Idea and its puritysteemCreated with Sketch.

in idea •  7 years ago 

How an idea originates and defining the purity of an idea is a difficult subject to discuss. Can an idea be pure?, can it originate from nothing?. This is a tricky subject to invest your time on. Obviously some would say yes, idea originates from no-where and some would say its a chicken and egg loop, that is for an Idea to be born, it should have its set of parents. These unending loops of discussion can be very tricky and can put purpose of the discussion to be questioned.

I was no different, though I did not know the answer, I took a side hoping in the process of arguing we would get somewhere close to an answer. But this subject is like quick sand more we struggled with it, more it sucked us into it and the argument took a completely different turn and people took it to their heart. Now instead of discussing on idea and its purity, we started to argue only about 'me' and 'you'. I guess this is what happens with most when they talk about the truth, in the quest to find one we ultimately end up arguing that I am unique and I am the truth. Where as the fact is we have just taken sides assuming that the side we have taken will be the truth, much like the scientist who comes up with a theory first and then desperately tries to prove his theory to vindicate his existence. And deep down we all know that the answer is not so close to its original color.

An in-consistent argument made by people to stick to their point is easy to discard, as the view point is not our's. After all we have to trust our senses. As strange as it is, truth is also the definition of absoluteness, a totalitarian view of a subject. Our discussion was to understand Idea and it's birth from the void, but it turned into Darwin's saga of evolution. Quantification is a good way to measure most of the things in life but it does not provide answers to all the questions we pose to it. And the answer to Idea and its purity should always stay far away from absoluteness for its own good.

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