Sometimes, others will not see your perspective. Does that mean you're wrong?
Many of us are in the habit of looking for validation when we have a new idea. But when we finally do get into conversation about it, It's amazing how people come up with all the reasons why you wouldn't want to do it, isn't it?
Of course, we all must rely on the wisdom of our mentors and coaches, people in our inner circle. But as you expand outward from there, you've got to take things people say with an increasingly bigger grain of salt.
Today, my ideas were not received well by another. They made some good arguments too, pointing to the artistic endeavors I had taken on this year. They asked, "don't you want to be spending more time on your music?"
But I sat back and thought about what they said, and I didn't come away feeling any differently about my next moves.
Right now, it feels as though my freedom is in a stranglehold. Now, speaking of things I take with a big grain of salt, there are personality tests. But every personality test I've taken seems to point to the idea that freedom is what matters most to someone of my disposition, and I tend to agree.
It's not as though my artistic endeavors don't matter to me. But when my freedom is being threatened, I'm not going to be feeling creative. My instinct, rather, is going to be to dedicate a greater part of my thought and work life to breaking out of prison as soon as I possibly can. I'm not long suffering doing things I don't enjoy doing, and my only goal is to grow my personal income and independence to the point where my freedom is never challenged or threatened again.
No, I'm not going to go to work for another. I'm going to expand my business.
I am sick of shitheads expanding their businesses while I suffer in silence. No more. I will show them who's boss.
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