain to overcome the issues with yield and quality of product, governmental regulations, increasing utility costs, price negotiations, branding, and even alleviate environmental consequences of agriculture.

So how will the Pavo ecosystem function you may ask? The development team has laid out an extensive and well polished plan, so let's take a look:

There are two core elements along the lines of which the project will develop – first is a hardware and software platform for growers to use internally; second – a cryptocurrency (PavoCoin) that will help connect farmers, suppliers and clients on the Pavo marketplace.

Pavo marketplace has been developed with the intention of bringing the security and transparency of smart contracts and the blockchain to agricultural industry transactions. With the help of the PavoCoin (PAVO) and smart contracts, users of the network will be able to utilize many features unavailable through traditional means. Proof-of-receipt, recurring payments, exclusive escrow for future exchanges of value provided to the PAVO wallet after payment, as well as an overall ease of use, transparency, security and immutability will be ensured by the Ethereum blockchain. This will help boost the growth of agricultural undertakings worldwide, especially in developing countries and regions.


The hardware provided by PAVO includes sensors that collect data relating to gathering, transmission, environmental factors, soil, fertilization and other factors that contribute to a successful agricultural endeavor. This is done with low cost, low power, easy to use equipment that has already been tested by time and many farmers in the industry.


The software crafted by the PAVO team will use the data provided by the sensors and store it on the blockchain, then analyze it encompassing every step of the process. Among the functions of the software are checks for regulation compliance from seed to market, an organized way to manage the costs of supplies, labor and resources, an ability to track and analyze the produce to see what changes can be made to improve branding or environmental influence.


Any type of farm operation can benefit by joining the PAVO platform, not only largest ones. The approach of the platform incorporates every faculty relevant to the cultivation of crops and successful business. On top of that, the use of cryptocurrency in such an important industry will speed up the global adoption rate of blockchain based technology, which will benefit humanity as a whole.

What do you think about the problems that agriculture faces today? What other industries can benefit from blockchain here and now? Tell me in the comment section below.

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Author's bitcointalk: OceanWind33

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another place that this will be good for is food infrastructure for sure. At least the marketplace part. Good project

You just rose by 20.54% upvote from @comfortcodex courtesy of @vladmag21

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unfortunate that more companies don't try to implement cryptocurrencies in this way. Pavo looks very very solid

thanks for the info, will talk to the devs on telegram if I can