One of my elementary school teachers told us an amusing anecdote about an encounter between a 'civilized' man and what used to be called 'a savage'. It went something like this:
A 'civilized' man observes a 'savage' blowing snot onto the ground, and thinks, 'How disgusting!'
The 'savage' sees the 'civilized' man blowing snot into a handkerchief, which the 'civilized' man then stuffs in his pocket, and the 'savage' thinks, 'Ewww! Gross! He's saving it!'
You laugh, but the point of the anecdote is to illustrates the shaky ground on which those people who believe themselves superior to the 'savages' around them are actually standing on. These people prance around believing they are admired for their superior ways, when in actuality the 'savages' have quickly noticed that the emperor is, in reality, running around naked.
Actually, the anecdote is about how ridiculous the pompous ass of a 'civilized' man looks to the 'uncivilized' man, and how the 'civilized' man overrates himself while simultaneously underrating those he (wrongly) assumes to be less intelligent than himself.
The reason I am starting out this post with that particular anecdote is because I have never been able to tolerate the prancing 'intellectual' whose intellect is oftentimes less than that of a cabbage. They're great at spewing back a lot of memorized rhetoric from 'reliable' sources, but ask them to grasp a simple thought that doesn't register on their quotation-meter, and they're forever lost in the woods. Because they can't think outside of what they've been spoon-fed in school, following thinking that is outside of the box is completely impossible for them.
The irony is that major breakthroughs in thought and science have never come from people like them. In fact, they're the ones who, throughout history, have persecuted, insulted and blocked the very people who eventually made ground-breaking discoveries. Yet, when they look at themselves in the mirror, they see brilliance.
Sigh! Minds that are only open to hearing what comes in via officially sanctioned channels are hardly fit to ponder important things. To ponder important things, a person has to be open to listening to ideas that are way 'out there'. In the English language we have an expression, 'out of the mouths of babes', which basically means that the kid who pointed out the emperor's nakedness saw, in his innocence, the real truth of the situation. As far as I am concerned, the same can be said about some of the people branded as 'conspiracy theorists' and 'nutters'. Sometimes a real gem pops out of one of these individuals, something that makes me stop and think that, maybe, they've inadvertently hit on something that bears thinking about.
One of these people is none other than Mr. Reptilian, David Icke.
Yes, I said David Icke. Please not that I believe the man has fallen victim to the 'testimonies' of a lot of questionable individuals, such as the notorious 'Arizona Wilder' and Cathy O'Brien (whose stories I believe to be big bags of bull), however that does not change the fact that he presents some very interesting ideas. So, let's talk reptilians... .
As a quick side-note, the Reddy Memorial Hospital, home of CIA MKULTRA experiments inside of Canada, just happens to be in my hometown. Since they made the major screw-up of messing with the wife of a Member of Parliament, their activities were pretty much common knowledge to us since the 1970s. I am of the opinion that a lot of people simply battened on to that rowboat in order to create their own narratives about non-existent nefarious off-shoots of a program that was nasty in its own right, and that Mr. Icke, being a good-natured if somewhat gullible fellow, has been taken in big-time by the women mentioned above (as well as a few others).
Now, back to the Reptoids... .
You don't have to be into the paranormal and/or UFOs in order to be familiar with the concept of serpentine beings from another realm. Myth and religion are rife with them. So, nothing big there. What riles the ignorant up is Mr. Icke's supposed 'shape-shifting' reptiles. Now, I am not saying that I believe the Queen of England is one of these creatures, or that any of the things Mr. Icke claims his informants above witnessed is real. What annoys me are the people who mock Mr. Icke simply because they can't wrap their minds around a given concept, in this case, how reptilians can shift from human to reptilian and back again.
Before mocking something, make certain you have listened to, and understood, the argument they are laying out in front of you. Mr. Icke has repeatedly stated that this shape-shifting isn't an actual physical maneuver. But do the dumbbells get it? Not at all. Either that or they simply shoot their mouths off without hearing out the argument - which isn't surprising considering that most of them are no better than the 'civilized' man in the anecdote above. Too busy looking down their noses at everything and anyone to see beyond their own limited concepts of this, that, or the next thing. I honestly believe that Mr. Icke's thinking is way too complex for such people to grasp, and because they can't grasp it, they mock it. The problem is in their own limitedness, not in the idea that is being put before them.
