It's interesting that you tagged this as an #ideology and #lifestyle article when your topic concerns #politics and #power. The fact is that women didn't join the workforce 20 years ago because of the feminist movement. Working-class women have always worked outside the home. That's a socio-economic reality older than your great-grandmother.
In the 60s and 70s when I was growing up (so really, a lot more than 20 years ago 😉), my parents worked side by side in the workplace. And neither one of them was "dull" or "lazy" or "rigid." They were partners.
That's my ideal family--loving parents, partners, aunts, uncles, etc., (of whatever sex: M/F, M/M, F/F, and any combo of non-binary adults), working cooperatively to raise healthy, self-assured, intelligent children.
You don't need to worry about changing gender roles because the world is a very big place with a lot of wonderful diversity. You will definitely be able to find a partner who shares your values, traditional or progressive or anywhere in-between.
That's the really wonderful thing about secular, multicultural societies: no one is going to force you to live according to their values as long as you don't try to make them live by yours.