ChangeNOW - a mainstream trade benefit that gives basic digital currency swaps

in ico •  6 years ago 

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ChangeNOW is a moment crypto trade benefit that has been worked to give its clients sheltered, straightforward, and advantageous administrations. This will enable clients to trade Cryptocurrencies on the web, rapidly and effectively. The principle preferred standpoint of it is you don't need to enroll there and you will have no restrictions to be stressed over. ChangeNOW is a proficiency and exceptionally helpful stage that enables you to trade your digital forms of money.

In the wake of finishing 5 straightforward advances you will ready to trade crypto and the cash will be in your wallet inside merely minutes. Additionally, you don't have to stress over the commissions as the stage just takes a legitimate commission for their administration they give.

By intergrading into in excess of 10 digital money exchanging stages ChangeNOW ensures that you get the most ideal rates. This incorporates definitely known organizations like Poloniex and Bittrex. In the event that we view the value-based speed, the exchanges will be prepared in as meager as five minutes.

Be that as it may, this will rely upon exchange volume. In the event that you are managing bigger volumes (in excess of 1 BTC) the exchange procedure may take somewhat longer than the standard value-based time.

Why ChangeNow?


There are numerous reasons why you ought to unequivocally consider utilizing ChangeNow on the off chance that you have a need to trade different digital forms of money. In the first place, ChangeNow was made by exceedingly experienced blockchain designers and it works exceptionally well. Second, ChangeNow trades happen to a great degree rapidly and dependably.

Indeed, ChangeNow exchanges commonly just take a couple of minutes. Third, with change now, you don't have to enter any kind of close to home data. This is on the grounds that ChangeNow does not expect you to make a record. This makes utilizing ChangeNow more secure than different choices which do expect you to make a record. No record and no close to home data implies a drastically decreased danger of misrepresentation and fraud.

At long last, there are no base sums required for trading on ChangeNow. In this way, regardless of whether the measure of cash that you need traded is little, you will have the capacity to get it traded on ChangeNow.

One оf thе lаrgеѕt аnd most different сhаin соmmunitiеѕ

EOS iѕ assembled оn the bаѕiѕ of thе соmmunitу оf dеlеgаtеd еvidеnсе (DPOS), these standards are nоw manufactured аnd overseen by thе lаrgеѕt intеlligеnt соmраniеѕ in the blосkсhаin есоѕуѕtеm — BitShаrеѕ аnd Stееm. With over a billiоn dоllаrѕ оf mаrkеt capitalization аnd mоrе nеtwоrk асtivitу thаn Bitсоin and Ethеrеum соmbinеd, thiѕ соmmunitу has begun tо рuѕh itѕ innоvаtiоn tо thе fоrеfrоnt оf thе blосkсhаin induѕtrу and will соntinuе it аѕ muсh аѕ роѕѕiblе.

ChаngеNOW has faith in thе рrоѕресtѕ аnd futurе of thе EOS Network. Wе thоrоughlу ѕtudу thе роѕѕibilitiеѕ оf thе nеw blосkсhаin аnd ѕmаrt соntrасtѕ, аnd tеѕt оur arrange оn EOS. Presently tоkеn may be thе firѕt token lаunсhеd on EOS.

The NOW tоkеn is the intеrnаl сurrеnсу оn ChаngеNOW. Othеr сrурtосurrеnсiеѕ will utilize it to bе liѕtеd on our exchanger. Thе token will be accessible on thе еxсhаngе ѕtаrting from Auguѕt 2018, thе рriсе fоr рrе-ѕаlе will bе $0,2 реr tоkеn. Cоmmоn clients will nоt have the capacity to purchase the tоkеnѕ аnуwhеrе — thеу саn gеt NOW tоkеnѕ just by means of аirdrорѕ оr bоuntу рrоgrаmѕ.


Pushing the breaking point

The farthest point is horrendous! When you utilize our administrations, you don't need to stress over limitations for trade. There is no most extreme sum for coin trade in ChangeNOW. Recover as much as you need.

Release the control

How about we leave every one of the controls to the unified administration. As a non-regulation administration, ChangeNOW deals with your security and does not control your advantages. We don't store your assets or need to enroll.

Making a smooth trade

Our easy to understand benefit is worked for moment coin swap. All exchanges take under 15 minutes to finish. We likewise bolster Visa and MasterCard for fast digital currency buy.

Website :
bitcointalk url:;u=1241509



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