I simply cannot tolerate people who mock before listening, and without any understanding of the actual argument. Oh, we have all done it at one time or another, but some people are just too ignorant and full of themselves to believe that maybe they are the ones who are not 'getting it'. In the end, they make themselves look like total asses, but sadly they will never know that because they remain in their own echo-chambers where equally clueless and arrogant individuals applaud their stupidity.
What Mr. Icke speaks of is an intriguing concept, and one that bears some consideration. Basically (for those reading who have problems with the concept) he is talking about optical illusion when he speaks of shape-shifting. The illusion slips, and, for a brief moment, we see the being as it really is. Then the illusion snaps back into place, and a human stands before us. Whether such beings actually walk among us is another issue. What Mr. Icke proposes is that they do, but that they are messing with our perceptions of them.
A person needs to also remember that, in mythology, this is precisely what the ancient gods and goddesses did. Zeus' real form was actually that of the lightening bolt. When his human lover Europa asked to see his real form, the sight killed her - at least in the version of the myth I am familiar with.
So, again, nothing new there. Shape-shifting gods have been part of everyone's culture since antiquity. Thor was the embodiment of Thunder, and in Chinese mythology dragons routinely took on human form in order to interact with us. Only a doofus wouldn't catch on to that.
Mr. Icke also talks about the holographic universe, and yes, I do think he's taking the film 'The Matrix' too seriously. Full disclosure is required here: I've never seen the film, only heard summaries of it's plot. Anyway, despite his Matrix fetish, there might be something to his idea of a world that masks another reality. Humans do have a much limited sense of hearing and vision than our animal counterparts, and, as such, there probably is a lot in the natural world that we just cannot see. If we could see through the eyes of a cat or a dog, or even another person, would we see exactly the same things we see in our own body? And, what to make of people who experience sound as color? Yes, it is a neurological condition that causes it, but how the hell can a brain screw up that badly? What about a group of cancer patients whose long-term survival seems to be attributable to how they perceived the cancer that had invaded their bodies? The scientists are still trying to sort that one out, but attitude is being taken as a credible factor in their studies (and don't ask for 'sources' on that study because it is an on-going study that an acquaintance is part of).
It is tantalizing to envision that the world may not be as simple as our five senses report it to be. I am inclined to believe that there is another dimension to it which is effectively blanked out by our own limited sensory capacity. Just because we can't grasp it, it doesn't mean that it isn't there. If we do discount that possibility out of hand, then we are no better, once again, than the 'civilized' man in the anecdote. When anomalies turn up, we should be investigating them to see what makes them tick, and not just finding reasons to belittle and discount them. Some will turn out to be nothing at all, however others will defy easy explanation. If we try to pass them off as so much swamp gas simply because we currently lack the level of scientific development required in order to understand them, then we will remain forever in our own ignorance, wallowing in our own arrogance.
Branding someone a 'nutter', and making fun of their ideas is asinine when you, yourself, don't have intellectual wherewithal to grasp the finer points of their argument. Unfortunately, the people who most need to see themselves in that description, won't. Period. They will laugh at all the other people around them whom they think fits the bill, but, oh no, it surely doesn't apply to them. I've seen it all too often... .
I am not going to get into the whole conspiracy theory industry, or Mr. Icke's part in it. I simply find a few ideas of his to have some possible merit, and/or find it revolting that people who believe themselves to be his intellectual superiors mock those ideas when they, themselves, have failed to grasp them. That is 'the pot calling the kettle black'.
There is one other itty, bitty little piss-off that I have when it comes to people attacking Mr. Icke on false grounds, and that the accusation made against him that when he says 'reptilians' it is 'code for Jews'. The people making that accusation have understood (and have listened to him) even less than the buttholes who mock his ideas without understanding them. When Mr. Icke says 'reptilians', he means 'reptilians'! No doubt about that! To those people, I say, 'get over yourselves!' and stop trying to make everything in the world be about you. If you want to see how ridiculous and pathetic you are, then watch this. If anyone else tries to watch the video and can't find it anymore, well, the group who got to it ahead of you probably forced YouTube to have it banned because it made them look like utter jackasses.
Here's to having an open mind that isn't afraid to entertain strange ideas!

Image: Pixabay
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